Kamis, 02 Agustus 2007

Chrono Trigger Walkthrough Full

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A Chrono Trigger FAQ/Walkthrough %@###@#@@@@@###@%
Part of the Final Fantasy Chronicles %#@#@%::::::::%@###%
Written by AdrenalineSL %###@%:&:::::::::@#@#%
Version 2.1: Released January 11, 2003 #O#@%:&O::::::::::@###
Chrono Trigger? is part of the %###@%:::::::&&@###%
Final Fantasy Chronicles Collection %###@@##@@@@###%
"You got whacked cuz you're weak." ?Magus %# ©1995-2001

The very latest versions and updates can be found at GameFAQs:


If you have any questions and it has NOT already been covered in the guide or
for whatever reason you feel the odd sensation to e-mail the great author of
this FAQ, you can reach her at this e-mail address: See below.

I am under no obligation to reply to any e-mails or offer personal help, tips
and other relevant stuff. All the help I can offer is found within the
document you're reading. You must be absolutely positive that your question
is valid, otherwise I will delete your e-mail outright. However, all
compliments and hate mail are welcome (although I'd rather you not write too
nasty of a message)!!! ^_^

Contact me: toiletrabbit(at)hotmail(dot)com


Version 1.86 | April 20, 2002
After much controversy on the FAQ board concerning this guide (makes you feel
all warm and fuzzy inside), this FAQ has certainly moved up a notch in terms
of quality and accuracy. So, many thanks to Neill Morgan for helping me bring
out this update. Anyway, while I was making the amendments to this update, I
found that I had not listed all of the bosses in the Bestiary section. So
that problem has been fixed, along with the correct spellings of certain
monsters. Besides those corrections, I've also replaced the approximated HP
values of bosses with their accurate HP since the original sum was calculated
by me on a first playthrough. I hope to finally put this guide to rest unless
anything else comes to light. Thanks for reading.

Version 1.80 | March 21, 2002
After working on this update for about 7 days, I've finally finished refining
this guide. I went through the entire guide and re-wrote many portions of the
walkthrough and other aspects, including the introduction. Everything has
been re-organized. I feel that this update has improved the FAQ immensely;
possibly the best update this guide has had in the 9 months it's been up. I
originally intended to add a Charm List to the guide, but I found it to be
useless since that information has already been included with the monster
data. Instead of disposing of that document (which I worked on for about 2
hours), I've submitted as a separate file. But enough about that! Let's talk
more about the guide! Uh, there's nothing more. Thanks for reading.

Version 1.75 | February 7, 2002
Today is my one-year anniversary since the day my first FAQ had been posted.
To celebrate this momentous event, I decided to update this and a few of my
other FAQs. Yay me! Just corrected a few typos and added the last set of
songs I neglected to list in the Omake section. I guess I missed it. Anyway,
that's all for now.

Version 1.73 | January 20, 2002
For the fact that could possibly further updates, I thought it'd be a paradox
to mark it as a Final version and keep having updates roll in. Now, my guide
is renewed as Version 1.73. In this update, there's nothing new, except a few
grammar and punctuation corrections.

Final Version | January 17, 2002
I've added a very frequently asked question I've been getting too often. It's
time I settle it in here and hope that you will read the FAQ section before
e-mailing me to ask me the same question. Thanks for tuning in! There may be
more updates to come! Who knows!

FINAL Version | November 4, 2001
That's it, folks. This is all the help I can offer. While this is marked as
the Final Version, I won't hesitate to make quick appearances to correct
stupid mistakes. As always, questions, if any, are still welcome. If you have
any neat info you'd like to contribute, send it my way. I really had fun
writing this FAQ, and I find it to be my best work thus far. I just can't
seem to repeat the effort I put into this particular guide with my other FAQs
I have or will be making in the future. I sincerely thank all those who've e-
mailed me with heart-lifting comments about this guide. Thank you everyone.

Version 1.5 | October 7, 2001
A small correction by Istanbul and a new question to the FAQ. That's about it
I think.

Version 1.4 | September 13, 2001
Hey there fellow gamers! Thanks for all the helpful e-mails! It was just last
month when I suddenly got a slew of e-mails regarding CT and my FAQ. Now that
the madness is over, I've finally found the time to update the guide, yet
again! And this time, with a new section ("Tab Locations") upon request. Also
new in this version are some reader contributions (Thanks!). That's pretty
much about it...Oh, and I also cleaned out some errors and appended somewhat
to the walkthrough. Ok, this is Adrenaline signing off! Ciao!

Version 1.25 | August 11, 2001
Nothing really. Just stopped to drop in and fix some spelling errors as well
as add a little note to clear up some confusion about Lara's password. Oh,
and I just fixed the ASCII art at the top since someone notified me (Thanks
AJGuitar13 for telling me!) that I spelled "Chrono" incorrectly.

Version 1.2 | August 4, 2001
It's been 2 weeks, I think, since I've updated this sucker. Reading the whole
Thing again last night irked me since I found so many spelling and grammar
errors. I just finished reading (without using a program) the entire guide to
fix up any mix-ups and other stuff. It's not guaranteed that the FAQ is free
of errors, but major ones have been corrected. I also added some neat info.
people have been sending me. Thanks guys! On an unrelated note, I've decided
to drop a Spoiler Section for the time being. I may waver back to my original
plan and finish it, but I've gotten lazy. Tell me what you think. Do you need
a Spoiler Section?

Version 1.1 | July 21, 2001
During the course of the day, I've worked my butt off and with the help of
some friends, I've completed the whole guide. Although, I think I still need
a Norstein Bekkler's Lab compendium, but that's nothing to worry about!
Again, I haven't run the spell check yet, so spelling mistakes are abound! I
need to give my fingers a rest for awhile. Don't expect another update until
about a week! I've also re-arranged some sentences and other stuff.

Version 1.0 | July 19, 2001
Everything is finished, but I will play the game several times just to patch
up any holes and make affirmations. Although, the spoiler section is still
under construction since I have used my valued Chrono Trigger time taking
notes for the rest of the guide. I also need to get all the endings so I
could share my unreliable brain power with you. This is the initial release
of the FAQ, so please don't make a fuss about it until the next update. I
haven't run the spell check yet, so spelling mistakes and possible grammar
errors are abound. Love and Peace!


There are possible defects in some Final Fantasy Chronicle packages. Accord-
ing to a reliable source, the first batch of FFC packages that were shipped
do contain defective discs of both games. However, the chances of this
happening to you are 1 of 10. If you happen to be that unlucky person, I feel
for you, man. Actually, you should try it on all your Playstations (Ie PSOne,
PS2, etc). Some, according to a few people, work on PS2's while others work
on the PSOne, and for others, it doesn't work. Period. As for me, both discs
work fine on both my PSX and PS2. I'm just that cool. But uh, this message
was supposed to remind you to always keep your receipt...or something.

Solid Examples as such:


After first trip to the end of time. After returning to 1000 AD to
investigate and was referred to Magus as the CREATOR of Lavos. I ventured
through Guardia's Castle and learned that Tata (false Hero) was looking for
the Masamune. Before going to Zenan Bridge, I visited and defeated Lavos.

When I defeated Lavos, I saw the "Legendary Hero Ending". Robo and Atropos is
in NeoLeene Square, re-enacting Crono's and Marle's fateful first encounter.
Then you see Tata at Guardia's Castle (600 AD ? Middle Ages) and goes off to
Magus's Lair.

After going through the PlayStation Version Credits and was taken to the Save
System File screen, I noticed that it still read as "Ending #05 Good Night(Nu
trying to sleep and bothered by a Tap'ole)."

For a secondary confirmation, I tried saving the system file only to find
that it did save as the Ending #05 Data.

Thanks to Rex Fabros for this bug.

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| Table of Contents |

Use Ctrl + F to possibly find what you're looking for. Thanks for your lovely

I. Preliminary Events
o Introduction to this Guide
o Introduction to this Game
II. Game Engine
o Controls
o Developing Your Party's Strength
o Finding Hidden/Obvious Items
o The Combat System
o Dual/Triple Techs
o Status Effects
III. Characters
o Single Techs
o Double Techs
o Triple Techs
IV. Walkthrough
o Side Quests
V. New Game+ Engine
o Extra Endings
o Extra Mode (Omake)
VI. Bestiary
o Normal Enemies
o Bosses
VII. Weapon/Armor/Accessory List
o Weapons
o Armor
o HeadGear
o Accessories
VIII. Item List
o Helpful Items
o Key Items
o Tab Locations
o Sealed Chests/Doors
IX. Shop List
X. Soundtrack List
o Disc One
o Disc Two
o Disc Three
XI. Frequently Asked Questions
XII. Legal Stuff
XIII. Outro
o Credits, Plugs and Extra Junk
o Contributor Credits
o Closing Statement

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| I. Preliminary Events |

Introduction to this Guide

This Chrono Trigger guide serves as the ultimate Chrono Trigger resource that
combines quality content and an innovative text formatting for ease of
navigation. Each event written in this guide does contain story spoilers. The
intent was not to plant even an iota of spoilers within the walkthrough.
However, as dumb as this author is, she may have let a few (minor, if not
fairly major) slip by without her knowing it. As with most other guides, this
FAQ strives to act as the near perfect reference for when you get stuck or
just want to pick up all the goodies you've missed on your first playthrough.

This isn't (hopefully) a strict walkthrough in the sense of a "run right and
run some more" set of instructions. You will have a blast, experiencing the
sensation of this epic adventure on your own, rather than letting me drone on
and on about meaningless stuff. My purpose here is to just show you the path,
and you're on your own from there until you come across another fork in the
road (Pick it up ^_^). Take advice only when you are totally stumped.

With the help of this guide, you should be able to finish Chrono Trigger in a
good 20 to 25 hours of gameplay. Unless, you really enjoy exploring, possibly
even 40 hours. However, if you play too much at once, there is a possibility
you might get brain cancer. :) So, it's very wise to play a little at a time
to fully digest the story of Chrono Trigger.

For your convenience and greater precision, I have diligently listed the area
contents--as in what monsters, items and equipment you are to find in each.
I've also added a shop list at the end of each town visited. And remember, I
make no promises as to the degree of spoilers thrown at you against your
will. Finally, I hope you all find my work helpful; the only benefactor here
is my miserable lack of life. Pip, pip.

Introduction to this Game

We'd have to admit, the announcement of a Final Fantasy Chronicles due out in
the summer was a bit sudden, but why would we want to complain? It's Chrono
Trigger and Final Fantasy IV (II in the US) we're talking about! Sure, it may
just very well be another mediocre-adjusted, synthesized game. However, from
past experiences with Chrono Trigger, it has been suspected that there have
been no significant changes we can't revere. This duplicated version has just
been revamped with anime sequences portraying the flow of the fabulous story.
Although an exact replica of the original game, RPG players like DaLadiesMan
and I have been eagerly awaiting for this title to finally port over to the
Playstation. Now, that the boys at Square Japan have gotten over their
monopolization of the PSX Chrono Trigger, they have finally plucked up enough
sense to localize it. They are doing something right for once!

The Playstation version of Chrono Trigger was released in Japan just in time
before the Christmas shopping frenzy (November 2, 1999). It's been that long,
already. Now, it's been two years and finally, fortunate oversea dwellers can
finally, and once again, join an unforgettable adventure with Crono, Marle,
Lucca and the gang through a world of turmoil and antagonism.

Chrono Trigger involves story themes of time travel, whereas Chrono Cross was
comprised of dimension hopping. It's a frantic adventure to stop the
inevitable apocalypse from emerging onto the surface world. You will meet new
allies that range from prehistoric times to a futuristic period that depicted
the aftermath of the conflagration. It's up to Crono and co. to save the day
and prevent this atrocity from happening. Can they really change the fate of
the world? We're about to find out.

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| II. Game Engine |

This section introduces the player to the style and unique game play features
of Chrono Trigger. It is up to you whether you want to master the system or
not before overcoming the game. I will provide you with concise tutorials
that focus on the main themes of the game. These topics are designed to get
you over that learning curve more quickly--none too brain-exhausting. If you
have never played a RPG before, never fear; the terminology is simple, and
you are statistically likely to adapt to the gist of things quickly,
especially since you're on the web and happened upon this page by searching
for "I SUCK AT CHRONO TRIGGER". Enough yappin', get crackin'!

_ _ _ _ _ __________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Controls |_|_|_|_|_|_|

Directional Buttons - Character/Cursor movement
Left Analog Stick - Not used
Right Analog Stick - Not used

Triangle Button - Open command menu
Cross Button - Confirm selections/Action button
Square Button - Open Character exchange screen
Circle Button - Cancel selections

L1 Button - Escape from battle (L1+R1)
L2 Button - Not used
R1 Button - Escape from battle (L1+R1)
R2 Button - Not used

Start Button - Pause game


After many battles with enemies, you should notice that your party receives a
certain amount of experience points (EXP.), tech points (TP), and gold (G).
These numbers are not meaningless, for they help augment the current stats if
it reaches the required total amount of points. Experience points are used to
increase the level of a character. When the character reaches the next level,
his stats, including strength, defense, speed, etc. will increase
systematically. After every time he moves up a level, the amount of required
points will increase as well, making it more difficult to level up. That is
the true essence of a RPG.

The key to making your characters more powerful is to fight and defeat _all_
the enemies in the area. You may not know this, but the game's system is set
out this way. There is a fixed amount of enemies in each dungeon/area that
can help you level up by the time you complete a dungeon. Although monsters
re-spawn after re-entering the area again, it's still a system to consider.


Keep a sharp eye out for any suspicious-looking objects. If you find it out
of place, like a mango lodged in a rice field, most of time, it's a
camouflaged chest. There are, however, some chests that take a little
perseverance to access, although many of them can be retrieved at later parts
of the game. These chests can contain various items such as armor, weapons,
accessories, and important or rare items. The chests that contain rare gems
are usually partially hidden or difficult to access.

In a New Game+, all the treasure chests you've already pillaged will return
to their spots and will be ripe for the picking once again. It's good to have
duplicates of one or more items. On a second playthrough, you may be able to
find chests you've never thought possible. It's important to keep a sharp eye
out while exploring towns and dungeons, as these places are riddled with many
hearty treasures.


The most important aspect of the entire game (well, besides the story) is the
combat system. Without it, the game can become a little monotonous. When the
lead character (Crono) comes in contact with the visible monsters, the game
switches on the battle engine, in which each character draws his weapon and
prepares himself for a battle.

Although you may be familiar with the basic RPG battle system, Chrono Trigger
features a unique style of fighting. It requires careful balancing of
attacks, tech skills, healing and defense. It's imperative that you don't
just engage in a battle uninitiated. First, there is the layout of the
command menu. Allow me to provide you with a visual aid to help you better
understand it.

_____________________________ ___________________________________________
| A. | | | B. HP MP C. |
|-> Att. |-> Att. |-> Att. | Bob 999 : 99 (================) |
| Comb | Comb. | Comb. | Bobby 999 : 99 (================) |
| Item | Item | Item | George 999 : 99 (================) |

That's your basic command alignment. At the start of the fight, characters
will not stand in one line like Final Fantasy. Instead, the characters will
stand in positions that end up encompassing the opposing party unless
ambushed. Also, Chrono Trigger doesn't exhibit a cheap "whack fest", wherein
they deliver a nasty poke to their foe and return. There's a unique, cartoon-
ish motif to it.

So what do the letters mean? I'm getting to that part.

"A" : When the active time bar fills, the character's bar that
filled up will be given a chance to act. While you
decide what you want him to do, that character will
remain stationary until the player has confirmed a

"B" : Those numbers indicate the remaining amount of Hit
Points and Magic Points each character has. The names
above are ones I made up; don't be fooled by them.

"C" : That is the active time bar. Depending upon how fast the
character is, the bar can fill up slowly or in an
instant. The character will remain inactive until the
the bar is fully filled.

While you can be content with just using physical attacks, the developers of
this game purposely set up a system to allow you to use magic known as techs
and these neat powerful attacks called tech skills. Each character has innate
abilities that become available to you as that character levels up or when a
special situation arises and grants him his powers.


After reaching a certain power level, a character can learn new tech skills.
Tech skills are powerful magic attacks that utilize the power hidden within
each character. The point? As each character gains tech skill after tech
skill, two required tech skills of two specific characters can be defined.
For example, Crono's Cyclone must be in synthesis with Frog's Slurp Cut to
perform the X-Strike, an attack that leaves the trail of a X. This tech skill
is unique to Crono and Frog only. Both must participate in battle in order
for it to be properly executed. Sounds confusing, doesn't it? It's not. It's
only because I made it sound that way.

To perform these dual techs, you must wait until the required characters are
all active and ready to strike. The command Comb. replaces Tech; this is when
you know a dual tech is now available.

Not just dual techs, there's also the Triple tech--a system that derives from
dual techs. The only difference is that, as its name implies, three
characters are needed to perform the triple tech properly. There are many
possible combinations to try with the seven characters. You know, trial and
error. Or if you want to show off as the Chrono Trigger expert on your block,
you can steal a look at the chart I've provided and say you discovered them
on your own, you cheap bastard.


While playing through the game, you have probably encountered certain enemies
that have the ability to inflict various status effects that pose a dangerous
threat to your party. The effects of these status ailments often hamper or
outright block your character's abilities to fight to their full potential.
Enemies will try to react intelligently to status ailments, either on you or
on themselves. Fortunately, there's a panacea to every one of these ailments.

Enemies will view the maintaining of these status ailments as a priority, and
there are certain status effects (ones that the enemy has cast upon itself,
specifically) you cannot undo. Regardless, all status ailments will vanish
when the battle ends.

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| III. Characters |

Unlike Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger offers a fixed set of party members you
can recruit, which is 7, respectfully. However, don't let the number deceive
you. Their personalities and backgrounds aren't nearly as insipid. They
actually portray more emotional countenance than the myriad of characters in
Chrono Cross.


He seems to look young enough to wield a wooden sword and old enough to take
on an adventure only you and he will experience together, along side of his
other companions. The worldwide quest looks too big of a job for little Crono
to perceive by himself. Never fear, with his affable manner, Crono can be
befriended easily. Sure enough, he meets a couple of companions that are
willing to throw their lives away just to be travel buddies and to save the
fate of mankind from Lavos. Although his dialogue is never shown in the game,
his buddies interact with him as though he had said something. This audacious
warrior, always thirsting for adventure is about to have a taste of his fill.
An all-around good fighter.


Lucca and Crono have been friends for who knows how long, and they are not
about to let some flaw in her Time machine invention come between them. Being
the daughter of an ill-struck mother and a renowned goofball inventor, Lucca
has devoted herself to the study of science and technology. Her brilliant
mind will come in handy many times to get the party out of sticky situations.
Although she's not the best of a fighter, her fire magic is effective against
some bosses and helps conjure some of the best Dual Techs in the game. Yowza!


Not just a blonde chick, but THE blonde chick. She is the daughter of a royal
family. She happened upon Crono at the Millennial Fair, the same day she had
snuck out of the castle. There is some uncanny connection with her pendant
and the Teleporter that had transported her elsewhere, and later Crono, to a
world that had existed hundreds of years ago. Why was she sent there? Why
does she look like Bulma?* All valid questions. But enough with them, I
forgot to mention a few of her attributes: Well, she's pretty proficient with
her bow, but she is reserved for the title, "magic user". Preferably, use her
magic whenever you need to pry yourself out of a jam. The Ice element is also
considered as Water.

