Kamis, 02 Agustus 2007

Chrono Trigger Endings Walkthrough

Chrono Trigger

One of my favourite things about Chrono Trigger is the multiple endings you can get. So, here they are in chronological order:

Programmers Room
There are two ways to get this ending, the second I'll mention later. When you first get to Lucca's sideshow, head straight for
the right telepod without talking to anyone. Use it and you'll find yourself facing Lavos. You had best try this in New Game +
or you won't stand a chance. Once you defeat Lavos, you end up at the End of Time. Everyone there represents a member of the
Chrono Trigger production team, but remember, this isn't exactly like the End of Time in the game. You can walk through some of
the walls so make sure to talk to everyone; some of it's really funny.

Bestiality Is Best Left Alone
Defeat Lavos via the telepod as soon as you get back from 600AD. As Marle walks around the Millennial Fair, people keep commenting
on her costume. When you get back to Guardia Castle, the King says he's found a 400-year-old wedding video and it shows Frog
marrying Queen Leene! It turns out that Marle is really a Frog!!!!!

The Chase
Defeat Lavos via the bucket when you first get to the End of Time. During the credits a Nu and a Ribbit are chasing each other
around, performing various silly antics. above it. Not particularly funny but I still got it for novelty's sake.

Tata the Zero
Defeat Lavos AFTER Tata is mistaken for the hero but BEFORE you get the Hero Medal from him. The first scene shows Robo and Atropos
in front of Leene Bell. The next scene shows Tata sitting on the throne with King GuardiaandLeene standing around. Tata jumps off
the throne and you see him running through Magus' Castle, only for him to find Crono, Marle, and Lucca laughing at him.

Life, Or Something Like It
Defeat Lavos after you get the Hero Medal from Tata, but before getting the Dreamstone from 65,000,000BC. During the credits,
there are a number of clips of scenes with the various characters. Most are about scenes that you wouldn't see and characters
you haven't met: Crono, Marle, and Lucca coming out of the closet in the monster village; KinoandAyla chasing Reptites; Magus
at the cove with his three henchmen; King GuardiaandQueen Leene; Frog in the Cursed Woods; and at the end, Robo running across the screen.

Scenes Of Life
Defeat Lavos after you get the Gate Key back, but before Frog joins your party. While the credits are rolling, various still
characters are displayed alone or in groups around the credits.

Defeat Lavos after the Masamune is re-forged and Frog joins you, but before you fight Magus. During the credits you see scenes
of Frog. He defeats each of Magus' fiends, and then goes after Magus himself. After the battle with Magus, you see Frog standing
a top the statue above the gate to Magus' castle.

When Lizards Ruled The World
Defeat Lavos after you defeat Magus, but before beating Azala. The opening scene is repeated, except that Crono and his Mother are
Reptites! When you go to the Millennial Fair, everyone there are Reptites as well, except for the Green Ambler, who is human. After
the credits, Azala is alone on the screen and "THE END" drops on top of her.

Defeat Lavos after you defeat Azala at the Tyrano Lair, but before you meet him in the Ocean Palace. During the credits, you see a
scene of Frog approaching Magus' statue in the Cathedral and then a number of scenes with Magus, Schala, and Janus.

Holiday Snaps
Defeat Lavos after you see Schala open the door at Zeal Palace, but before charging the pendant in the Mammon Machine. "The End"
will appear, followed by Lucca and Marle putting on a slideshow, making various comments about the men. Enter Crono and... well,
you'll just have to see for yourself. This ending is a MUST!

Programmers Room Reprise
Defeat Lavos at the Ocean Palace and see this ending. (See first ending).

Defeat Lavos without resurrecting Crono. The scene begins at the End of Time with everyone passed out on the floor. When you talk
to Gaspar, he tells everyone that the gate is closing and they have to leave. All the characters return to their respective eras,
despite Marle's pleas to help her bring Crono back. Marle arrives at the Fair, walks in the Moonlight Parade by her self. She then
sees the team members throughout the fair crowd.

When she goes back to the north part of the fair, they are all there. The other characters go back for Crono, and Marle sees her
father, who asks her to install the new bell he has made in her honour. She is carried off by the balloons while the credits roll.
She lands near a tree like the one on Death Peak, and in the distance you can see Crono coming. Marle runs towards him and the
screen fades to black.

A Curse Is Lifted
Defeat Lavos via the bucket after killing Magus and before resurrecting Crono. You end up at the Millennial Fair where the only
character you see in the middle part of the square is Lucca. When you go into the north part of the fair, the other characters
come out of the gate, except that Frog is now human and Lucca thinks he is quite a hunk! The other characters go back for Crono
while LuccaandMarle go to see the king hang the bell. They then leave on Epoch when the king gets stuck.

This is the ending you'll get if you follow the walkthrough. That is to say, resurrecting Crono, killing Magus and defeating Lavos
through the Black Omen.A soldier wakes Crono up, saying he's to be executed today. When Crono arrives at Guardia Castle, Marle
throws another hissy fit at King Guardia, but he reveals he knows the truth about what had been going on. If you let the Chancellor
out of the chest after the "Rainbow Shell" incident, he will be there; otherwise, it will be Pierre, the lawyer. Several characters
appear, such as Doan, King Guardia from 600AD and Kino, saying what the team members had done for them. Marle realizes that these
characters are her ancestors and descendants. After the Moonlight Parade at the fair, the characters assemble at the north side of
the fair grounds and leave. If you didn't crash Epoch into Lavos, then Crono's cat jumps into the time gate, followed by Crono's
mother. If you got extra cats, they all jump in together. Crono, Lucca, and Marle take the Epoch to find them. Meanwhile, the king
is stuck trying to hang the Nadia Bell. If you did crash Epoch into Lavos, then the gate closes after the team members leave. Marle,
Lucca, and Crono talk to the King, who shows them the Nadia Bell. Marle ends up holding some balloons and starts to float away.
Crono jumps on, and the two of them float away while the credits roll.

But... The Future Refused To Change
The most original of the extra endings, I really like this one. Instead of defeating Lavos, you have to lose to it. You'll see Lavos'
rise in 1999AD and the destruction of the Command Centre in Truce.

Fuzzy Screen
Turn your SNES off; simple enough. What do you mean that doesn't count?! I'll count it if I damn well want t-- *gets bitch-slapped
again* Oww! Stop hitting me! *cries*

Please bear in mind that there may be minute differences in some of the endings you'll get and the ones described here, as there
are several variables in effect like was Crono alive or dead, Magus alive or dead, did you free the Chancellor or not, did you destroy
Epoch, how many cats did you have, etc. I've included as much as I could be really bothered with. Anything else and I'd have gone insane!

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

There is a well-hidden fourteenth "ending" (I use quotation marks because it's not a full ending).

Lose to Magus in 600 AD.