* : Yes, I know she looks like Bulma because the character creations were by
the famous Akira Toriyama of the Dragonball series. Stop telling me!


The former benevolent knight, now a gallant, archaic-tongue speaking frogman.
Literally. He's a life-size talking frog. Nothing strange there, right? Of
course not. Apparently, he was transformed into a "human frog" by a powerful,
notorious magician known as Magus. At first, he's apathetic to joining Crono
on his quest, but finally sees through Crono's true intentions and decides to
join him under the name of Cyrus! He's a great ally to have and has powerful
attacks. He also does the fabulous X-Strike double tech with Crono, which is
easily one of the most useful double techs in the game.


There are many oddities we'll never understand in this game. What now? Nothin
but a talking robot that has been recovered from beyond damage, thanks to our
Lucca. Founded by Lucca in the year 2300 AD, Robo is indebted to Lucca for
repairing his circuitry. He joins the party just for the heck of it. Oh, and
because Lucca is a nice lady. His initial objective was to annihilate all
humans and leave no remnants of them, but while repairing Robo, Lucca managed
to erase that horrific mission from his database. Now, Robo is a good-willed
robot that's willing to help those in need. He can be a good fighter once you
equip him with stronger weapons. Not the most reliable character, but he is
one of the few characters that comes equipped with Shadow-based abilities.


A mysterious woman who rescued the party from a horde of vicious reptiles at
their first confrontation at Mystic Mountain in the year B.C. 65,000,000. She
communicates with them by putting a few words together, forming a barely
coherent sentence, but still comprehensible. She hails from Ioka Village--one
of the two existing villages in this time period. Her village, along with the
neighboring village is currently at war with an advanced civilization of
humanoid dinosaurs called Reptites. While Ayla is strong, she, unfortunately,
wields no weapons, but rather, she packs quite a punch with those iron fists
o' hers. As she and the party develops, she attains more powerful fists.
Shortly after their first meeting, Ayla invites the flustered party to her
village, where the troubles had no beginning and no end.


In the beginning, Magus only goads and taunts you with his magic, and evolves
into a formidable opponent for your party to handle. However, it turns out
that he is actually trying to exact his revenge on Lavos, under the pretense
of destroying humanity in order to form a pact with the Mystic Race (who are
in conflict with the human race). He comes packed with incredibly powerful
magic attacks and is probably the strongest character in the game, if not the
single most useful character.

_ _ _ _ _ ________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Single |_|_|_|_|_|_|
|/_/_/_/_/_/ Techs /_/_/_/_/_/_/

Cyclone 1 Does damage to all enemies in range.
Slash 2 Slashes through a line of enemies.
Spin Cut 4 Targets and damages to one opponent.
Confuse 12 Attacks enemies with confuse 4x.
Lightning 1 Lightning-based attack to enemy.
Lightning 2 8 Strengthen Lightning-based attack.
Life 10 Revives a fallen character.
Luminaire 20 Targets and damages all opponents.

Flame Toss 1 Ignites a flame that damages one line.
Hypno Wave 1 Afflicts Sleep status to all foes.
Napalm 3 Does damage to all enemies in range.
Mega Bomb 15 Does damage to all enemies in range.
Fire 2 Fire-Based damage to one foe.
Protect 6 Temporarily raises physical DEF.
Fire 2 8 Strengthen Fire attack.
Flare 20 Strengthened version of Mega Bomb.

Aura 1 Restores HP from a range of 200-500.
Provoke 1 Afflicts Confusion status.
Ice 2 Does Ice-Based damage to one foe.
Cure 2 Restores HP from a range of 200-700.
Haste 6 Speeds character movement.
Ice 2 8 Strengthened Ice-Based attack.
Cure 2 5 Strengthened cure.
Life 2 15 Revives/heals fallen characters.

| ROBO |
Rocket Punch 1 Physical attack to one foe.
Cure Beam 2 Restores HP from a range of 200-500.
Laser Spin 3 Shadow-based damage to all opponents.
Heal Beam 3 Restores HP from a range of 100-400.
Robo Tackle 4 Knocks down a single opponent.
Uzzi Punch 12 Unleashes a frenzy of attacks.
Area Bomb 14 Does damage to all enemies in range.
Shock 17 Lightning-based attack to all enemies.

| FROG |
Slurp 1 Recovers a certain amount of HP.
Slurp Cut 2 Grab enemy and slice 'n' dice him.
Leap Slash 4 A vertical slash from the air.
Frog Squash 15 Strength increases with low HP.
Water 2 Water-based damage to the enemy.
Heal 2 Restores moderate HP to all allies.
Cure2 5 Fully restores character's HP.
Water2 8 Strengthened water-based damage.

| AYLA |
Kiss 1 Restores HP of an ally.
Rollo Kick 2 A spiral motion vertical kick.
Cat Attack 3 An attack frenzy.
Rock Throw 4 Lifts enemies up and hurls them down.
Charm 4 Steals items.
Tail Spin 10 Wind-based damage to the enemy.
Dino Tail 15 Strength increases with low HP.
Triple Kick 20 A fury kicking frenzy.

Fire2 8 Powerful Fire-based damage.
Ice2 8 Powerful Ice-based damage.
Lightning2 8 Powerful Lightning-based damage.
Dark Bomb 8 Shadow-based damage to enemy.
Magic Wall 8 Raise a shield for limited time.
Dark Mist 10 Group Shadow-based attack.
Black Hole 15 Chances of instant death.
Dark Matter 20 Powerful group Shadow-based attack.

_ _ _ _ _ ________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Dual |_|_|_|_|_|_|
|/_/_/_/_/_/ Techs /_/_/_/_/_/_/

Fire Whirl 2 / 1 Cyclone with added fire.
Fire Sword 4 / 2 Spin Cut with added fire.
Fire Sword2 12 / 8 Powerful variation of FireSword

Aura Whirl 2 / 1 Cyclone with added Aura.
Ice Sword 4 / 2 Spin Cut with added Ice.
Ice Sword2 12 / 8 Powerful variation of IceSword.

X-Strike 2 / 2 Leaves an "X" trail on screen.
SwordStream 4 / 2 SpinCut and Water combined.
Spire 8 / 4 Lightning2/Leap Slash combined.

Drill Kick 2 / 2 Sends Ayla for a deathblow.
Volt Bite 2 / 3 Lightning-based attack.
Falcon Hit 4 / 4 Speed slashes through a line.

Rocket Roll 2 / 3 Powerful physical attack.
Max Cyclone 4 / 3 Stronger variation of Cyclone.
Super Volt 8 / 17 Lightning2 and Shock combined.

Fire Punch 2 / 1 Rocket Punch and Fire combined.
Fire Tackle 8 / 4 Fire-based physical attack.
Double Bomb 15 / 14 Shadow and Fire-based attack.

Flame Kick 2 / 2 A Fire-based physical attack.
Fire Whirl 8 / 10 Works like FireWhirl with Crono
Blaze Kick 8 / 20 Triple Kick and Fire2 combined.

Antipode 2 / 2 Ice and Fire combined.
Antipode2 8 / 8 Stronger variation of Antipode.
Antipode3 8 / 20 Stronger variation of Antipode2

Ice Water 2 / 2 Ice and water combined.
Glacier 8 / 8 Ice2 and Water2 combined.
Double Cure 5 / 5 Restores all HP to all allies.

Twin Charm 1 / 4 Increases the "Mug" rate.
Ice Toss 2 / 4 Ice and Rock Throw combined.
Cube Toss 8 / 4 Stronger variation of Ice Toss.

Aura Beam 1 / 2 Restores HP of all allies.
Ice Tackle 2 / 4 Ice-Based physical attack.
Cure Touch 5 / 3 Fully restores HP of all allies

Red Pin 4 / 2 Throws a wall of ember.
Line Bomb 4 / 15 Fire-based damage to one line.
Frog Flare 15 / 20 Flare and Frog Squash combined.

Blade Toss 2 / 3 Vertical slash from the air.
Bubble Snap 2 / 4 Encase Robo in a bubble.
Cure Wave 5 / 3 Fully restores HP of all allies

Slurp Kiss 1 / 1 Counters negative status.
Bubble Hit 2 / 2 Encase Ayla in a bubble.
Drop Kick 4 / 20 Leap Slash/Triple Kick combined

Spin Kick 4 / 2 Robo Tackle/Rollo Kick combined
Boogie 4 / 4 Casts "Stop" on all enemies.
Beast Toss 12 / 4 Tosses enemy around and down.

_ _ _ _ _ ________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Triple |_|_|_|_|_|_|
|/_/_/_/_/_/ Techs /_/_/_/_/_/_/

It seems that a lot of people have trouble using certain Triple Techs. There
are two main conditions that are needed to be met in order to muster up
specific triple techs. First, you need the individual tech skills from each
of the three characters that are required to enact the triple tech. In most
cases, that's enough to execute the triple tech skill. However, in special
circumstances, the aid of an unique rock to invoke the skill is necessary.
Therefore, you need _both_ the individual tech skills _and_ the rock equipped
on one of the characters.

To clear up some confusion, I'm going to list the tech skills that are
required from each character for each triple tech.

Characters MP Required From Each Tech Skills Target Triple Tech
Crono 2 Cyclone Single 3D Attack
Frog 2 Slurp Cut
Ayla 20 Triple Kick
Crono 4 Spincut Single Arc Impulse
Frog 4 Leap Slash
Marle 8 Ice2
Marle 8 Ice2 All Dark Eternal
Lucca 8 Fire2 (Black Rock)
Magus 20 Dark Matter
Crono 8 Lightning2 All Delta Force
Marle 8 Ice2
Lucca 8 Fire2
Crono 8 Lightning2 All Delta Storm
Lucca 8 Fire2
Frog 8 Water2
Crono 8 Lightning2 Single Final Kick
Marle 8 Ice2
Ayla 20 Triple Kick
Crono 4 Spincut Range Fire Zone
Lucca 8 Fire2
Robo 3 Laser Spin
Crono 8 Lightning2 Single Gatling Kick
Lucca 8 Fire2
Ayla 20 Triple Kick
Marle 15 Life2 All Grand Dream
Frog 15 Frog Squash (Gold Rock)
Robo 3 Laser Spin
Crono 2 Lightning All Lifeline
Marle 15 Life2
Robo 3 Heal Beam
Lucca 20 Flare All Omega Flare
Robo 3 Laser Spin (Blue Rock)
Magus 8 Dark Bomb
Marle 1 Provoke All Poyozo Dance
Lucca 1 Hypno Wave (White Rock)
Ayla 10 Triple Kick
Robo 4 Robo Tackle Single Spin Strike
Frog 4 Leap Slash (Silver Rock)
Ayla 10 Tail Spin
Crono 2 Cyclone Single Triple Raid
Frog 2 Slurp Cut
Robo 4 Robo Tackle
Crono 2 Cyclone All Twister
Robo 3 Laser Spin
Ayla 10 Tail Spin

- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -
| IV. Walkthrough |

Just a few notes before you play:

* This walkthrough's purpose is to not guide you strictly, step by step at
every potential "dangerous" zone, but to light your path. You will find that
I have not gone into too much detail trying to explain how to get any one
item, unless it takes some doing. If the item is just there, overt to view,
and you miss it, you're a moron and you shouldn't even be playing this game.
Go home.

* The names of the attacks I've provided with each boss strategy are names I
have made up based on the context of the attack. Most attacks are not named,
therefore, a lot of the names are inane, made-up attacks by me. You're

* The degree of spoilers in this guide have been compressed to my ability. I
did summarize minor events of the story, so it's safe to read the whole FAQ
if you wish. Although I may have been unable to contain myself and let the
spoilers loose. Needless to say, just be cautious.

* If this is your first time reading the FAQ and you're looking for something
specific, you'll find that it is rather difficult to do that since I've not
specified the location, era, etc. Instead, they're substituted by catchy (or
sort-of catchy) titles.

* If you feel the need to use this walkthrough, please stick with this same
walkthrough the whole game through. If you like "FAQ-hopping" you'll find it
difficult to follow up where you've left off with this guide.

* Please remember that I'm not a perfectionist. Thus, I probably don't have
_every_ single item you can get in each area. So, I ask you as the readers
to help my helpless soul. You can send just about anything that you think is

* A tip for the wise. Since this game is based on time traveling. What you do
in the past _does_ affect the future. Therefore, if you see a chest, pick it
up in the future, and come back to the past?-the item is still there!
However, this doesn't work for everything. The treasures from the past,
present and future differ somewhat. And some areas aren't accessible in some
time periods.

* Finally, enjoy your experience at an AdrenalineSL walkthrough. Have a nice
day, son.


Before our story unfolds, the game offers two options: Active or Wait. Well,
what on earth does that mean? Those two options pertain to what type of
combat you would like. Still lost? Then let's discuss the difference between
the two. Active is a system which allows the player to battle in real-time
mode, meaning, that it's not turn-based. The enemies will not sit and allow
you to take eons to select a command. They will attack no matter what. A
perfect example would be Final Fantasy's ATB battle system. You'd have to be
quick with your choices or you're toast.

Whereas, the Wait combat system allows you to exchange attacks with current
adversaries. This is recommended for tyros and first-timers at this game.
That way, you won't be pressured to make a choice to attack. Whatever your
choice, it won't affect the game, except the type of combat system you will

=====================================================| None |
? Name your character (Default: Crono) |=======================
? Name the inventor friend (Default: Lucca) | ITEMS |
? Meet and name a new ally (Default: Marle) | 200G |
? Speak with Melchior |=======================
? Rendezvous with Lucca at the square | EQUIPMENT |
| None |

Our quest begins at Crono's house, where we see him sleeping soundly in bed.
His mom approaches him and tells him to wake up. Crono sleepily and
reluctantly gets out of bed and heads downstairs. Downstairs, Crono's mother
will have forgotten your inventor friend's name. Here, you'll be asked to
name her. Once the conversation has ended, speak to your mother for a second
time to receive your weekly allowance--[200G].

Time to head out and have fun at the fair. Travel north from your house to
reach the Millennial Fair.

From the entrance, you can already see a load of stands and funhouses for you
to choose from. The carnival is bustling with people. You can sense warmth in
the atmosphere as the place fills with sporadic laughter of children. The
people here won't give you the time of day, so don't bother. Unless you speak
with the vendors selling weapons and other money-hungry people, there's no
one else to talk to. Among the activities, you have a variety to choose from.
Here's a quick chart of what there is to do to digress from the story.

| | Approach the man and play his game. It's not |
| | rigged so it's OK, I suppose. When the game |
| | begins, Crono will begin to move in a vertical |
| The bell-ringing game | motion. The point of this game is to hit the |
| | bell hard enough to ring the bell above. If |
| | successful, Crono will be awarded with 1 point.|
| | You can do this as many times as you'd like. |
| | In the northwestern clearing, you will come |
| | across a singing robot. He introduces himself |
| The singing fighter, | as Gato and challenges you to a fight. You can |
| Gato | use Marle as well, if you have her. He is not |
| | utterly difficult. He just has a tendency to do|
| | more damage to you. :) Win, and you'll receive |
| | 15 Silver Points, as well as the needed EXP. |
| | As the name implies, you'll need to have really|
| | quick fingers to pull this off. On the table |
| | are 8 soda cans. To win, you must chug all 8 |
| Soda Guzzling Contest | pops in a very limited amount of time. Sounds |
| | simple? It's not. Mashing won't help either. |
| | There's a trick to it. Can you figure it out? |
| | Norstein Bekkler is a talking gimp mask that'll|
| | goad you to try out any of his mini-games; but |
| | to play them, you'll need to exchange Silver |
| Norstein Bekkler's Lab | Points: 10, 40, or 80. The higher it costs, the|
| | harder the game and better the prize. I'll go |
| | into more detail later, or maybe never. |
| | Speak with the man in the blue tent after the |
| | race is over. He'll ask if you want to guess |
| | who the winner of the race will be. Can you |
| Guess the Winner! | anticipate it? Possibly. Here's the secret: |
| | Speak with the elderly man near the starting |
| | line. Although his conjectures break even, it |
| | will sometimes help you win. Try it out and |
| | take 20 Silver Points home with you. |
| | In the northeastern part of Leene's Square, |
| | you hear strange beats. You can dance here and|
| | listen to the discordant music, although it |
| Prehistoric Dancing | ain't bad, just scary. Push any button to make |
| | Crono and Marle dance and stuff. Jive for 30 |
| | minutes and you get...nothing. |

| Silver Points is the currency exchange that can only be made at the fair.|

Now that you've got a fill of fun, it's time to revert to the story. Ok, from
here on out, you need to find and trigger events before the subsequent event
with Lucca will ensue. So let's meet our first additional party member.

Head to the top of Leene's Square to find a young girl wandering around. You
can deliberately run into her, or vice versa. When you and the girl collide,
she loses her pendant and frantically searches for it. Regain control of the
chap, Crono, and bring the pendant to her. You're supposed to give it back,
you thief! You now have a chance to name her something inane, but her default
is Marle.

Listen up, now. The actions you perform from here are essential to the later
repercussions. Screw up and you die (Well, not really, but it does have the
effect to grasp your attention, eh?). The point is to try and be the best lil
samaritan you can be by:

A. Leading the stray cat from the west portion of the market to the opposite
side and returning it to its owner.
B. Challenging Gato to a quick duel and win.
C. Speaking with Melchior, the weapons store owner. He asks if you're willing
to sell Marle's pendant. Refuse his offer.
D. Never taking the luncheon from the table, although it's very enticing to
do so. You will be considered a thief if you do that and you don't want
that status, do you?

Follow my advice and you should be fine for the time being. It's time to meet
with Lucca and see what the hooey is all about. Speak with the girl resting
near the water fountain. The stairs to Lucca's location are now accessible.
When Marle goes off to buy candy, be a patient gentleman until she's done
(See: Don't move a muscle!).

At the top, witness the pyrotechnic display Lucca and her father entertain
the crowd with. Introducing their newest invention, the Teleporter! By
dreadful misfortune, Crono must act as her first victim, er...I mean
volunteer. Marle has enough brains to observe from afar. Lucca takes Crono
and positions him on the left pod. After some bizarre rituals from the Lucca
family team, Crono disappears and re-appears on the opposite pod. Of course,
the crowd is utterly baffled by this performance. Is it a hoax? Now, Marle
wants to try it out!

| You can actually skip Crono's performance by speaking with Marle before |
| you step onto the pod. |

Everything is flowing along swell until a huge dimensional opening splits the
space in two, sucking Marle into it. A hush falls over the crowd and Crono is
the first to react. It seems that Marle's pendant distorted the functions of
the teleporter. As soon as Crono steps onto the pod, Lucca goes berserk, but
eventually gives in. She tells you to wait for her until she figures out
exactly what went wrong. Crono gets drawn into the same wormhole and
disappears from Leene's Square. And thus, a whole new adventure awaits. Can
you contravene with time?

Leene's Square places:
- None

Leene's Square Shops:
Iron Blade 350G Raises attack by 7.
Lode Sword 4000G Raises attack by 20.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Karate Gi 300G Raises defense by 10.
Bronze Helmet 200G Raises defense by 8.

=====================================================| BlueImps |
? Find a way out of Truce Canyon | Rolys |
? Enter the Castle | RolyRiders |
? Something different about the queen | BlueEaglets |
? Where's Marle? | GreenImps |
? Make deductions and save the real queen! |=======================
| Tonic x2 |
| Ether |
Crono arrives at what seems to be the edge of a | Power Tab |
forest. The wormhole will remain, so take note | Shelter |
of that before your departure. Leave through the |=======================
western opening. | EQUIPMENT |
| PowerGlove |
Empty the chests in the next area for a [TONIC] | BronzeMail |
and a [POWER GLOVE]. At this state you should know |______________________|
to use Tonics sparingly. You can avoid the last
fight at the bottom with the two Imps and a Roly, if
you quietly hug the south border of the screen and slip through to the exit.
You might want to equip that PowerGlove you found on Crono.

Things are well...different, even the overworld theme. Something's fishy. You
can stop by the Residence areas and Truce Inn if you wish to stock up on
items. That is, if you have any money. However, your destination is the green
bushy area before the conspicuous castle further west called Guardia Forest.

| Did you know if you walked by monsters quietly they will not attack you |
| unless you provoke them? Try it if you don't like going through battles. |

Navigating through Guardia forest is simple, but you will encounter a couple
of hostile battles along the way, but nothing you can't handle at this point.
Investigate the suspicious rustling leaves for a pig-like creature to pop out
and drop a [SHELTER]. You can re-enter and do this as many times as you'd
like. Now, you don't have to waste 150G on Shelter anymore! :) In the
southeastern area of the forest are two glowing dots, inspect the upper one
to receive a [POWER TAB]. To the north is the pathway to the castle.

Inside, two soldiers stop you and ask your name. They mention your hair look-
ing a bit outlandish. After scoffing at you for your strange appearance, the
queen comes to your aid and orders them to let you through. Somehow she looks
vaguely familiar. There is a place for you to recover your health to the left
of the room.

The Chancellor seems quite suspicious of you and snubs you regardless of the
king's friendly approach. The left tower leads to the guest's resting
quarters. There's a chest containing a [BRONZE MAIL] there. Along the way,
there is [100G] inside a chest. The right tower is where you should be
heading. Grab the [TONIC] from the chest and proceed to the top to meet the

Approach the Queen and she'll dismiss her servants. After the shocking news
and odd event, regain control of the hero and empty the chest for an [ETHER].
Discretely leave her room and return the way you came. At the bottom, Lucca
and you reunite and discuss the strange occurrences that are happening. She
comes up with the theory that you are in the primeval castle that resembles
the one in your time. To conclude her theory, you must find the real queen or
Marle will cease to exist in the present time (1000 AD). Leave the castle and
head towards the Cathedral.

Guardia Kingdom places:
- Residence
- Market
- Truce Inn

Iron Blade 350G Raises attack by 7.
Dart Gun 800G Raises attack by 7.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Karate Gi 300G Raises defense by 10.
Bronze Helmet 200G Raises defense by 8.

=====================================================| Naga-Ettes |
? Duke out with four lowly monsters | Diablos |
? Meet and name a talking frog (Default: Frog) | Gnasher |
? Find a secret entrance | Hench |
? Hit the correct skull switch | Mad Bat |
? Play the organ to open another entrance | Yakra (Boss) |
? Battle Yakra |=======================
? Rescue the Queen! | ITEMS |
? Find Marle | Tonic x3 |
? Time to go home | Ether x2 |
| 100G |
| Power Tab |
In the cathedral, speak with the Head Mistress near | Heal |
the organ, then inspect the spot that appears. Now, | Mid Ether |
the nuns surround you and a fight commences. It's | Shelter |
pretty hard since they tend to halve attack power |=======================
and speed with their deadly Kiss. Afterward, a | EQUIPMENT |
fifth Naga-ette appears, only to meet its fate by | Naga-ette Bromide |
a mysterious warrior-frog. Ask him to join your | Steel Saber |
party because he'll come in handy. Name him and be | Speed Belt |
on your way. Examine the organ to reveal a hidden | Maiden Suit |
passage. | Iron Sword |
| Defender |
Ignore the door in front of you at the start of the entrance; head along to
the left. In the room, at the top of the left set of stairs, check the clock
for the secret [NAGA-ETTE BROMIDE]. Upon doing so, you are attacked by 3
Hench. The Naga-Ette Bromide has no use now, but it can be traded later on,
at the Dorino Village for a Magic Tab. Equip any new armor, weapons,
accessories you can when you have the chance. To have even a small advantage
over your enemies is better than nothing. On the opposite side of the room,
discover the horrifying truth about monsters disguising themselves as humans.

In one of the rooms, don't be deceived by their horrid impersonations of the
king, Queen Leene, and a soldier. They will try to lure you into their trap
with the pretense of acting as if everything is fine. In that same room,
there is a partially hidden room to your right; it leads to two very nice
prizes. Don't miss out.

The next area contains a save point. Slide down the right set of stairs and
hit the skull switch to lower the spikes in the center room. Dispose of the
third-class enemies and play the organ to again to open, yet another, secret
passage along the northern wall.

Meet some stiff resistance in the next room and finally, save at the point to
avoid any unnecessary backtracking. Before going in, Crono and Frog must be
able to perform their X-Strike dual tech, and Crono should have the Steel
Saber equipped on him. On the other side of the door is the real queen and a
political imposter.

Attacks: NeedleThrust Gained: 50 EXP
5 TP
600 G

At the start of the fight, alternate using the dual tech, Fire Whirl, with
Lucca and the X-Strike with Frog. Use Ethers when necessary. When Crono is
executing a dual tech with one character, have the other attack normally. The
boss counters with an attack that damages all characters. He's a pain in the
butt, but easy enough to finish off without too much effort.

Following the battle, the queen thanks you and waits for you by the door. In
the left chest is the Chancellor all tied up. He's fine, so don't worry about
him. :) If you leave him in the chest, he'll magically pop out and chase
after you as the party turns to leave. Collect the [MID ETHER] and return to
the castle.

Back at the castle, peace has been restored and the people within the castle
are content. Frog blames himself for allowing Queen Leene to be kidnapped.
And because he had failed to protect her, he's decided to leave for good. The
embarrassment and shame is too much for him to retain.

Return to the throne room and speak with Queen Leene. Speaking of the queen,
where's the princess? I'm speaking of Marle, of course. Your best bet is to
go back to the queen's room, where she had first disappeared. When you reach
her room, Marle will once again, make her appearance and not remember a thing
that has happened to her. The choices you are given here have not yet been
confirmed whether or not they affect the outcome of the story. Chances are,
they don't. With the party reunited, it's time to go home.

=====================================================| Hetake |
? Escort Marle home | Beetle |
? Witness the court hearing | Avian Chaos |
? Breakout of jail...or wait for Lucca | Guard |
? Destroy the DragonTank | Blue Shield |
? Ditch the Chancellor | Decedent |
? Outstrip the guards | Omnichrome |
? Open the Gate | DragonTank (Boss) |
| Power Tab |
AN UNJUST TRIAL | Ether x3 |
Be a gentlemen and escort Marle back to the castle. | Mid Tonic x8 |
In Guardia Forest, there's another [POWER TAB] | Shelter x4 |
resting in the corner. Once you reach the castle, | 1500G |
everyone is simultaneously shocked and relieved |=======================
now that Princess Nadia has come home safely. But | EQUIPMENT |
unfortunately for Crono, he does not receive such | BronzeMail |
an vivacious greeting. Instead, the Chancellor | Lode Sword |
orders the soldiers to detain him. Marle demands |______________________|
her soldiers and the Chancellor to stop this at
once, but they yield no compliance. The Chancellor
censures Crono for abducting Princess Nadia and orders
him to be kept in a holding cell.

Later on, a hearing will be held to determine whether the verdict (you) is
guilty of um, royal abduction or not. The number of people that will be your
proponents or opponents are dependent upon the actions that took place in
Leene's Square--before your party's little journey to save Marle. If you have
followed what I've said earlier, then you should get by. However, from adding
up the factors that can cause members of the jury to go against you, I have
summed it up to this:

Crono's guilty if he:
- Deliberately bumped into Marle
- Took the pendant before checking on Marle
- Stole the lunch from the elderly man
- Tried to persuade Marle into selling her pendant
- Didn't return the kitty to the little girl
- Didn't wait for Marle to finish buying candy

Crono's innocent if he:
- Did the opposite of the all the above

However, if you've followed what I have said in Leene's Square, just answer
the Chancellor in this order: "I did." and "No, not at all." This should be
more than enough to have 5 jury members on your side.

After the witnesses have told their amusing stories depending upon what you
did, seven jury members will come out one by one and decide whether or not
Crono is guilty. The predominant side will win in your favor. Regardless of
whether you were innocent or guilty, the soldiers will be ordered to take you
away to confinement. Although the repercussion is the same, you do benefit
from being innocent. Accompanying you in your cell are 6 [ETHERS], given to
you by sympathizers. You also have about 3 days left to cherish the sun, the
moon and the stars.

| There are two dilemmas for you to choose from. One being, you break out |
| of jail yourself, or seconds before you are beheaded, Lucca comes and |
| saves you herself. However, the choices, to my knowledge, won't affect |
| the story. Go to JAIL BREAK if you decided to bail out on your own, or |
| go to LUCCA, OUR SAVIOR, if Lucca helped your pathetic little self. |

When you've regain consciousness, bang on the cell door three times to annoy
the guard. He comes in and shuts your pie hole. Before he gets a chance to
leave the cell, quickly sneak up behind him and bonk him in the head. Now go
out to meet an armed Guard. Quickly dispose of him and leave. You'd want to
go to the opposite tower before dealing with the Blue Shields blocking access
to the other areas.

Take the left set of right stairs to avoid an unnecessary battle. As Crono
crosses the bridge to the other side, two guards accost him from both
directions. Stupid cowards. Continue into the interior of the next tower and
infiltrate it by sneaking up on guards and knocking them unconscious. If they
see you, you'll have to battle them. Examine guards you've felled for some
items. Help the pitiful man from the guillotine and plunder the chests along
the way.

Beat the second set of Blue Shields. Head up the left stairs and through the
hole in the wall. Climb down the tower and crawl into any openings to find
treasures. There is a hole in one of the cells. Investigate and jump in to
come to two chests. One contains the most powerful weapon you can get at this
point, the [LODE SWORD], and the other features [1500G].

Find your way to the supervisor's room and scare him off, only to find him
being zapped silly by one of Lucca's crazy guns. Yay, Lucca is here to save
you! Worship her, you fool! Read the top secret document on the floor to
learn about the upcoming boss' weaknesses. Inspect the unconscious body of
our lovely superintendent to gank 5 [MID TONICS] from him. We need them more
than he does.


Wait patiently for the 3 days to pass by (go get yourself a cup of coffee).
When your time is up, you will taken to the execution room. Just seconds
Before you're through with begging for your life, Lucca breaks in and zaps
everyone to death (ok, not really, but that's how you'd picture her). From
this point onward, everything falls in line in accordance to the mainstream
of the story. If you need help, start from the third paragraph in JAIL BREAK.

Now is a good time to replenish your HP before facing this thing. Make sure
Crono is equipped with the Lode Sword just to boost his attack power for
better results. Equip both Lucca and Crono with the best equipment you have.
You and your female cohort will meet your next opponent on the other side of
the bridge...

BOSS: DRAGONTANK HP: 266 (Head), 208 (Grinder), 600 (Body)
Attacks: Deploys missiles Gained: 40 EXP
Fireballs, Ram 5 TP
Recover 500 G

This bad boy is comprised of a Head, Grinder and the tank itself. If you have
read the manual back in the office, you'll know its weakness. If not, then I
guess it's tough beans for you. But since I'm so nice, I'll just spill it for
the sake of your sanity. From the start of the fight, the head will begin to
heal itself even if no damage has been done to it. Wipe out the head first
with physical attacks. When the head gets blown off, the rest of the tank
should be susceptible to Fire and Lightning now. Conveniently, Lucca and our
hero are of these attributes. For the remainder of the fight, punish it with
Fire Whirl, if you will.

The Chancellor commands the men to repair the Dragon Tank before it's too
late, even though, it already is too late. Part of the bridge explodes, and
the Chancellor and two other soldiers hold on for dear life, while your party
walks across the imitated bridge. On your way out, the guards won't do a darn
thing; they'll just follow you until Princess Nadia joins you.

In Guardia Forest, the assault team forces you to the eastern edge and barri-
cades any apertures to escape from. Open the Gate and disappear right before
their eyes for a very comical countenance from our dear Chancellor.

Guardia Castle places:
- None

Market (1000 AD):
Steel Saber 800G Raises strength by 15.
Iron Bow 850G Raises strength by 15.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
BronzeMail 520G Raises defense by 16.
Maiden Suit 560G Raises defense by 18.
Bronze Helmet 200G Raises defense by 8.

=====================================================| Octopod |
? Travel to Trann Dome | MeatEater |
? Venture through Lab 16 | Crater |
? Learn about the underground storage | Shadow |
? Read a threatening memo | Mutant |
? Face the Guardian | Proto 2 |
? Hide and Seek |=======================
| Ether |
| Mid Ether |
Crono and co. land in what seems to be an old, | Magic Tab |
deserted research center. You're currently in |=======================
Bangor Dome. Travel south to Trann Dome. You may | EQUIPMENT |
find something helpful there to prepare you for | Berserker |
the next dungeon. | Lode Sword |
| Lode Bow |
A horrible sight. All the inhabitants of this area |______________________|
are in emaciated conditions, still struggling to
survive in this desolate land. The first guy you
meet sells decent items including the Mid Tonic. Be
sure to stock up on that before heading out. Replenish the party's health via
the Enertron. When you've restocked on items, it is time to depart.

Once you reach Lab 16, careful to avoid those scurrying rats, as they tend to
steal Tonics from you. You can't get them back once they're stolen. All there
is to do here is to find your way through the debris and empty the chests you
find along the way. The Shadows you will encounter don't respond to anything
but magic attacks.

In Arris Dome, you'll again find a handful of mendicants who are aspiring for
solid food. When you are asked whether you've come from the west, answer Yes
and everyone is suddenly very interested in you. Their eyes follow your every
movement (scary). Again, there is an Enertron, as well as another merchant
selling the items from Trann Dome, excluding the Mid Tonic. Didn't I tell you
to stock up on Mid Tonics? Save now, then climb down the ladder in the center
of the room.

Weave around the rails and read the memo on the rat statue on your way to the
north. The alarm sounds and your party is attacked by the guardian of

BOSS: GUARDIAN HP: 1200 (Guardian), 200 (Bits)
Attacks: Amplifire Gained: 300 EXP
Delta Attack 5 TP
1000 G

This big fella is hard if you don't do things right. Immediately after the
battle commences, concentrate on taking out the Bits first, as they can enact
Delta Attack with the three of them. To avoid any further damage, destroy the
remaining Bit. At this point, the Guardian performs a countdown from 5. When
it reaches 0, he can revive the Bits. Then the cycle starts over. Just keep
in mind to attack the Guardian, only if the Bits are non-existent. Otherwise,
it'll be hard to keep up your assault while recovering your health. At any
time, other than when the two Bits are gone, should you attempt to attack the
Guardian, it will just counter attack with Amplifire Counterattack.

In the room ahead is the refrigerator. Unfortunately, the food has spoiled
since the fridge had malfunctioned. However, the corpse in the room has a
little something for you to bring back. Inspect the body again to learn about
the rat.

Back at the rails, the once solidified rat statue is alive and perky and it's
itching for you to catch it. Just keep running and don't lag too far behind
by getting "caught" in the cross-sections. Once it leaves the screen, simply
re-enter the area to try your luck again. When you've caught up to it, it
will disclose the password to the panels in the previous room (L1 + R1 and
X). Use this code on one of the control panels to reveal a bridge leading to
the door.

Work your way around the enemies and head to the door on the opposite side of
the room. Lucca activates the computer and discloses information about a Gate
at the Proto Dome. Marle ingeniously stumbles onto the horrible truth of this
world. Whatever's here are the only survivors of Lavos' mass annihilation of
mankind. It seems that this space-borne creature exercised genocide on
humanity by creating a great conflagration that consumed the lush land. Marle
suggests to the party to take it upon themselves to prevent the world from
ending up this way. On the surface, Doan gives you the Bike Key and bids you
farewell. On to Proto Dome, but first, we need to stop by Lab 32.

Trann Dome:
AutoGun 1200G Raises strength by 15.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
IronSuit 800G Raises defense by 25.
IronHelm 500G Raises defense by 14.

Arris Dome:
AutoGun 1200G Raises strength by 15.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
IronSuit 800G Raises defense by 25.
IronHelm 500G Raises defense by 14.

=====================================================| Mutant |
? Race Johnny to the finish line | Shadow |
? Meet and Repair a downed robot (Default: Robo) | Acid |
? Select someone to stay behind | Debugger |
? Travel to the Factory Ruins | Bug |
? Deactivate security system level one | Alkaline |
? Obtain the passcodes | R-Series (Boss) |
? Move the barrels using the crane |=======================
? Obtain the password "ZABIE" | ITEMS |
? Deactivate final set of security systems | Mid Tonic x2 |
? Battle the R-Series | Mid Ether x2 |
| Ether x2 |
| Shelter x2 |
| 400G |
Unfortunately, before you can reach the other side |=======================
to Proto Dome safely, a highway man known as | EQUIPMENT |
Johnny challenges you to a race. Hit the finish | Bolt Sword |
line and you're free to go. Lose and start over. | Robin Bow |
Are you up to it? The trick is to just stay with | Hammer Arm |
him and within meters from the finish line, use | Titan Vest |
a Boost to take it all the way. No challenge. Or | Plasma Gun |
if you've got the stamina, pass through Lab 32 by |______________________|
foot. Situated in the highway is a [RACE LOG]. This
is used to record scores when you race with Johnny.

If you get the race log from the ruins in the future, you can use it to get
some good items. Talk to the score keeper to change modes to no nitros, then
race Johnny. If you score 1300 or more points, you get 5 Mid Ethers. If you
score 1500 or more points you get a Power Tab.

Note submitted by Cory Clemons

* * *
If you get over 2300 points (and that is impossible, unless you stay in front
of him ALL THE TIME), he'll give you 5 Full Ethers! The game says that Johnny
gives 5 Ethers, but that's one big error.

An error that looks like the one above is that Johnny will say that he gives
you 5 Ethers, but he gives you 5 Mid Tonics instead (this is when you're
having over 1300 points).

There's also a bonus if you get 777 points, but I forgot the prize (and maybe
there's one if you get 999 or 1111?).

The racing will be a LOT easier if you change the perspective (use the L1 and
R1 buttons). Instead of horizontal racing, try it vertically and it will have
amazing effects on your score-counter. You can also zoom in and out by using
the Triangle and Circle buttons, but that won't make the game easier I think.

Lastly, you'll get a Power Tab if you get over 1300 points. You already noted
this in your FAQ, but you didn't say that it was once (so you can't get it
twice or unlimited).

Thanks to pHOENIX for this info.

Johnny's abashed by this loss and bows his head in respect for defeating him.
He welcomes you to come by anytime to race again. With that in mind, you can
leave and finally head towards Proto Dome.

Battle the Buggers that annoy you in haste. At the other end is a decrepit
robot covered in rats. You get the first anime sequence when you approach it.
Lucca whips out her trusty screwdriver and gets to work repairing it. As she
is doing so, Marle discovers that the door to the Gate won't budge. Once
Lucca is done with the repairs, she juices it to give it life. The robot is
rather thankful and speaks in a formal manner. Name him. Robo offers to help
switch the power back on from the Factory in the north, but someone has to
stay to open the door. You are torn between choosing Lucca or Marle. Choose
either, as it doesn't matter too much (although Marle is the better choice).

Fiddle with the computer to instigate a battle with some Acids. They are well
protected against physical attacks. Afterward, hop onto the right elevator.
You arrive in a room with conveyor belts. The room alignment looks confusing.
The first thing you'd want to do is head down to the opening of the lower
conveyor belt that's traveling east; start running in the opposite direction
and take a breather at the inlets. Repeat this again until you reach the last
inlet. Avoid the robots as they go by or you will be forced to fight in a
series of unhealthy battles.

Activate the computer and extract the information out of it. It gives you two
Passwords. Copy it down if you're a forgetful person. Now find the crane con-
trol room. Enter the codes after the chime. The crane should remove the red
barrels from blocking your way, opening the path to a new, accessible room.
Pick up the [BOLT SWORD] and obtain the password "ZABIE", translated as /\,
(_), X, [] in Playstation language from the computer. Return to the entrance
of the factory and hop onto the left elevator. Saving is advisable at this
point. Defeat the Acids and Alkaline to get the computer to operate. Examine
it and the latch opens, revealing a ladder.

Input the password "ZABIE" into the computer database to unlock to air-tight
latch on the door to the right. Take a look at the mainframe in the next room
and the alarms goes off. Evacuate immediately. Back at the room full of trash
chutes, 6 robots emerge from them and barricade the exit. Robo recognizes
them as his cohorts and urges them to let his friends through. The robots
scoff at Robo for being defective and forgetting his real mission. As if Robo
were garbage, the robots dump him into the trash chute. Then, they avert
their attention back to your party and ready themselves to eliminate all
intruders, meaning you.

Attacks: Laser Beams Gained: 480 EXP
Charge 6 TP
600 G

Conveniently, they've aligned themselves in two columns of straight lines. It
is great news for you. Being machines that are susceptible to Lightning,
Crono's Cyclone can almost kill three of these mechanical humanoids at once.
They go down pretty quickly.

Following the battle, Marle/Lucca goes to the chute and pulls out Robo. The
two members of the party lug the disheartened robot back to Proto Dome, where
he will be repaired...again. During the time of his renewal, Marle asks what
he plans to do once he is repaired. Robo doesn't know his answer. When the
repairs have been finished, Robo's mind is set; he decides to join you on
your worldwide quest to save the world.

=====================================================| None |
? The old man is scary |=======================
? Meet Spekkio | ITEMS |
? Run around the room | Magic Tab |
? Speak with Spekkio | Speed Tab |
? Attain first magic abilities |=======================
? Return to Crono's time | EQUIPMENT |
| None |
There was an apparent flaw in the Gate that had the party wind up in a dismal
place as this. Speak with the old man to learn about the End of Time, where
all lost travelers end up. With inductive reasoning, he tells you that there
can only be a party of 3 people traveling through these gates, otherwise, it
will be unstable. Now's your chance to choose which members you'd like to
bring along; the rejected one stays here, at the End of Time, until he/she
is summoned.

The room behind the senile man presents a pig-like creature that goes by the
name of Spekkio. He imparts some knowledge regarding magic, telling you that
magic had once been an asset everyone had, but all that is gone since man was
abusing his power. He orders you to run around the room 3 times in a
clockwise fashion, starting from the door. Speak to him when you're done, and
if you've done it unerringly, he'll enhance each party member's ability with
magic. You can use magic now! He asks if you'd like to try out your new toys.
If yes, be prepared for some serious beating. Use all-magic attacks. Lucca's
Fire and Marle's Ice work well against the little runt. Although his attacks
can instantly knock off three-quarters of a character's HP, it's very
possible to defeat him. If you can hold off the fort until his defeat, he
will reward you with whatever items that correspond to your character levels.
See chart.

Levels 1-19 : 1 Magic Tab, 5 Ethers
Levels 20-29 : 1 Magic Tab, 5 Mid Ethers
Levels 30-39 : 1 Magic Tab, 5 Full Ethers
Levels 40-98 : 1 Magic Tab, 1 Speed Tab, 1 Power Tab, 10 Elixirs
Level 99 : 10 Magic Tabs, 10 Speed Tabs, 10 Power Tabs, 10 MegaElixirs

***Note: For information on his various forms, please read the Frequently
Asked Question section (Section XI).

| If you ever find yourself stumped on where to go next, visit the old man |
| at the End of Time to receive a few hints. |

When you feel you've punished Spekkio enough, leave the End of Time through
the portal on the right. The glimmering dot on the altar is a shortcut to the
day of Lavos. It is obvious that that's not where you'd want to go right now.

Your party arrives at Medina Village and pops out of a closet, belonging to a
Mystic couple. Before you leave, the couple warns you of the Mystic's still
vindictive manner toward humans. At the Market, you are awarded with a bonus
battle against a Hench Omnichrone when you entreat the Hench for items. Upon
defeat, the Hench succumbs to your murderous glint of anger and reluctantly
sells you items...at _ridiculously_ high prices. Talk about a blow to the ol'
self-esteem. Abstain yourself from buying the Demon Edge, although it looks
tempting. I believe the prices they charge at the Market are at random. You
can find a [MAGIC TAB] and a [SPEED TAB] at the Elder's House.

To retreat to a shop where they actually sell things cheap, head southwest to
Melchior's Hut. He'll gladly sell you items at an _affordable_ price.

Medina Village:
- Elder's House
- Residence

Medina Village's Market:
Iron Blade 65000G Raises strength by 7.
SteelSaber 65000G Raises strength by 15.
Demon Edge 65000G Raises strength by 90.
Tonic 2280G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 22500G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 65000G Heals a large amount of lost HP.
Heal 2250G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 45000G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 33750G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 65000G Restores a small amount of lost MP.
Lumin Robe 65000G Raises defense by 63.
Flash Mail 65000G Raises defense by 64.
Glow Helm 65000G Raises defense by 25.

Melchior's Hut:
Red Katana 4800G Raises strength by 30.
Robin Bow 2880G Raises strength by 25.
Plasma Gun 3200G Raises strength by 25.
Hammer Arm 3800G Raises strength by 25.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Titan Vest 1200G Raises defense by 32.

=====================================================| Hench |
? Find and seek the Heckran | JinnBottle |
? Use the Gate to return to the fairgrounds | Octoblush |
? Stop by the End of Time | Tempurite |
? Warp back to the Middle Ages | RolyPoly |
| Cave Bat |
| Heckran (Boss) |
The Mystics apparently still hold a grudge against | Ether x2 |
Humans even after 400 years; the first ignition of | Mid Ether x11 |
resistance is met at the frontlines of the cave. |=======================
Two low-life Henches to be exact. | EQUIPMENT |
| MagicScarf |
Monsters here can sustain physical attacks and | Taban Vest |
suffer very little damage from them, although |______________________|
they'll bite the dust upon being touched by magic.
Almost all the battles here cannot be avoided, except
the very last one with the JinnBottle. Head to the
far left and down. Pave your way towards the turbid waters and wade across to
the save point. You'd better save, as the boss is just ahead. And he's a hard
one too. You should have the Red Katana equipped on Crono to optimize full
attack power at this point and equip the best defensive armor on the girls if
you have them with you. It would be better if you have both Marle and Lucca
in the current party since their Antipode dual tech (if you have it) can
really save the day.

Inside the cave, a mighty beast taunts your party and vows to crush your puny

Attacks: Cyclone Gained: 250 EXP
WaterWave 10 TP
1500 G

He's one helluva tough water merm-thing. He can already do some damage with
mere physical attacks, but enforce it with some damaging magic attacks and
you've got one exceptionally tough battle. Try to cast Antipode as many times
as you can. Marle's Ice magic works well, otherwise. Depend heavily on magic
and pray that he doesn't kill off one of your party members. At some point in
the fight, Heckran goads you to attack him. STOP. Take this opportunity to
revive fallen characters or cure injured ones. If you attempt to attack him,
he has a disposition to retaliate with Water Wave, a powerful water attack
that damages all party members. The blue guy is fond of his Cyclone and tends
to use it a lot to make you suffer.

The Heckran curses at the party and scoffs at their empty victory. "Magus and
Lavos will whip all yo asses," he says in his dying breath. Suck it up and
continue to the pool. Jump in and it brings you to Vortex Point near Lucca's
house. Since you're here, you might as well visit her folks. You can receive
a [TABAN VEST] from Lucca's dad, Taban. Quite obvious how he got the name for
it. Now is also a good time to visit Fritz' Shop at the Market. He's
forever in your debt and hands you 10 [MID ETHERS] as a deposit (you can only
get this if you have saved Fritz from the guillotine). If you stop by Crono's
house on the way to Leene's Square, you'll be treated to a small, frivolous

Time to stop fooling around and sidetracking from the story, mates! Let's go
to Truce Canyon in the year A.D. 600.

Fritz' Shop:
Red Katana 4800G Raises strength by 30.
Robin Bow 2880G Raises strength by 25.
Plasma Gun 3200G Raises strength by 25.
Hammer Arm 3800G Raises strength by 25.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Titan Vest 1200G Raises defense by 32.

=====================================================| Deceased |
? Visit the kitchen chef at Guardia Castle | Ozzie |
? Learn about the legendary Hero |=======================
? Pass the food rations to the captain | ITEMS |
? Help prevent Magus' troops break through defense | Jerky |
? Send Zombor back to its resting place | Power Tab |
? Save Guardia Kingdom | Mid Ether x2 |
? Visit people in the villages |=======================
| GoldHelm |
Routinely leave Truce Canyon and check out the repaired bridge.
The soldiers are suffering from exhaustion and hunger. If you don't do
something soon, they're all gonna rot and die! Head straight to Guardia
Castle. Annoy the kitchen chef and his assistants. When you attempt to leave,
he stops you and gives you [JERKY], as well as a [POWER TAB]. With the food,
head back to Zenan Bridge.

At one end is the Knight's Captain; hand over the food rations, also known as
Jerky and he will be eternally grateful. One of his troops comes to report
that Magus' troops are advancing further into the kingdom. Offer to help, and
the captain gives you a [GOLD HELM] under his obligation. Equip it on Crono
and get going.

Acquaint yourself with the malignant general, Ozzie. He sics two dead people
on you (Deceased). Fend them off easily and finish the general with one swipe
of your sword. He'll retreat and sic more undead fiends on your party. Defeat
him again and he retreats to the far end of the bridge, where he summons the
ultimate undead creature, Zombor, which is basically a fusion of five or so

BOSS: ZOMBOR HP: 960 (Upper body), 800 (Bottom)
Attacks: Doom, Doom Gained: 350 EXP
Dark magic, 10 TP
MP Buster 1500 G

A decent adversary that will force you to properly utilize your brain cells
in order to defeat him. He is comprised of an upper body and a pelvic bone.
The upper body is immune to Lightning and Fire attacks. Using Lightning-based
or Fire-Based attack heals it. As for the pelvic bone and down, it is immune
to Ice-based attacks. With these hints engraved in stone, use Lightning and
Fire attacks on the pelvic bone area and Ice attacks on the upper abdomen. I
think Crono's physical attacks work well with the Red Katana. Just beware of
Zombor's attacks, most notably, his Doom, Doom attack.

Travel south to the villages below. In one of the Elder's Houses, you barge
in on a conversation. Apparently, the elder is willing to pay Toma, the great
explorer, a copious sum of money to find the rarest of the rare, a Rainbow
Shell. Elsewhere, people are spreading rumors about a boy, by the name of
Tata, who is their supposed legendary hero that will slay the malicious
Magus. There are 2 [MID ETHERS] you can pick up at Fiona's Villa. If you need
to rest up, Porre's Inn is much more recommendable and dare I say, cheaper
than the other inn.

Once you've robbed everyone of their items, it's time to head towards the
mammoth mountain everyone talks about, the Denadoro Mountains, which is
located just east of Dorino Village. It's the only towering mountain in the
area; on it is a small outline of a trail leading to the summit, seen on the
world map.

Porre Area:
- Porre Inn
- Market
- Elder's House

Market (Across Zenan Bridge):
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.

=====================================================| Goblin |
? Bring the brain (Lucca) with you | BellBird |
? Meet Tata, the legendary fraud | Ogan |
? Duke it out with Masa & Mune | FreeLancer |
? Take back the Hero's Medal from Tata | Masa (boss) |
? Find the other half of the Masamune | Mune (boss) |
? Seek Melchior for help | MasaMune (boss) |
? Go waaay back in time for a stone |=======================
| 300G |
| Ether |
Enter to find two seemingly harmless goons. Walk | 500G |
past them and the annoying bird rings the bell | Mid Ether x4 |
and alarms the goblins. Easy enough here. They | Mid Tonic x2 |
die with one swing of Crono's attack, but that | 600G |
bird is another story. Anyway, after you've | 300G |
dispatched the first squad, continue into the | Speed Tab |
unfamiliar mountain area. | Magic Tab |
| Shelter |
Further ahead, you get a glimpse of the boy who |=======================
is our supposed legendary hero. Instead of a | EQUIPMENT |
resolute tone you'd expect from a hero, you find | MirageHand |
that the boy is terrified. Although he still | GoldHelm |
attempts to persuade you to go back and runs off. | GoldSuit |
| SilverStud |
You find that the goblins wielding huge mallets | SilverErng |
tend to be helluva lot tougher than they look. The |______________________|
trick is to use Lucca's Fire magic to disintegrate
its weapon, making it completely helpless. Without its massive
weapon, it loses self-esteem and falls victim to your blade. They are easily
felled with one swing. There's a hidden area under the canopy of leaves that
leads to Robo's weapon, the [MIRAGE HAND].

| Most of the battles that take place here are mandatory, although, there |
| are some you can avoid since the goblins are taking their afternoon nap. |
| They won't awake unless you go up to them, or a FreeLancer pelts a rock |
| at it, or when a BellBird rings its bell. |

When you come to the bed of the waterfall, notice that there are two
diverging smaller waterfalls near the bottom of the screen. Jump off the left
water flow and you'll land on a ledge. On this ledge is a [SILVER STUD].
Don't worry about having lost your way. The path you take will lead right
back to the waterfall and the FreeLancers. On the way, don't miss the awesome
[SILVER EARRING], which augments about 25% HP to your current maximum HP.

On the ledge overlooking a vista, speak with the Spekkio-wannabe 5 times to
receive a [MAGIC TAB]. Don't forget to save, you'll need it! Keep a sharp eye
out for the [SPEED TAB], which is resting near the edge in the next area. It
will glimmer faintly for only a millisecond when you first enter the area.
Dodge the salvo of stones the FreeLancer on the ledge pelts at you. They even
damage you when you're pillaging a chest. Don't overlook the chest hiding
beneath the leaves in the last area. It contains the important [GOLD SUIT]!
Tip-toe around the sleeping goblins and retreat into the cave.

Inside the gloomy cave, a boy is having the time of his life, running around
in circles. Approach the sword plunged deep in the earth, and the boy stops
you. Amused by your daring attempt to wield the legendary Masamune, he calls
upon his big brother, who looks like just like him, and scoffs at the party
for being foolish humans. To see whether you are worthy of the honor or not,
they decide to test your abilities.

BOSS: MASA & MUNE HP: 1000 (Masa), 1000 (Mune)
Attacks: X-Strike Gained: 400 EXP
Confuse 4 TP
400 G

This really isn't considered a boss fight once you know the secret. All there
is to it is to _only_ assault Masa (the one on the left). Why? Because he
won't do a darn thing. If you attack Mune, the two will only counter with the
X-Strike attack. Occasionally, they can sock it to ya, as well as confuse you
with a tornado attack.

That was the test? Apparently not. They are appalled that you have managed to
defeat them. They cite Cyrus for this notable victory. Resorting to their
last line of defense, the twins fuse together to form...A big fat, ugly blob.

Attacks: Tornado Gained: 500 EXP
Slash 10 TP
Pain 1500 G

He's damn tough and I don't care how you look at it. My recommended party is
Crono, Lucca and Marle. Why? First, Marle has the Aura spell, which can
rejuvenate sluggish party members, and she can also perform a dual tech, Aura
Whirl, with Crono to replenish the entire party's HP. Finally, Marle and
Lucca can perform Antipode together. It does over 300 damage. Yowza! Proceed
with Crono doing purely physical attacks, and Marle and Lucca casting

Repeat this until either the party needs to be healed, or when he starts to
suck in air, like a vacuum. When this happens, he is about to perform his
most powerful attack that can really leave your party crippled. However, the
secret is to use Crono's Slash to nullify its attack. With the absence of its
Pain attack, nothing can go wrong and you can ensure a victory.

Masa and Mune finally relent and allow you to proceed to remove the Masamune
from its place. It's broken! A heavy wind picks up and the twins help you out
of the mountain through its peak. Journey to Tata's house and find him
cowering under the stairs. Speak to him to take back the Hero's Medal from
him. He confesses that he was indeed a fake and is sorry. He and his dad then
quarrel over who's wrong and who's the idiot.

Now, head to the Cursed Woods and slip through the heavy defense. You don't
really need to fight the T'Poles and Gnawers. They're tough. There's also a
[MID TONIC] and a [SHELTER] in the outer woods. Go inside the rustling bushes
to find an underground bunker. Frog lives here. It seems he has secluded
himself from the outside world ever since that incident with Queen Leene.
Even the Hero's Medal won't soothe his callous heart. After he moves out of
the way, examine the glimmering dot to find the other half of the Masamune.
Inscribed on the handle is the name "Melchior". There is a [MAGIC SCARF] in a
hidden chest behind the clutter of junk.

Return to A.D. 1000 through the Medina Village vortex. Visit Melchior in his
hut. He is very surprised that you have the Masamune in your possession. He
offers to fix it, but he needs the necessary material to repair it with. A
DreamStone, which the sword is composed of, is needed to restore the sword to
its former pristine state. However, he drops your hopes saying that the stone
no longer exists and leaves you in the dark.

Warp back to the End of Time and speak with the old man. He hints that the
DreamStone can be found in prehistoric times. The key word being prehistoric.
Hop into the portal leading to "Mystic Mountain ? 65,000,000 BC". If that's
not prehistoric enough for you, then I don't know what is.

=====================================================| Reptite |
? Dispatch the vicious Reptites | Runner |
? Meet and name the mysterious women (Default: Ayla) | Kilwala |
? Follow the woman back to her village |=======================
? Party all night | ITEMS |
? Look for the culprit | Berserker |
| None |
OOHGA-BOOHGA, OOGY-BOOGY-WOO! |______________________|
The party arrives in mid-air and plunges to the
bottom of the cliff. At the bottom, they meet, for the first time,
green-scaly dinos called Reptites. Five of them attack the party.
They're fairly hard and especially highly resistant to physical attacks. They
even have a high HP count, although it only takes one blast of magic to
reduce them to scrap. Once the first batch is disposed of, a second appears.
Your party is outnumbered and there is seemingly no way out. A really cool
anime sequence highlights the appearance of Ayla, your next new ally. She
fells the Reptites with the least difficulty; the party is amazed by her
dynamic, un-human strength. She fends off a couple of Reptites and kindly
leaves four of them for you to tend to. Apply the same tactics.

Afterward, she introduces herself as Ayla, and compliments Crono for being a
strong lad. Ayla like strong people! She tells you to visit her village and
runs off at god-like speed, bidding you to follow her. Don't fall behind now!
On the way, you encounter some hostility with Runners and Kilwalas. They are
easy to deal with so I leave them at your will.

You can visit any of the four huts. This is the Ioka Village. Ayla is in the
upper left hut. There's a girl offering sweet water in the bottom right hut
that replenishes the party's HP. The upper right hut is the Trading Hut, but
it's useless right now. Speak to Ayla relaxing in her residence to initiate a
welcome party, made especially for you!

At the mirthful feast, you can dance by speaking to Marle several times until
that option appears. That's always fun to do. When you've done enough, speak
to Ayla on the dais. She challenges you to a fight. Actually, a soup-drinking
contest. Win, and she'll hand over the stone you need. She drinks at a snail-
like pace, so you have more than ample time to gobble up your soup. Crono
gets buzzed and blacks out (ok, not really), but in the morning the party
realizes that the Gate Key is missing. Sir, report it to Ayla, sir! Find her
in her hut sleeping soundly in bed. You have the honor of waking her up.
Without needing to think twice, she blames it on the Reptites! She
temporarily joins your party and now you have to kick someone out, preferably
Lucca (or Marle/Robo).

You can now visit the Ioka Trading Hut. You can trade items for three of each
of these items: Feather, Petal, Horn and Fang. The guy on the left can tell
you what you can get for each requirement. Here's the list just for quick 'n'
easy reference.

Ruby Gun = Petal and Fang
Sage Bow = Petal and Horn
Stone Arm = Petal and Feather
Flint Edge = Fang and Horn
Ruby Vest = Fang and Feather
Rock Helm = Horn and Feather

Never heard of those items? They are items that can be obtained by defeating
ridiculously easy monsters at the Hunting Range. They drop a chock full of
these items. Here's a great trick to pile up those primitive items: wait for
the rain to start so that the Nu comes out of hiding. As soon as it stops,
run up to the Nu before it takes refuge from the blistering sun again. He
tells the party that they are strong and coughs out the prizes (3 fangs,
horns, feathers and petals). This neat trick was by courtesy of Ian Adams. I
suggest you invest the time to collect all the items before continuing on
the quest to retrieve the Gate Key. They will benefit your party in battle,
doncha know? Travel south to the Forest Maze when you're ready.

Ioka Village places:
- Chief's Hut
- Ioka Hut

Ioka Trading Hut Merchant:
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.

=====================================================| Reptite |
? Confront Kino at the Forest Maze | Gold Eaglet |
? Follow the foot prints | Red Eaglet |
? Infiltrate the Reptite's Lair | Kilwala |
? Azala! Bad! | Winged Ape |
? Fight Nizbel | Runner |
? Retrieve the Gate Key! | Evilweevil |
? Get the Masamune and Frog! | Megasaur |
| Shitake |
| Fly Trap |
LOOKY, LOOKY! PAWPRINT! | Nizbel (boss) |
Inside the green forest, the party finds the Gate |=======================
Key-stealing culprit--it's Kino! He confesses | ITEMS |
that he likes Ayla "the best", so he stolen Crono's | Mid Tonic x3 |
stuff out of sheer jealousy. Ayla bludgeons him | Mid Ether x2 |
and forces Kino to apologize. It's a pretty uh, | Revive x2 |
sentimental scene. Kino directs you to where the | Shelter |
Reptites have gone. Crono and the party are hot in | Heal |
pursuit. | Full Ether |
| Full Tonic |
Climb the green vine stalk down and just work your |=======================
way around while plundering the chests for some | EQUIPMENT |
auxiliary items. At the end, there's an overpass | Rock Helm |
that overlaps the path to the exit, making it hard | Ruby Vest |
to spot it. Just keep a sharp eye out for this, or |______________________|
you'll miss the exit. Then you'll be a pathetic and
helpless little man.

| The footprints inlaid in the ground indicate that an enemy is nearby. If |
| you attempt to walk over them, you'll be attacked. But if you try to walk|
| around them, you can avoid unnecessary battles. There are some that are |
| unavoidable, however. |

At the entrance, warm up by fending off a couple of Evilweevils. They are no
pushovers, as they can do a fair amount of damage to each character. What's
worse is that they only take damage if struck by magic. Physical attacks
work, but not to their potential. Jump in the hole in the ground. The next
few screens just involve a series of battles and jumping in the same holes.
You can't avoid the battles here no matter how hard you try. The MegaSaurs
have a ton of HP, and a few of Crono's Slashes aren't enough.

| There are actually four separate routes that lead to the same place. At |
| the entrance, watch the Evilweevils drill holes in four different loca- |
| tions. Drop down any of the ones you haven't gone through yet. At each |
| route, there are different treasures, including an [ELIXIR]. |

Once you reach the large cavern, prepare yourself for those nasty Reptites.
You will find a couple of them scurrying about. Some of the unmoving Reptites
are blocking your view to treasure chests. The chests contain a [FULL ETHER]
and a [ROCK HELM]. Don't miss those two items!

In the next area, you'd you have to slog through 3 battles to get to the last
area. But first, take a detour to the left. At the entrance, jump down the
holes you haven't gone to yet. The party drops to another part of the cave,
where you meet some hostile monsters guarding their stash. Defeat them to get
the prizes and leave safely.

Back at the previous area, dispatch the squad with the MegaSaur and the two
Reptites for a save point to appear. Save now, and if you don't already have
Marle in your party, now's a good time to insert her in there. You will need
her fierce magic. Don't forget to equip everyone with a Ruby Vest. Venture
deeper into the cave to meet Azala, the leader of the Reptite pack. He thinks
Crono and the party are apes with advanced technology. When you approach him,
he demands to know what this strange contraption does and how. He is
referring to the Gate Key, of course. Either answer will net you a fight with
Nizbel, his strongest henchman.

Attacks: Electrocution Energy Gained: 500 EXP
10 TP
0 G

This guy is a cinch once you know what's keeping his body so immune to every
type of attack. First, zap him with Crono's Lightning. Doing this will shock
him and lower his defense dramatically. Now you can do up to 200 damage to
the big guy. If you have Marle, the Ice Sword works wonders against the
overgrown uh, big thing. When he uses Electrocution Energy, you must heal
immediately regardless of how daring you are (unless you're playing new
game+). It withers your HP by at least 60%. That's why you need Marle. She
and Crono can perform Aura Whirl together.

Azala is shocked that you've beaten Nizbel and is terrified of you. He tosses
the Gate Key and flees with his tail between his legs. Grab a box of kleenex
and exchange goodbyes with Ayla and Kino. Now, head back to Mystic Mountain,
where your warp point awaits.

You know the drill. Warp to Medina Village (1000 AD) and travel back to
Melchior's Hut! He is blatantly impressed by your having a DreamStone AND the
legendary Masamune in your possession. He'd like to hear how you've come
about to have them, but he'd rather not, as he claims to have a fragile
heart. After snatching the Masamune from your hands like a voracious wolf, he
tells you it may take a while to reforge it. Lucca offers to help and follows
him to his basement. Likewise, follow them down the stairs. In the basement,
time freezes and they stay momentarily still, until you approach them and try
to start a cheerful conversation. After what seems to be hours, you are
finally bestowed the Masamune--the whole thing! It's time to go pay Frog a

Visit Frog at his usual place, the Cursed Woods. This time instead of sending
you away, he urges you to stay for the night and let him think things over.
At this point, you are regaled with flashbacks of Frog's past (as in, when he
was actually human). In clips of his past, you are introduced for the first
time to Cyrus, the one person Frog has always stood in the shadow of. You are
given an insight to Frog's true nature and emotions.

During the flashback, you learn that his name is Glenn. Let me point out to
you that the Glenn from CC and this Glenn ARE NOT the same person. I repeat,
they are NOT same person. If you go saying they are, I'll beat you silly with
a stick. Magus was the primary cause of the human-to-frog transformation and
Frog's dire misfortune. After you've seen just about all you can see up to
this point, Frog wakes Crono and co and decides to tag along after all. Time
to, again, force someone to kick the can, as you'll need Frog at your side
from this point on. You may need to re-equip Frog with proper defense attire
since he hasn't changed since the last meeting.

With Frog in party, head all the way to the Magic Cave, which is located just
to the southeast of Denadoro Mountain. But first, to properly prepare you
and your party with this villainous individual, you will want to channel some
magic power to good ol' Frog since he is at a disadvantage in the world of
magicians. And to do that, visit Spekkio at the End of Time. He'll grant Frog
Water magic 'cause he's an amphibious creature who likes getting his feet

=====================================================| Vamp |
? Navigate through and exit the Magic Cave | Gremlin |
? Battle Flea | Hench |
? Duke it out with the notorious Slash | Shadow |
? See through Ozzie's tricks | Sorcerer |
? Defeat all 100 monsters (literally) | Omnichrone |
? Square off with Ozzie | Decedent |
? Confront Magus and end everything | Grimalkin |
| Roly |
| Juggler |
| Save Points (?) |
A word of caution before moving on: There are so | Outlaw |
many _unavoidable_ battles, you'll puke your | Roly Bomber |
brains out. I literally shot up 6 or so levels. | Groupie |
Luckily, the enemies aren't so much of a challenge | Flunky |
(unless you have a very weak party); just annoying. | Flea (boss) |
But anyway, you'll need to complete this dungeon | Slash (boss) |
and challenge Magus to move on. | Ozzie (boss) |
| Magus (boss) |
The moment you step in, you are treated to a | Mid Ether x4 |
stunning anime sequence of Frog and the Magic Cave. | Shelter x2 |
Inside the magic cave, the Gremlins will die only | Barrier x2 |
upon being touched by magic. The name "Magic Cave" | Magic Tab x2 |
does imply something, non? Nevermind that bat | Revive |
hovering behind you. At the end, pay no heed to the | Lapis |
death sentence and move out. Enter the almighty |=======================
Magus' Lair. | EQUIPMENT |
| Mist Robe x2 |
Strangely enough, there's no background music to | Dark Mail |
help keep your adrenaline (SL) running. Take some | DoomFinger |
time to scout out those chests. In the process, | MagicScarf |
notice that the townsfolk here are acting rather | Speed Belt |
strange. The only responses you get are "Ha...Ha" | Slasher |
and "Wanna play?" and other eerie things like |______________________|
that. You can't do anything about the quartet
guarding the chest on the right just yet. When you've cleaned
out the chests in both areas, examine the illusionary save point.

Not a save point, but Ozzie, the plump general. He informs you that Sir Magus
is rather busy right now and will not honor an audience at this time. But if
you want to see him, you'll have to battle all _100_ monsters and the three
tone-deaf, evil fiends: Ozzie, Slash and Flea. As he makes his disappearing
act, he leaves a parting gift of 4 Henches and 2 Vamps. He's so thoughtful.

It's time to crack your knuckles and relax while you can. Go out and save now
as the going about is going to get really rough. At this point, you can't go
any further until you've met and defeated two of the evil fiends--Slash and
Flea. It's your choice of which of the two you'd like to murder first. As
for the walkthrough, I'm going with Flea first since he's not that much of a
threat as Slash is. But to prepare for him, make sure you equip Magic
Defense-raising accessories. Although Slash and Flea are not at all difficult
opponents, they have an insane amount of HP to liquidate; it's just like them
to be lame-brained bastards. As you have suspected, they may turn out to be
lengthy battles. But cheer up, if you stay alive long enough, you will etch
in their minds some sense to not mess with you.

To face Flea first, take the right path (left for Slash). Speak with the boy
and answer "Yes". Before you are allowed to battle Flea, you must prove your
skills to the master of the castle by defeating four Shadows (this is
actually optional). If you don't remember from Lab 16, these piles of goo are
defenseless to magic attacks. The content in the chest is a measly [BARRIER].
Not too great, not too bad, but considering you had to waste a few magic
points, it'd be better to have gotten something worthy of the effort.

On your way to the throne room, the people you come across reflect on the
characters you bring with you. But that doesn't matter too much as they are
the same enemies. You have to face Sorcerers--not a strenuous task. The first
and last battles are avoidable, however, the one inbetween is not. In the
throne room, you find a funny-looking thing already waiting inside. Frog
assumes that he is Flea. It dies with one hit of the X-Strike. As it dies, it
casts the annoying MP Buster on one of your characters, draining every last
bit of his MP.

Alas, it was a fraud. The real Flea appears, and it is apparently the bat
that had been following you around the whole time! That cross-dresser of a
person or thing is one nemesis you shouldn't take lightly. On an unrelated
note, Flea, in my perspective, is a woman since in Chrono Cross, she looked
so feminine it's sickening. So, it's a her. End of story.

Attacks: Prism Beam, Gained: 500 EXP
Rainbow Storm, 10 TP
Waltz of the Wind, 1000 G
The Stare

Despite the fact that she looks so brittle and swanky, she still has the
power, believe or not, to wipe your party off the map. With her constant
use of Prism Beam, Rainbow Storm and The Stare, she is one tough hoochie,
although not utterly challenging. The downside to her attacks is that they
cause various status effects. If at the proper level and equipped with
grade-A armor up to this point, the party should take no more than 50 damage
each time. Continuously use X-Strike to put her in her place. X-Strike
should do (it did for me) roughly 500 damage each time. Don't bother with
physical attacks as they will miss constantly. The Stare attack poses the
biggest threat, as it can charm one of your characters to turncoat and attack
the whole party, and most of the time it's Crono.

She feels quite humiliated that she's been defeated by low-class humans. As
she leaves, a [MAGIC TAB] replaces her silhouette. Take the chance to save or
be eternally damned. The next fight is going be a tad more difficult. Oops,
did I scare you?

Attacks: Attack, Attack, Attack, Gained: 500 EXP
Jump Slash, 10 TP
Fury Attacks 1500 G

Slash is more than enough for you to handle, especially when the mark of his
demise draws nearer and nearer, where he tends to get nasty. Unfortunately
for you, he is required to be defeated twice in order for him to be _really_
defeated. His first self is easy and is pretty much self-explanatory.
However, round 2 is another story. It's kill or be killed. Just keep
pummeling him with X-Strike and occasionally Aura Whirl (with Marle if you
have her) on the party to recover any lost HP. It will be quite frequent once
Slash gets used to his Jump Slash and Fury Attacks. Both the Jump Slash and
Fury Attack can do about 100 damage. I'm not exaggerating. I had my Defense
at over 100 too! So, he is strong. He gets really dangerous if he decides to
use Jump Slash/Fury Attack consecutively. You'd better have plenty of Revive
handy and may peanut butter help you through this.

Need more help?

I have a tip that will make the fight with Slash in Magus's castle so much
easier. Although I like to have a party of Chrono, Frog and Lucca, right
before the Slash fight I put Robo in the party. Why, you say? I'll tell you
my friend. The Triple Raid attack will hit Slash for nearly 1000 damage. So
simply follow this pattern:

1. Triple Raid
2. Cure whoever ate one of Slash's attacks
3. Repeat until Slash meets his untimely doom

Thanks to Graeme Laird

He, like Flea, is baffled by the fact you were able to defeat the right-hand
to Magus, or Ozzie. He bids farewell and leaves a remnant of his rage, the
[SLASHER], a sword for Crono, as well as a Save Point. It's about damn time!
The save point that appears in the hallway is actually a warp point that
teleports the party to another room in the castle.

From here onwards, you will have to suffer through countless, and I do mean
countless fights with tough and tougher enemies. It will get so annoying, you
will be screaming for the madness to stop no more than 5 minutes later. Be
strong, my audacious friend. For the next few events, the point is to avoid
Ozzie's tricks and fight your way to approach him. Don't miss the awesome
treasures on the way! Every time you manage to foil his nefarious plans, he
turns tail and flees. But he seems to always drop a few lovely gifts.

Once you reach the room where you can see Ozzie on the other side, attempt to
walk towards him. He'll pull the switch and let out a laugh as your party
plummets to the bottom. In the torture chamber, 6 Decedents are resurrected
to throw a party for you. In the chamber, there are four Save Points located
in the north, south, west and east directions. The first time you stop here,
the western save point is a veritable save point, while the one on the
opposite side (east) is the warp point you want. It transports you back to
the room where you last saw Ozzie. The remaining two result in fights with
uh, save points. Inane-looking things, but they let out huge amounts of EXP.

Back in the room, try your luck in walking and guessing which tiles are not
traps. But if you do happen to revisit that room again, the correct save
points will have relocated and you will have to use your random guessing
abilities to identify them. Keep trying and you'll eventually reach Ozzie.
As per usual, he retreats.

From here, you will have to fight in a series of annoying battles with tough
enemies such as the Juggler. The Juggler is a bit tricky. Once you attack it
with either a physical or magic attack, it activates the defense system for
the last attack you inflicted upon him. For example, if you attacked him
first with a magic attack, Magic Attack Defense On appears on the screen. You
should now use a physical attack to counter the defense system. This pattern
will repeat itself until it dies. Be careful from this point onwards, as the
monsters can perform dual techs of their own, specifically, the Outlaw with a

When you finally get to confront Ozzie, he has no where to run and decides to
finish this once and for all. Ozzie creates an ice barrier surrounding his
entire body. It repels _all_ attacks. To make it worse, he counters with a
devastating attack. The secret is to attack the four chains dangling behind
him. The last chain opens a hidden hole underneath Ozzie, sending him to the
fiery pits of hell. Take the chance to save now. Magus is waiting just ahead.
In a haunting image of Frog--anime style--he stands up to Magus, face to face
again. Music plays out and the battle between life and death ensues...

Attacks: Level 2 elemental attacks Gained: 1500 EXP
Dark Matter 15 TP
Geyser 3000 G

He's one hella tough guy. You must max out your defense and attack power as
much as possible to this point. His attack pattern is something I've never
encountered in a game before. It's easy to catch on to, but hard to actually
use it to your advantage. He has a magic barrier that allows specific magic
elementals to hurt him. It's not a guessing game, as the text is displayed on
the screen at the top.

If you use an elemental attack other than the one specified, you will end up
doing him a big favor by healing his wounds, if any. What's worse is that
whatever magic that he is susceptible to currently, he will cast it as a
level 2 spell on your party. If your party does not have that certain
elemental attribute, then coerce him to change barriers with a physical
attack. On a quite frequent basis, he casts Geyser, which not only takes away
some HP, but it also causes each character's HP to slowly deteriorate.

Once you've hacked away about 3000HP, he will start to cast Dark Matter which
does about 200 damage to all members. However, you have a small amount of
time in-between to squeeze a few relentless attacks. When he does prepare to
cast Dark Matter, he will be off guard. This is your only chance to use the
most powerful techs you have. Good luck.

Need more help?

When Magus puts up the Lightning Barrier, have Crono and Frog do the Spire
tech. It will hit Magus for approximately 740+ damage every time. However,
when Magus casts Dark Matter, use Frog's Heal spell twice. I also used Robo
and things were never the easier.

Thanks to Mark Rittaler

Magus tacitly admits that he had underestimated the power of the Masamune.
As Magus barely finishes his last sentence, a great roar pervades the screen.
The awakening of Lavos has begun, and it is out of Magus' control. He blames
it on you for intervening with his ritual. The party throws a few curt
remarks at Magus, only to find that Magus hadn't created Lavos, just summoned
it. A huge time distortion sucks the party and sends them into the void, but
to where exactly?

Instead of that hopeful dream Crono had, the party finds themselves in Ayla's
hut. When you regain control of your characters, everything is pretty much
the way it had been before you left. However, there are some new weapons in
the Ioka Trading Hut that may interest you. These trade-offs are worth your

Dream Gun = Petal and Fang
Dream Bow = Petal and Horn
Magma Hand = Petal and Feather
Aeon Blade = Fang and Horn
Ruby Vest = Fang and Feather
Rock Helm = Horn and Feather

Be sure to get the Aeon Blade for Crono and the weapons for the characters
you use frequently. Afterward, travel to the Laruba Ruins inside the ring of
trees. The chief of Laruba and Ayla are conversing and you can hear every bit
of their conversation. Apparently, the Reptites' keen method that enabled
them to find Laruba was by following Ayla. Follow her out to the Dactyl Nest
in the north.

AYLA VS AZALA (65,000,000 BC) | ENEMIES |
=====================================================| Cave Ape |
? Find Ayla on the cliff edge | Shist |
? Fly over the lava to Tyrano's Lair | Avian Rex |
? Free the prisoners and Kino | Reptite |
? Cross the annoying teleportation room | Terrasaur |
? Finish Nizbel off for good | Volcano |
? Gain access to Azala's chamber | Azala (boss) |
? Battle Azala and Black Tyrano | Black Tyrano (boss) |
| Tonic |
GOOD DACTYL | Mid Ether x3 |
At the entrance, look ahead to see a Cave Ape and | Mid Tonic |
two Shists that look like rocks. You can't go | Full Tonic |
around them, so might as well just fight them. | Revive |
The monsters are abnormally strong. No matter how | Full Ether |
high your defense is, they still manage to knock |=======================
off about 50-80HP off easily. Although with your | EQUIPMENT |
attack power, they should be like pie crumbs to | Meso Mail x2 |
pick off. Dactyl's Nest is a short dungeon that is | CeraTopper x2 |
teeming with strong monsters and narrow paths. To |______________________|
get to the end of it, climb the rock holds
provided on cliff sides. You should spend no more than 10 minutes
here. At the summit, Ayla is calling upon her dinosaur friend.
She summons a few more to accommodate the number of people tagging along.
A really cool anime sequence that shows Crono and Ayla taming the Dactyls
and riding off into the fiery red sky follows.

You can choose to drop to the ground and prepare first, or just fly over the
body of lava to Tyrano's Lair.

Tyrano's Lair begins with a welcome party--2 annoying Cave Apes and an extra
Reptite. They're thrilled to see you. Now, go through the fossilized head to
the other room and up the stairs you go. Take on the Reptites and free the
incarcerated villagers as you go. Kino is also imprisoned in the last holding
cell. Ayla tries to ram the cell door open, but to no avail. Once Kino is
freed, he bids you to follow him. Before you do, the egg-shaped container in
the cell is a chest. Be on the look out for more of these as you infiltrate
Tyrano's Lair. Kino is patiently waiting for you back at the entrance. After
speaking with him, he displays his barbaric strength by opening the other
head's mouth for you.

The stairs lead to a higher level of the tower where you'll meet Reptites and
other monsters that are just itching to see you. And since you don't have all
the time in the world to play with them, step on both floor switches to dump
them to the depths below. However, if you do this, you'd have to fight them
later if you fall into a trap. But since I'm helping you out, you shouldn't
need to ever see them again. Anyway, head to the right first to collect a
[FULL TONIC] from the left chest _only_. Do NOT open the right one. It's a
cleverly rigged trap. Return to the previous room and head to the other side.

In this room, you'll find that the chamber is full of invisible teleportation
devices installed into the tiles. There is no possible way to identify them,
as they have no distinct appearances. These teleport you to other areas in
the room. No biggie there, right? Wrong. Apparently, some chests, the one on
the upper right to be exact, requires you to teleport yourself around to be
able to get to the chest. The other three are easy enough to get on your own,
but the last one may cause you to seek my guidance. So, I have generously
provided a mini-map of the tiles you need to step on to teleport yourself to
the right places.

| O = Treasure Chest | NOTE: I made this entire map just to help you get
| 1 = Teleport device | the Meso Mail. :)
| 2 = Teleport device |

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ok, what I have here is a rough layout of the entire room. It's not exactly
drawn to scale, but it should suffice. Here are three easy steps to get to
the chest.

1. Begin by heading to the upper right portion of the room to location [2].
2. This teleporter transports you to location [A].
3. Run into the teleporter situated at location [1].

Hopefully after looking at the map and drinking in my simple directions, you
will appear just underneath the chest that contains the [MESO MAIL]. After
you've collected all the treasures, head up the stairs to an even higher
level. Battle your way to the unlocked gate, and step on the right switch to
proceed into the control room. Push the switch for the gate to open.

Inside, you run into a face you have hoped to never see again. It's Nizbel,
but he has no intentions to fight you. Save now or wallow in self-remorse.
As you attempt to run up the stairs, Nizbel calls you from behind and taunts
your party. Hence, a fight begins.

Attacks: Electric Wave Gained: 880 EXP
Stomp! 15 TP
Power Ram 0 G

He's back, he's yellow and he's more powerful than ever to crush your marrow-
filled bones. You can apply the same tactics from the last meeting, but this
time, not only will Lightning shatter his defense, but also, as you damage
him, his defense will strengthen again. So it's a sea-saw battle. Casting
Lightning is on one end, and attacking him is on the other. You're going to
have to cast Lightning every round to exploit his weakness. Then use Volt
Bite, a dual tech performed by Crono and Ayla. Every so often, he'll attempt
to annihilate the party with his explosive Electric Wave, which dishes out
approximately 150-200 damage each time. Survival of the fittest. Stay alive
long enough and you'll pull through.

Witness Nizbel get reduced to nothing, then save again and head out. On the
balcony, there is a firm insinuation that you are not allowed to meet Azala.
There are about 6 battles here, some of which are against Reptites and the
mighty Terrasaur. Terrasaurs may seem extremely difficult to deal with at
first glance, but once you shock it with Crono's lightning, it takes only one
flick of the index finger to totally wipe it out. The Volcanoes are utterly
baffling since they seem to attack each other.

In the room with three switches on the floor, step on them in this order:
Top, left, and right. Throw the switch to unlock the center gate. Finally,
it's time to settle things with Azala. When you approach him, he only laughs
at your party and talks as if he expected you would make it far enough to
face him. Azala hops down and heads out the door behind him. Don't overlook
the two chests on either side of the throne.

High above the bubbling lava, Azala awaits your arrival, along with his pet,
Black Tyrano. Blacky seems a little hungry...

BOSS: BLACK TYRANO/AZALA HP: 10,500 (Tyrano), 2700 (Azala)
Attacks: PsychoKenesis, Teleportation, Gained: 1800 EXP
Devour, Telepathy, 25 TP
Flamethrower, Azala Break 0 G

I can tell from the twinkle in your eye that you're just ecstatic to see this
much HP. Boy, will we have fun. Despite the HP overkill, this isn't as hard
as you'd expect it to be. Only if you follow my method. Lengthy maybe, but it
works. First, you'll need Frog in your party. Why? His Heal ability will be
the party's life support and because it's a single tech, not a dual tech. Ok,
with that in mind, time to put you to the ultimate test. Azala's an annoyance
by casting all those spells. Put him to rest by relentlessly casting
Lightning on him. NOT Lightning2. Do NOT attack Tyrano yet; he will only
brutally cast a counter-blow that will tear your party to pieces, nearly
killing them.

Keep casting Lightning on Azala either until he dies, or Tyrano starts to let
up his defense for an attack. At this time, have Frog and Crono perform their
X-Strike for mega damage (500+). Ayla's role plays as a second-hand healer.
Always have her ready to cast her Kiss spell to whomever's HP drops below
200. If everyone is healthy and in tip-top shape, you can risk inflicting
some extra damage to Tyrano by having Ayla perform Rollo Kick.

Tyrano performs a countdown once he's open to attack, whereby a mighty roar
escapes to indicate that it's drawing nearer to zero. When this countdown
reaches zero, Tyrano uses the deathblow FlameThrower (a name made up by me).
This group attack is enough to wipe out the entire party, but at your fairly
high level, they should all still be standing. Quickly have Frog use Heal on
the party twice, and Ayla can fill in the gaps of lost HP amounts. Since you
can't attack Tyrano until his shield is down, 'tis a good time to revitalize
the party. Occasionally, Tyrano will slurp up a party member and spit 'im
back out with half of his HP gone. Simply use Ayla to bring it back up again.
Keep up this assault and Tyrano will eventually bite the dust.


In the Black Tyrano/Azala battle, you got the X-Strike strategy, but you
neglected to mention the vicious amount of damage Volt Bite dishes out to the
Tyrano. If you have it at this point, use it every chance you get! Save your
3rd character for healing, and when he drops his guard, Unleash the fury of
the Volt Bite attack. You can take him down within two defense drops.

Thanks to Graeme Laird

Black Tyrano becomes a fragment of your imagination, and Azala is lying
helplessly on the ground, gravely injured. Ayla feels sympathetic and prompts
Azala to escape with her. Azala, of course, rebuffs her kindness and proceeds
to reveal to the party that there will be a time when the world is composed
of nothing but ice, known as the Ice Age, and humans will have perished. At
this point, you see an asteroid engulfed by red flames, speeding toward the
planet. It's Lavos! Magus didn't create Lavos afterall; Lavos had arrived
from space in this period of time.

After regaining control of your characters, inspect the Lair Ruins to find an
active gate. The portal calls out to you. Hop in to find out where it leads

=====================================================| Nu |
? Enter the Skyway | Golem (boss) |
? Find Janus and Schala in the bedroom |=======================
? Magnify pendant's power | ITEMS |
? Battle with the impossible | Black Rock |
? Revisit 2300AD | Magic Tab x2 |
| Speed Tab x2 |
| Mop |
AN ICE SHEET HAS FALLEN |=======================
Your twisted journey begins, yet again, in a tiny | EQUIPMENT |
cave with the Gate you had jumped into back in the | None |
prehistoric era. Just outside the cave, an |______________________|
interminable blizzard rages on and obscures the
land with a thick, white sheet of snow. If you haven't
noticed already, look at the plaque on the bottom left corner.
It reads "12,000 BC". So, that's where you are. Azala had been right. Because
of the actions that had taken place in 65,000,000 BC, this world has become a
desolate wasteland of nothing but snow. Start traveling east to find an
encased dome. Inside, hop on the hub and get teleported to who knows where.

When you arrive, leave the hub. To your amazement, you find an entire civili-
zation floating high above the bleak surface that has been surmounted by the
snow. It's amazing and it looks so peaceful. I like the song that plays in
the background, too. ^_^ The first accessible town at this point is obviously
the one nearest to you, Enhasa.

As you speak with the people in town, you find that their technology is quite
advance. The people here are all selected magicians who study under the queen
of this kingdom--the kingdom of Zeal. As you adapt to the refreshing
surroundings, check out the books, as they can burst into flames or spurt
water. The books have a purpose, not just for eye candy. You have to open the
books in a proper order so that a secret passage will be revealed near the
last book opened, which is Fire. Open the books in this order: Water, Wind
and Fire.

There is a secret room beyond the passage, and inside is a Nu. You can impose
a challenge on it and win a [MAGIC TAB] and a [SPEED TAB]. They are, however,
stupendously tough. You will also bump into a sullen boy with a bad attitude.
He gives you an ominous foretaste of your future.

Once you've finished conversing with the people of the town, you may head out
and head to the northern land-bridge. On the ground below, trudge through the
snow to the north to another Skyway. This one leads to the main continent of
the Zeal Kingdom. Upon your arrival on the main floating continent, visit the
BlackBird first. There, you'll meet Sir Dalton, an ill-humored knight, or
captain. One of those. He recognizes your party as the evil-doers the prophet
warned of. He's too full of himself to do anything.

At the Queen's puppet town of Kajar, open the books again in the same order
to reveal yet another secret room. Inside is a poyozo doll that holds a
[BLACK ROCK]. There's another Spring of Recovery here, although you may not
need it, as well as a guy offering hints about the mythical Rainbow Shell and
Sun Stone. In the Magic Tab development room, search the bottom right corner
of the room for a [SPEED TAB].

Zeal Palace is accessible by going through the caves and transporting your
party to the summit of the mountain the palace sits on. There's much to do.
First, if you want another Magic Tab, offer to help scratch the Nu that's
chafing his back against the wall on the overpass to discover a Nu's scratch
point. Return to Kajar and scratch the Nu in the Magic Tab developing room
for it to cough out a [MAGIC TAB].

There's a woman standing near a plant in the bottom left area of the room. Be
sure to tell her to "Secretly Plant the sapling". This helps begin a side
quest later on in the game.

In the upper right chamber is the bedroom where Schala is resting. There, you
will witness a small sequence between her brother, Janus, and herself. She
notices you as she walks out, but is pestered by the maid to go see the queen
in haste. Follow her to the main room, where she uses her pendant to open the
sealed door. Your pendant, unfortunately, has no effect. To evoke its true
power, go to the Mammon Machine. Examine the center pedestal, and the machine
dissipates its energy on Marle's pendant. Return to the sealed door and try
again. This time it works!

Inside the main room, the queen senses your presence and commands Dalton to
make short work of you. They disappear, and a bestial-looking creature takes
their place.

Attacks: Iron Orb Gained: 1000 EXP
Copy Cat 35 TP
2000 G

At your level, this guy really can make short work of you. Its Iron Orb drops
your HP by half and he delivers the deathblow with CopyCat, which is an
attack based on the damage dealt to him, only stronger. There's no way to win
the battle at this time, unless you're playing a New Game+. Just sit back and
watch him whoop your ass, which won't take long. I'll explain how to beat him


As you may know, the Golem attacks you two ways: by throwing the "Iron Ball"
at you (which cuts your HP in half) and by duplicating the attack that you
did to him last with his "Copy Cat" move (in other words, if you hit him with
Lightning 2, he'll return with a very powerful lightning attack that will
probably kill you, and ice with ice, and so on). He does the duplication
attack only after a certain amount of time (let's say he does the Copy Cat
once for every 4 turns that your characters go).

So what you do is start off by having one of your characters, say Marle,
attack with Ice 1 (NOT Ice 2, this is important). Then wait. Golem will
duplicate the Ice 1 with a weak ice attack against you. This works with other
weak spells, too (Lightning 1, Fire 1, Water 1). Do NOT use physical
attacks... this makes him do a rather powerful counter-attack. So, right
after he duplicates your weak attack with a weak attack of his own, have the
next one or two characters use their most powerful attacks (try to avoid
double or triple techs). Now the key is, right before he is about use his
Copy Cat again, make sure your last character before that uses one of those
weak spells (Ice 1, etc.) on him. Since he only copies the last attack (which
should be weak), his Copy Cat should hardly hurt you at all. He will still
use his Iron Ball attack so make sure you heal from time to time.

I hope this is all clear; it's hard to explain. But you can beat Golem really
easily once you get the hang of it. What do you get for beating him? Some
nice experience, but that's about it. Nothing changes in the story... you're
still captured. But just so ya know, it's possible to win.

Thanks to John M. for this

With this technique you can defeat the golem with only getting hit once!
You need three characters with different elements to them (basically not
Marle and Frog on the same team). Then once the battle starts Crono will be
"iron balled". After that have the first character cast their elemental spell
(fire1 or fire2 for example) the screen will read "copycat skill/ copy fire
techniques". At this point the golem's attack preparation bar will reset as
it prepares a fire counterattack. Wait until the character that first cast
the spell's attack preparation bar has gotten half full then have another
character cast any different elements (or physics). The golem will change
his technique to that element and here's the key part: his attack preparation
bar will reset again! If you keep waiting until the last person who attack's
bar is half full before attacking the enemy's bar will keep resetting and
he'll never attack again!

Does that make sense? Here's an example of how I usually do it. I have Frog,
Crono, and Lucca on my team. (I use a slight variation here to get in two
attacks at once but otherwise I'm following the procedure I mentioned above).
I wait until frog's bar is full then I cast "water" then I wait until frog's
bar is half full, then Crono uses "spincut" immediately followed by Lucca's
"fire". Then I wait until frog's bar fills and then cast "water". I repeat
until the golem dies.

Thanks to Knightly Knave for this strategy.

With the entire party lying unconscious on the floor, Queen Zeal and the
others return to their positions and laugh in triumph at your pathetic self.
They imprison you within the energy field of the Mammon Machine. At this
point, Schala appears to free your party. She wants you to help her find the
Gurus, namely, Melchior, who has been banished to Mt. Woe. Before your party
can accept her wishes, the mysterious Prophet appears to meddle with your
plans. He and Schala make a compromise to let you go, but under the condition
that you return to your time. After returning to prehistoric time, the Time
Gate to 12,000 BC is sealed. Looks like they don't like you much.

Once you have the idea of your next destination, it's time to go there. That
place is in 2300 AD.

Zeal Kingdom places:
- Land Bridges
- Enhasa
- Kajar
- Caves
- BlackBird
- Zeal Palace

Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.

Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.

=====================================================| Nereid |
? Use the Sewer Access to Death Peak | Egder |
? Visit Keeper's Dome | Krawlie |
? Board the "Wings of Time" | Beast |
? Explore Terra Cave | Red Beast (boss) |
? Go through Beast's Nest to Mt. Woe | Blue Beast (boss) |
| Mud Imp (boss) |
DARK SEWER DEPTHS | Full Ether x2 |
The party arrives back in A.D. 2300 at the Proto | Magic Tab |
Dome, where they have been last. Travel to Arris | Power Tab x2 |
Dome, Trann Dome and Bangor Dome, and open all | Elixir |
the previously inaccessible doors for really | 600G |
nice items. There's a barely visible [POWER TAB] |=======================
in Arris Dome. Be sure to revisit the End of | EQUIPMENT |
Time through Bangor Dome's Gate for an additional | Charm Top |
portal to appear. When you've reaped all you can in | Gold Stud |
Trann Dome, head to the Sewer Access. | Lumin Robe |
| Hit Ring |
During the descent, a guard will notice you and | Rage Band |
run off to warn Sir Krawlie. Make your way towards | GoldErng |
the bottom of the screen to find two frogs. They | Bolt Sword |
play a small role of guiding you through the |______________________|
sewers, as they provide subtle hints about
navigating the sewer depths. Various switches are
needed to extend bridges. As they leap down the ladder, follow them.

At the bottom, you can choose to read the note on the ground for a small tip.
As you make your way to the other side, steer clear of touching anything
littered along the path, as the slightest noise can instigate battles with
Nereids. They're not tough, just annoying. Ignore the save point at the end
for it is a trap.

Head up and hang a right into a narrow corridor. Throw the switch and return
to the north, following the contour of the back wall. Then move down through
the now-unlocked door. Here, there's another sequence with the frogs as they
explain how to expand the bridge. Keep moving and pick up the [RAGE BAND]
from the chest. On the other side of the bridge is the guard that caught you
intruding earlier and Krawlie, a boisterous little insect-like creature.

After a dry laugh, they finally notice you and Krawlie attacks. No need for
much of a boss strategy if you're at this power level. Although Krawlie does
have an attack that can reduce your HP to 1, but that doesn't matter much
since it'll die in about 4 blows. Afterward, curve around and hit the switch
for the bridge. Then climb up the ladder to the World Map.

Refrain from entering Death Peak and move along to Keeper's Dome. Once you
have taken refuge in the nearly deserted dome, head to the door at the top.
Ignore the snoozing and only inhabitant of the area. Beyond that room are
three shimmering dots of what seem to be Tabs, but unfortunately, you're not
that lucky. The dots reveal the voice of Belthasar, the Guru of Time. The
very same from 12,000 BC. He starts explaining the events that occurred in
Zeal Kingdom that had thrown him forward in time. You'll also get an insight
at how Lavos came to be (as if you didn't already know enough about it).
Continue along while checking the dots. Beyond the sealed door is Belthasar's
last and greatest invention, the Wings of Time.

For the first time, you get to feast your eyes on the coolest flying object
that'll take your butt anywhere. Thank Belthasar. Oh, and the guys at Square.
Go to the far end of the aircraft to fully marvel its brilliance. Then
attempt to leave. The Nu from the entrance butts in and wheels in a pilot's
seat. Can't leave the place without one it seems. It's a reincarnated form of
Belthasar, or rather, his memory implanted into a body of a Nu. Name the
Wings of Time, better known as the Epoch. Now power up the Epoch and watch a
cool anime sequence of Crono's starting the engine.

Travel to 12,000 BC, but you soon find that the Skyway has malfunctioned.
For now, make a stop at the Terra Cave located on the northwestern tip of the

Terra Cave is a decent place where the Earthbound ones, as the enlightened
ones call them, live. The merchant selling weapons, items and equipment have
great selections. You can choose to upgrade your weapons now, but if you wait
a while, you can Charm powerful weapons from the inhabitants of Mt. Woe. Only
get what is necessary. Optimizing full defense is mandatory for the upcoming
battles, so you could go ahead and re-furnish your characters. After shopping
for your daily needs, there's a place where you could rest three floors down.
It's free, so don't hesitate to recover your HP/MP.

At the bottom is a save point. The right doorway leads to the Beast Nest that
connects to Mt. Woe. A recommended party for this excursion is Crono, Frog
and Ayla. Why? You'll see later. At the bottom right of the screen is a
partially hidden [POWER TAB]. It's rather hard to see. Anyway, there is a
total of 3 fights. Two of which are with Beasts. As you deal damage to these
mammals, they can increase their attack power by absorbing the damage dealt
to them. It's wise to finish them off as quickly as possible. If you have the
Charm ability, you can charm a Rainbow Helm, a really good defense-increasing
helmet, from each Beast. This is a one-time opportunity to have 4 Rainbow
Helms in your possession!

At the end of the small cave is a barricade of two colored beasts and an Imp.
The little runt...

BOSS: BLUE/RED BEAST, MUD IMP HP: 5000 (Blue/Red), 1200 (Imp)
Attacks: Beast Rider, Gained: 954 EXP
Tremor, 22 TP
Recover 2600 G

'Tis nothing compared to what's coming up. This is just a shadow of the next
boss. Don't panic, though. I'm here to guide you remember. It seems that the
Mud Imp is the leader of the trio. It throws rocks at the Beasts to coerce
them to charge at you. Almost always, the Imp will hop on the beast and plow
through one of your party members as a counterblow. On occasion, the Imp will
also recover the entire party (not yours) by 150HP.

As the fight lags on, you discover that the Imp cannot be hurt sufficiently.
No problem. Just concentrate on one at a time. Start with the Blue Beast.
Remember what I told you about having a party consisted of Crono, Frog and
Ayla? Here's where they come into play. Have Crono and Ayla use Volt Bite on
the Blue Beast 'til you eliminate it, while Frog heals the party. Next, use
SwordStream on the Red Beast to make very short work of it. If you don't have
SwordStream, Ice Sword with Marle works efficiently as well. When you've KOed
the two Beasts, the Mud Imp will be a cinch.

Now that they're out of the way, you can continue to Mt. Woe, where Melchior

Terra Cave (12000 BC):
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.
Demon Edge 17000G Raises strength by 90.
Comet Arrow 7800G Raises strength by 80.
MegaBlast 9800G Raises strength by 80.
Megaton Arm 15000G Raises strength by 90.
Flash Blade 18000G Raises strength by 90.
Lumin Robe 6500G Raises defense by 63.
Flash Mail 8500G Raises defense by 64.
Glow Helm 2300G Raises defense by 25.

=====================================================| Bantam Imp |
? Climb the unstable Mt. Woe | Stone Imp |
? Free Melchior from a cold fate | Gargoyle |
? Save Schala! | Rubble |
? Give Dalton a beating of his life | Man Eater |
| Giga Gaia (boss) |
| Dalton (boss) |
Mountain of Woe is a gloomy place covered in | Barrier x3 |
thick clouds of translucent fog. The battles | Lapis x2 |
are all, but unavoidable. The enemies--utterly | Shield x2 |
weak and annoying. Be sure to have Ayla in the | Full Ether x2 |
current party since the enemies here have great | Shelter |
weapons to steal. Don't want to miss this | Magic Tab |
chance now, do you? |=======================
For your ethics class, steal, or in this case, | Lode Helm |
Charm a Bantam Imp for Crono's Alloy Blade, a | Lode Vest |
Gargoyle for Robo's Big Hand and a Man Eater | Time Hat |
for Frog's Pearl Edge, all of which are very | Ruby Knife |
good weapons. There are also many good items to |______________________|
find that are strewn across this mini-dungeon.
In each area, there are chains that are unusually
thicker than the rest for you to climb to the next area.

The Rubble enemy is an inert rocky monster that automatically locks all your
tech skills and magic attacks. If you manage to kill it with pure physical
attacks before it escapes, the kill nets you 1000 EXP and 100 TP! We just
struck Tech Point haven. You can re-enter and practice genocide with it as
many times as you'd like. After you've wringed every chest in the whole area,
save your game at a hard-to-see save point near the end point. In the next
area, pick up the [TIME HAT] and [FULL ETHER] from the two remaining chests.
Don't miss the [MAGIC TAB] at the bottom right corner. I'm going to recommend
another party for this fight: Crono, Frog and Ayla. Listen to me, if you want
to survive.

Your party climbs to the peak of Mt. Woe, and arrives at a dead end with an
abyss drilled deep in the earth just in front of them. To your dismay,
Melchior is trapped in a block of ice, and as you approach it, it disappears.
In its place comes a huge, cool-looking boss...Whoever said this rescue
mission was a freebie...

Attacks: Dark Plasma, Gained: 3000 EXP
Double Hand Blaster, 30 TP
Defense Arm Recover 3000 G

Before any of your characters can become active, you can bet your liver that
he can whither away your HP to danger level with his 2-hand attacks. His most
powerful being Double Hand Blaster. This is a dead give away that Giga Gaia
must need both hands to enact these devastating attacks. Immediately after
the Volt Bite dual tech becomes available, use it on the left hand(your left,
not his). Do this twice until it disappears. Now that that you have deprived
Giga Gaia of his two powerful attacks, he's helpless puppy. Now, use Crono
and Frog's Spire attack on the body and repeat. After a few rounds, Gaia will
resurrect its hand and the pattern recycles, except the left hand will die in
one hit of the Volt Bite from here on out. Ignore the right hand, as it's not
life-threatening. If necessary, use Frog's Heal to replenish lost HP.

Need more help?

I found a really easy way to beat that $%&#&%# Giga Gaia really quickly.
Falcon Hit. I swear it works like a charm as it kills all three parts at the
same time.

Thanks to Fading Fast

Melchior re-appears and escorts the party to Terra Cave. Note that if you've
missed the chance to charm the weapons from the monsters in Mt. Woe, don't
dwell on it since they can be bought in Kajar now. At the Terra Cave, Schala
comes to visit the party and Melchior. At the same time, sir Dalton appears
and flashes a glint of evil. He kidnaps Schala and disappears. Speak with
Melchior afterwards to receive the [RUBY KNIFE]. It is NOT a weapon, but an
item to destroy the Mammon Machine with.

Re-group and return to the Skyway, as it is now working. Make a quick stop at
Kajar and speak to the Nu selling items. Be honest and he'll sell you nice
items. Then head to Zeal Palace and go into the room where the party had been
beaten to death by the Golem?-the throne room. Inside, you'll meet up with
the culprit, Dalton.

Attacks: Iron Orb, Gained: 1000 EXP
Black Haze, 30 TP
Blurp 2500 G

He's surprisingly easy to beat. Give him a taste of your Ice Sword and Spire.
If he's not crying bloody murder by now, finish him off with a few physical
attacks. The only attacks you should keep an eye out for are Black Haze and
possibly Iron Orb.

Dalton is not one to admit defeat so quickly. He escapes the gravitational
pull of death and teleports himself to the Ocean Palace...with Crono and co
in pursuit.

Kajar (After Mt. Woe):
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.
Alloy Blade 21000G Raises strength by 110.
Big Hand 18000G Raises strength by 105.
Pearl Edge 22000G Raises strength by 105.
Lode Vest 8500G Raises defense by 71.
Lode Helm 6500G Raises defense by 29.

=====================================================| Jinn |
? Follow Dalton into the Ocean Palace | Barghest |
? Speak with Mune at the entrance | Red Scout |
? Gain access to the exit | Blue Scout |
? Travel down on the elevator | Mage |
? Defeat the ugly twosome | Scouter |
? Have a taste of Lavos' power | Thrasher |
? Regroup and mourn | Lasher |
| Golem (boss) |
Through the portal connecting to the Ocean Palace, | Elixir |
the party arrives in an advanced, air-compressed, |=======================
facility with vicious security. You start out in | EQUIPMENT |
a back room with a save point and Mune blocking | Aeon Helm |
the door to the next area. You don't have to fight | Aeon Suit |
him, thankfully. Approach him and he says something | ShockWave |
about the black energy growing. Beyond the door | Rune Blade |
Mune is corking off is a helluva lot of tough | Star Sword |
enemies. You best be equipped with the most durable | Demon Hit |
and damaging weapons you have. | Kaiser Arm |
| Sonic Arrow |
UNDER DA SEA! |______________________|
The two diverging pathways at the starting point of
this room are connected to the western and eastern
rooms. In the large area ahead, pick up the [RUNE BLADE] and the [AEON SUIT],
as they are fairly easy to overlook. A [STAR SWORD] is waiting inside the
west room, but you need to earn it through blood and sweat. You can't reach
the platform yet, but wrap around the path and go through the hidden doorway
to get to the [DEMON HIT].

In the opposite room, there is an [AEON HELM], but it's guarded by some Red
Scouts and a Mage. From here, you can reach the platform. As you step over
the blue floor tiles, a battle ensues. Move to the blue orb in the floor and
switch it on. This raises a platform in the south that leads to a new area.
Before leaving this place, plunder the chests in the lower left and right
rooms for various treasure.

| The enemies here require more than just brute strength. For the "colored"|
| scouts, they will only take specific elemental attacks. Red?Fire, Blue- |
| Water/Ice, and Yellow-Lightning. As for the Jinn and Barghest couple, be |
| sure to eliminate Barghest _first_. Otherwise, Jinn will suffer minimal |
| damage. |

Once you've reached the other side of the doorway, it will be a journey of
descent through endless flights of stairs. On the way down, you will meet
some resistance by Thrashers, Lashers and a few Mages. At the last stairwell,
you bump into Masa. Approach the two swirly objects, and they turn into the
notorious Jinn/Barghest duo! After you give them a piece of your sword, use a
Shelter at the save point. You'll need it.

Proceed to the center of the room; you'll be attacked by a group of monsters
who are all very happy to see you. Dispose of them and examine the sparkling
dot on the orb at the left. It appears to be the switch for the elevator. As
the party makes their descent down the abysmal shaft, they are continuously
assaulted by diverse groups of monsters. You need to survive three grueling
battles that get tougher and tougher.

When/if you come to a stop, you could choose to continue, or put aside some
time to get an extra Magic Tab (too many won't hurt!). If you want to just
get the boss over with, take the party to both control rooms on either side
and step on the blue orb in the center to expand the bridge. If you are a
perfectionist, then re-enter the area again and hop on the elevator again for
a ride back to the very top. The [MAGIC TAB] will shimmer for a second. When
you take a second trip back down, you'll have to battle the monsters all over

Take the final treasure, an [ELIXIR], from the chest and move forward to meet
a very arrogant fool. He sics the Golem Twins on your party and leaves. Here
is a recommended party: Crono, Frog and Lucca

Attacks: Iron Orb, Gained: 2000 EXP
Blurp, 70 TP
CopyCat 4000 G

For the first few tries, you may classify these two in the "Hardest bosses of
all time!" file, but you may also overlook the fact that their bulky
appearances are very deceiving. They're actually pretty damn easy. That is,
if you know the secret. This is a fool-proof way to beat them. If you don't
have Lucca in your party, I guarantee you that you won't be able to endure
their continuous beatings for more than 30 seconds. Until Lucca is in your
party, you will keep dying (unless you have devised your own strategy).

Anyway, have her use HypnoWave to put them _both_ to sleep. It works 99.9999%
of the time. Once they're asleep, restore the damage from their Iron Orb
assault. Note that the sleep effect will _not_ wear off unless you hurt them.
Now use Spire on _one_ of the twins and do NOT ever, ever touch the other
until the one you're attacking dies. It appears that with its brother
inactive, it rarely uses Iron Orb anymore. So, just finish it off with Spire
or Fire Sword. Once the first one is gone, do the same to the second. As each
of them die, they will use Dalton's Blurp attack as a last resort.

Need More Help?

First of all, your party will consist of Crono, Robo, and Frog. Why? Crono
because...well, you HAVE to...and Robo and Frog because of one of their
double techs. I speak, of course, of the awesome Cure Wave. For a relatively
minor expenditure in MP, the two of them combine Heal powers to *completely*
cure your party...whether you're at 998 HP, or 1 HP! Keep Robo and Frog
hanging back in reserve to use this double tech at will, and have Crono use
Confuse on one of the Golem Twins. If you're at a decent level, you should
walk right over him.

This also works great on Lavos' final form; generally, he can't dole out
enough damage in one round to kill, so you can just completely heal every
round and terminate with extreme prejudice.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This will work. For it to work *well*, you'll want to equip
Robo with a speed-increasing accessory. Think 'Bandana'. Think 'Speed Belt'.
If this is a New Game +...well, what do you need this hint for? But still,
think 'Dash Ring'.

Thanks to Istanbul

Anyways this is how I did it...I charmed a Mermaid Helmet from the Blue Beast
then I got the Blue Mail and Blue Vest then I went to fight the golem guys..I
equipped Crono with the blue vest, Frog with the blue mail, and Ayla with the
mermaid helm...I just casted Luminaire and then I casted Water 2 and used
Ayla to heal occusianally and I charmed a Magic Tab too..I think you could do
this with other elements just get the stuff needed...

Thanks to James Erickson

Greatly disturbed, Lavos finally awakens and is being commanded by the queen.
Removing his disguise, Magus comes to reveal himself. It seems that he had
been thrown back to this period after the accident in Magus' Lair and tricked
Queen Zeal into summoning Lavos under the guise of friendship.

The screen shifts to a battle with the almighty Lavos. You finally get a
glimpse of the spaceborne creature. You'll die no matter what if this is your
first time through. Witness Magus' true intentions and afterwards, move Crono
so that he comes in contact with Lavos. An awesome anime sequence ensues.
Then, the screen blacks out...

The party finds themselves in the remains of Terra Cave, but its inhabitants
have apparently relocated outside now that the seemingly eternal blizzard has
abated. The Nu in one of the village huts is selling crude support items. You
can't reach the tab behind it until it moves aside, which will be later. Keep
checking back. The man assures you that the Nu will have items worthy of your
time later. Head into the Commons. If you don't have Ayla in your party,
stick her in now.

A few survivors of the inevitable downfall of the Zeal Kingdom have come to
reside in the quiet village of Commons. As one villager said, there are no
differences between the Enlightened ones and the Earthbound ones now. If you
haven't met the uncertain girl with the seed sapling, tell her to plant it
now, or be forever damned. Well not really, but this helps for the Sunken
Desert side quest. Speak to the village elder in the north. As you do, Dalton
appears and overpowers the party. Dalton then declares himself the new king
of the Zeal kingdom and takes the party captive onboard the BlackBird.

Last Village Places:
- Commons
- Shop Hut
- Residential Hut

Last Village (12000 BC):
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.
Mid Ether 2000G Restores 30 MP.

Last Village (random):
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.
Mid Ether 2000G Restores 30 MP.
Star Sword 25000G Raises strength by 125.
Sonic Arrow 10000G Raises strength by 100.
Shock Wave 11000G Raises strength by 110.
Kaiser Arm 21000G Raises strength by 120.
Rune Blade 24000G Raises strength by 120.
Hurricane 35000G Raises strength by 135.
Aeon Suit 9000G Raises defense by 75.
Aeon Helm 7800G Raises defense by 33.

=====================================================| Basher |
? Get the party's weapons back! | Turret |
? KO the guard | Byte |
? Those are our Elixirs, thank you very much! | Golem Boss (boss) |
? Gimme them items! | Dalton Plus (boss) |
? Cruise through the corridors of Blackbird | Magus (boss) |
? Scare off the Golem Boss |=======================
? Cross swords with Dalton (plus) | ITEMS |
| Inventory Items |
| Party's Money |
| Magic Tab |
I BELIEVE WE CAN FLY |=======================
Now that Crono is unavailable, you have a new | EQUIPMENT |
party, but there is no fixed party member you | C1 Equipment |
must have, except Ayla. As the party had been | C2 Equipment |
loaded onto the Blackbird as excess baggage, | C3 Equipment |
they've been stripped of their armor, weapons and |______________________|
just about every single thing you had; you still have
clothes though, thankfully. The party awakens in a holding room.

Climb the ladder in the back to find that you are currently way above sea
level and if you jump, you're a goner. Back inside, the second party member
notices an air vent you could go through. Climb up to reach the ventilation
ducts. From the area directly above the cell room, move to the right and all
the way up. Then make a left until you hit the first juncture. Move up and
left at the second juncture. Further ahead is the ladder leading to the well-
guarded [C1 EQUIPMENT].

Back at the starting point, head left and go down to the first intersection
point, then go left. Once you've taken back what truly belongs to you,
backtrack to the cell. You can watch a short scene of Dalton remodeling the
Epoch from the southern grate.

Back at the cell, feign illness and lure the guard in. *hint* The inept guard
will be knocked unconscious by the faker. Kudos. Now head to the other room
on the other side of the conveyor belt. The Byte won't attack unless you move
or provoke it. Stand perfectly still if you want to avoid getting caught. Get
your money back from the three Bashers guarding it. Afterwards, head north
past the top first conveyor belt and go in the door on the right. Retrieve
[C2 EQUIPMENT] here. Leave the room and trek further north, past the guarded
door. Enter the door on the left. Finally, reclaim your items and go out the
back door.

Make your way to the other side of the wing. The Turrets give off more than
ample tech points to unlock some techs. You must launch your hard-hitting
physical attacks before it self-destructs to earn the EXP and TP. The chances
of your getting them break even, unless you just happen to be really good or
a cheap bastard playing New Game+. On the other end of the wing, the Golem
Boss stops you in your tracks.

Attacks: None Gained: 2500 EXP
40 TP
2000 G

Yes, it's strange to see a boss with no attacks, but this fight is just here
to scare you silly. Basically, Golem Boss will perform a life-threatening
countdown. When you see this, you know you'll panic and start launching an
all-out attack on the guy. But get this, once the countdown reaches zero, the
boss chickens out and voids its attack. Then it starts over from 5 again. It
is apparently afraid of heights. So, why did Square give us this pathetic
monster? Because they're communist bastards who like to play with and tease
us little kids. After a certain amount of time, the boss will either
obliterate itself, or if you are quick enough, die and unleash all of its
experience goodies.

With the Golem Boss destroyed, the only hindrance to getting the Epoch back
now is Dalton. He's just ahead and it's time to settle things with that fool.
The ensuing sequence shows a new beefed-up version of the Epoch. Dalton
tinkered with the Epoch so that it could fly. He zaps a laser at the party,
nearly bringing them to their demise. Enraged, the party retaliates.

Attacks: Wind Slash, Gained: 2500 EXP
Opposite Attack, 40 TP
Iron Orb 2000 G

He has little HP that can be knocked off easily. His attacks are a lot more
devastating this time around. If you cast an elemental attack on him, ice for
example, he retaliates with an attack of the opposite element, which is fire
in this case. I recommend using only physical attacks. Just use Cure and Heal
on injured characters.

Dalton tries to summon the Golem Boss to finish you off, but since you have
already taken care of it, Dalton gets sucked into the portal. The party takes
control of the pilot seat now. You could either press the [] button to bring
the Blackbird down to a watery grave or fly the Epoch properly. Either way,
it doesn't matter and the repercussions will end up being the same. The Epoch
lands safely next to the Commons, thanks to your lead character's expertise
in flight control.

Learn about a mysterious wanderer who stopped by the village and continued to
the North Cape from the villagers. Head to the North Cape, which is located
to the north of Commons, and investigate the matter. Save your game. On the
cliff's edge awaits Magus, where much ado about him and the incident at Zeal
Palace occur. After the enlightenment, you have to choose either to accept
Magus' challenge or throw in the towel. Accepting his challenge bags you an
additional boss fight with him. If Frog is in your party, he must partake in
an one-on-one battle with him. If you turn down his delightful offer, attempt
to leave and he joins your party. The choice is in your hands.

Attacks: Level 2 Elemental Attacks Gained: 2500 EXP
40 TP
4000 G

If you have your mind set on revenge to sacrifice having the best magic user
in the game, then more power to you. Having Frog fight him alone is more of a
challenge. Have Frog use Leap Slash and cure himself when needed, which is
quite frequent, mind. After 7 rounds or so, Magus should finally...how should
I put it in a nice way...join the carebears in the sky.

Upon giving him the final blow, he tells you to seek help from the Gaspar at
the End of Time.

If Magus joined your party, the first thing you'd need to do is, of course,
bestow a proper name upon the temperamental magician. He directs the party to
see Gaspar at the End of Time. Go there. Speak with the Old Man, but he
refuses to provide any hints. Return to the Epoch and he calls you back. He
finally gives in and forks over the [CHRONO TRIGGER], as well as some hints
as to the revival of Crono. But first, go see Belthasar in 2300 AD.

=====================================================| None |
? Consult Belthasar for additional help |=======================
? Play for Crono's Clone | ITEMS |
? Collect all remaining treasures | Magic Tab |
| HyperEther x2 |
| MegaElixir |
GURU OF HELP | Elixir |
In the Keeper's Dome, you can find a sleeping Nu, | Full Ether |
who is Belthasar, in the back. There is a [MAGIC |=======================
TAB] on the ground before the sealed door. Belthasar | EQUIPMENT |
drops the lowdown on the party about reviving | None |
Crono. In essence, you need Crono's Clone. What's |______________________|
that? Don't ask questions yet. Just return to
Crono's time in 1000 AD.

If you have yet to acquire the Crono Clone, then now is a good time to do it.
Go to Leene's Square and head to Norstein Bekkler's Lab, a purple-ish white
tent situated at the northeast corner in the first area, with 40 Silver
Points in hand. Inside, he offers to give you the clone only if you win. The
point is to mimic the clone's every movement. If you win, Bekkler delivers
the clone to Crono's House; you could pick it up there. If you lose,
accumulate another 40 Silver Points and try again. Once you have it, head to
Crono's House to pick up the prize. Speak with his dear mother first for
permission to take it.

The list at the top is misleading, as it doesn't list every single equipment
and item available. Since Death Peak will be a very hard venture, you'll need
to fully equip your characters with the strongest accoutrements you can get
your sticky hands on. Start by traveling from place to place, era to era, and
breaking the seal on the sealed chests. See the Seal Chests/Doors list for

The chests yield great items to help boost the party's power. There are a
number of things to do to prepare for this treacherous journey, but all are
short, menial tasks. First, warp to 600 AD and examine the sealed chests in
the following areas: Truce Inn, Porre Elder's House, and Guardia Castle. In
these three areas, choose NOT to take the item inside. Now, travel forward to
1000 AD and locate the chests in the same areas to pick up better and much
stronger versions of these defense gears. You should have picked up the Red,
Blue, White and Black Mails. Now return to the 600 AD period and harvest the
downgraded versions of the mails: The Red, Blue, White and Black Vests.

Next, place the genial princess in your party on your visit to Guardia Castle
in 1000 AD for a bonus sequence. There are great treasures to take there. And
I do mean great. Travel to the blue pyramid in the Medina area to enter the
Forest Ruins. The pendant automatically takes in effect and dissipates the
once-impenetrable force field. The Guru of Reason lets you choose between the
two chests that appear. It doesn't matter which you take as they are both
good items. While you're still in this time period, go to Lucca's house with
Lucca in party and speak to Taban twice to receive a [TABAN SUIT] and [TABAN

Warp to 65,000,000 BC and go to the Laruba Ruins. Speak to the Nu in the back
to be allowed to change the lead party member's name. Talk to him a second
time to receive a [SILVER ROCK], which invokes the Spin Strike triple tech
enacted by Ayla, Frog and Robo. The Ioka Trading Hut has a new item that
calls for 10 of each item. That item is the Ruby Armor. It's very much worth
the effort.

If you're done reaping the world of the sealed chests and extra goodies, you
can choose to take on your first side quest, or continue to Death Peak. You
will need to complete the side quests later if you don't do them now. See the
Side Quests section for details.

=====================================================| Krakker |
? Trudge through the snow in harsh conditions | Macabre |
? Battle Lavos Spawns | Lavos Spawn x3(boss)|
? Heed Poyozo Doll hints |=======================
? Revive Crono and reunite | ITEMS |
| Power Tab |
Move north and speak with the first Poyozo Doll. | Wall Ring |
After laying out a hint for you, it transforms | Giga Arm |
into a tree. Stand behind it by walking into it. | Brave Sword |
Each time a heavy wind picks up, take cover behind | Star Scythe |
it, then continue trudging through the snow to the | Vedic Blade |
next tree after the wind dies off. You should have | Dark Helm |
enough time inbetween to make it so that you don't | Memory Cap |
get blown off the mountain. There will be several |______________________|
cases in which you will be in danger of getting
catapulted off the mountain and starting over from
the beginning.

Once you've safely crossed the first area, continue left and battle with the
Krakkers for the [MAGIC RING] on the left. Climb up the footholds to the
north, and leave through the right. Make your way to the lower level and take
the [WALL RING] from the chest on the far right. There's a save point just at
the south end of the frozen lake. Now enter the cave in the top left. A Lavos
drone awaits your arrival.

Attacks: Lavos Spawn Needle, Gained: 3500 EXP
Lavos' Sigh, 40 TP
Blizzard 2000 G

You will be meeting 2 others after this one, but they are sickeningly easy if
you have Frog, or some other character with a powerful single tech. Don't
ever, ever attack the shell, unless you enjoy dying. Concentrate on the head.
Launch Frog's Leap Slash repeatedly and have the others attack normally. Heal
the wounded and it should be enough to get by as the spawn of ex-satan has a
measly 3800HP.

Head out the north exit and curve around to the opposite entrance. Go outside
after dealing with the Krakkers and inspect the glowing dot in the back to
open a new cave entrance. Backpedal all the way to the initial save point and
enter the newly discovered cave. Collect the [STAR SCYTHE] nearby and prepare
for another battle with the spawn ahead.

After the second spawn joins its distant brother, move left to the next area.
Talk to the half-frozen Poyozo Doll to learn about the slippery edges. It
starts here, so be wary! To avoid returning to the entrance, balance your
lead character with the D-pad so that he neither slides too far off the
bottom nor the top. Try not to be too terribly cautious or you will tend to
mess up.

Elude the never-ending line of Krakkers and collect the [VEDIC BLADE] from
the chest. Then follow the Krakker trail to the south and continue. The
Poyozo Doll shares a hint about moving and climbing a shell. Take the hint,
then drop down below. Climb down the next set of footholds for a [DARK HELM]
and a save point. To the north is the last Lavos Spawn. Once you disintegrate
it, it leaves its steel-like shell behind. Shove it to the footholds on the
right and press X to climb on. Don't miss the [MEMORY CAP] lodged in the snow
at the right.

Continue moving north and the party finally reaches the summit of Death Peak.
There, they use the combined powers of Marle's Pendant and the Chrono Trigger
to bring back a dear friend. During the time freeze, replace the petrified
Crono with the clone. The party automatically returns to Death Mountain with
Crono. Once Crono rejoins the party and the brief sequence with Crono and
Marle have ended, the game shifts to the End of Time, where you can regroup
and re-equip good ol' Crono.




There are about two ways to meet with the monstrous fiend behind the whole
drama. The obvious one being: using the bucket at the End of Time. The other
option is completing the side quests through the Black Omen. Although using
the Black Omen as a transport to confront Lavos is not too wise. I know this
because I uh, tried. I was successful, but it was hard. You had to fight FOUR
battles with hella tough bosses in a row with no intervals whatsoever. It's
mandatory to have your levels above 50, or you won't last 5 seconds! Having a
huge stockpile of MegaElixirs and techs at your disposal is key. Lavos uses
powerful group attacks so frequently, you'll have a hard time keeping up your
HP without MegaElixirs.

If you fight Lavos for the first time, it will shed three forms, each tougher
than the last. The first form is no problem, but the last two are the ones
you need to worry about. I'm not afraid to admit it, but it took me about 5
to 6 tries to bring him down on my first game. That was because of my lack of

Before you EVEN THINK about taking on the ultimate being, I'm going to stress
that you complete _all_ the side quests. It's beneficial for you. Thank me
later. Not only do you get to level your characters up at least 10 levels,
but you can also obtain the ultimate weapons and armor for each character,
which you unquestionably need. Until you finish the side quests and extra
roundabouts, only then will you stand a chance against Lavos. Good luck and
don't let me down!

Recommended party: Crono, Magus, and a Healer.
Alternate party: Crono, Marle and Frog

a t t a c k s :
? Innate abilities of the bosses* Let me just say this to get it over with.
Lavos mimics. : Lavos in this form is hella easy. The
* nature of his attack pattern is taking
:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*: the abilities of most of the bosses you
have already encountered, and mimicking
their every attacks. Lavos mimes each boss in the order you had encountered
them during your adventure. Is this registering in your head? Good. While it
takes on the "form" of the boss, its stats will be equivalent to that of the
boss he mimes. Therefore, making him an utter weakling compared to the
party's current strength. Lavos will have the same weakness, same strength,
and other stuff as the boss he copies. After each battle you are given the
chance to re-equip, heal and regroup your party to match the next boss.
Sounds easy doesn't it? Yes, it does. Here's the order of the bosses Lavos
will attempt to pathetically mimic:

DragonTank Use physical attacks.
Guardian/Bits Use physical attacks.
Heckran Use physical attacks.
Zombor Use physical attacks.
Masa/Mune Focus attacks on Masa (left).
Nizbel Shock it with Lightning to lower DEF.
Magus Attack with whatever Barrier it has.
Tyrano/Azala Equip your party with Fire-absorbing armor.
Giga Gaia Destroy the left hand first and then body.

Following the battle with a weak form of Giga Gaia, you're forced to face the
actual Lavos. This is nothing compared to what's coming up. Use Magus' Dark
Matter, Crono's Luminaire, or any powerful dual techs you have. He should go
down in no time. Should your party feel a little sluggish, revitalize them
with a MegaElixir if you have one to spare.

a t t a c k s :
? Laser Beams ? Freeze * This form of Lavos has three body parts,
? Span Death ? Obstacle : all of which do a significant amount of
? Protective Seal * damage to the entire party. At the start
? Shadow Slay : of the fight, the body will cast Laser
? Shadow Doom Blaze * Beams and whither the party's HP to 500
? Evil Emanation : or less. Use a Lapis to bring it back up
? Flame Battle * and have a healer fill in the gaps. Lavos
* has many, many attacks at its disposal,
:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*: although from my experience, Shadow Doom
Blaze seems to be the most damaging. To
begin with, if you have Magus, it will abridge this battle and the next one
incredibly. Have him cast a continual assault of Dark Matter, while Crono can
alternate between Confuse and Luminaire. Get rid of the arms first. The third
party member should do the healing. Once the arms are gone, damage to the
body will have increased sufficiently, but the damage isn't at its full
potential. Every time it uses Shadow Doom Blaze, which should be no more than
twice, heal like crazy. If you can't bring the party's HP high enough, then
sacrifice a MegaElixir. I was only forced to use it once. After you beat it,
it will strip down to its true form. The Lavos Core...

L A V O S C O R E : S T R A T E G Y
a t t a c k s :
? Evil Star ? Spell * I'm doubtful about whether I've been able
? Crying Heavens ? Attack : to list all its attacks or not. If not,
? Invading Light ? Dreamless * please tell me, so I can add it. Anyway,
? Grand Stone : luckily, this battle isn't terribly hard.
* Other than the fact its attacks are more
:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*: powerful than the last form, it has less
HP. This form of Lavos is comprised of,
again, 3 parts. It deceives you into thinking that the central form is the
real target, when in fact, it is actually the right bit. The right bit is the
main target, but for now, its defense is up and you can't do much harm to it.

The crux of the problem is that the central bit has powerful spells in his
magic bag and constantly intervenes with your attacking the real target. Like
I mentioned earlier, having enough MegaElixirs in hand is key. Start by
having Magus cast Dark Matter at an insane rate--as soon as it becomes
available. This will heal the left bit, but it doesn't matter much. Then have
Crono use Confuse on the central bit. The third party member must constantly
heal and keep everyone's vitality up.

Once the central bit is gone, attacking both bits at the same time results in
a X-Strike-ish counterattack to that character. At this time, the right bit's
defense shield should have dissolved. Attacking it will now damage it
sufficiently. Use this chance to use your most powerful techs on the right
bit and disregard its counter attack. The right bit has a little over 30,000

The Central Bit can be revived infinitely as long as the right bit is still
alive and kicking.


If you die, Lavos will destroy the world and the future will remain unchanged
regardless of your efforts. But if you managed to put Lavos in his place,
congratulations! You've just beaten the game. Depending upon what you did,
the "usual" ending may change slightly. Enjoy the ending. See "Extra Endings"
for help on how to obtain the other endings.


This strategy involves Crono, Ayla, and Frog. Ayla and Frog are by FAR the
two most important in this strategy.

First, for equipment, give Ayla the Prism Specs, and give Frog Sun Shades.

Then, what you have to do is let Lavos in ANY of his forms, kill either Frog,
or Ayla. When this happens, have Crono quickly use a Revive on them (the
potion that brings them to 50 HP) and then let them completely Lavos
with their suped up Frog Stomp/Dino Tail.

Each Dino Tail with this should do about 3500 damage, and Frog Stomp should
do about 2800 the first time around.

These will kill the second form before he can Shadow Doom Blaze twice, and if
you give Ruby Armor to both Frog and Ayla it won't do as much damage. If you
want to get them both to practical points for their attacks, just revive them
with Revives.

Since both Frog and Ayla's attacks are physical, they will affect both bits,
instead of just the center one. After the left bit is dead, and the center
bit is hurting, the defense on the core goes down. then just him some

The core has exactly 30000 and the center bit has 10000 hp. After 2 rounds of
Dino Tail, and one round of Frog Stomp, the center is dead, and when the core
has about 20000 hp left, it revives the bits, but its defense stays down. so,
you just keep dong Frog Stomp and Dino Tail, and reviving when necessary, and
the core will most likely die before it has a chance to revive the other 2

This has been done by me about 7 times to kill Lavos, and it works like a
charm. most times, both Frog and Ayla are hurting badly after the second
form, and are already ready to kill the final form as is. About 5 out of 7
times, the center and left bits die before they have a chance to kill either
Frog or Ayla completely. This strategy makes Lavos much easier to kill, since
it activates much more powerful attacks than any other strat.

As for the new game+ lavos trashing and thrashing, this is what I did:

The first thing I told about yeilds about 16 Megalixers. This should be more
than enough to keep Crono alive through the new game+ Lavos battles. Just use
Crono's Luminaire to kill both arms on second form, and then Confuse the
middle when its vulnerable.

On final form, Confuse the left bit to death, then Luminaire. With Crono at
high levels (48+) the major attacks shouldnt be so bad. Whenever you feel
like it use a Megalixer(you wont run out if you stole them from the
Ruminators) and continue the battle. It takes a while, and it helps to have
Marle(if you play your cards right, you can get her in every single Lavos
battle, including the Dream Project battle) cast haste on Crono. After one
shot of Luminaire, the center bit goes down in hp and the core deactivates
the defenses. Continue to haul off on them with Luminaire 'till the core
revives the left bit, and then kill it again with confuse. The defense on the
core should stay down if you kill the left bit fast enough, and then continue
to Luminaire. If you have hasted Crono, then you should be able to kill Lavos
before it can revive the bits twice. If you dont have haste, it takes twice
as long.

Megalixers are pretty much limitless against Lavos, if you stole them from
the Ruminators. If you don't get enough, you can ALWAYS do the Black Omen
twice, by defeating it 3 times, one in each era, and working your way back in
time. This yeilds about 40-60 megalixers and loads of HyperEthers if
you do all 3. The main idea is to charm from EVERYTHING in the black omen,
because almost everything in it gives up really good items.

Thanks to Andrew Kathan for this rather interesting strategy.

* * *

I found it much easier to beat the final form of Lavos, if you hit the left
pod twice in a row with Crono's Confuse, which will take it out, and then
use Dark Matter/Mist and Luminaire, to beat the crap out of what's left. The
other bit is, that I had Marle in my party as well, and the few times I had
the chance, I had her cast Haste on Crono, then Magus, then herself, if
possible. This made survival a lot easier!

Thanks to Michael Dunlap aka Digital D. for this contribution.

_ _ _ _ _ __________ _ _ _ _ _ _

What do you gain by taking extra time to complete these side quests? For one
thing, you're able to obtain the ultimate weapons for some characters, and at
the same time, unravel more of the story Square has put so much effort into.
You don't necessarily have to do them in the order here. I'm merely listing
them by the degree of difficulty.

| Acquiring the Sun Stone |
| |
| This sidequest consists of a lot of time-traveling between 2300 AD-600 AD.|
| It is also the easiest (although the only boss you have to defeat is hard |
| as hell). To prepare, you'll need your characters equipped with Ruby |
| Armors and the Red Mail to reduce or absorb fire damage the boss can |
| inflict upon the party, which is ridiculously interminable. Good luck, my |
| brave warrior. |

| |
| During this side quest, you will find a Power Tab, Sun Shades, and |
| the WonderShot. |

Warp to the period 2300 AD and whip out your world map. Fly to the isolated
island in the south. On that island should be the Sun Palace. Be sure to save
and head in.

Attacks: Flare, Gained: 3500 EXP
Flame Counterattack, 40 TP
Laser 2000 G

Son of a Gun, er, I mean Son of Sun is one of the toughest bosses ever. Don't
take him too lightly, or you're toast. If you can't see through his devious
weakness, then you have no chance of beating him. Here's the secret: The boss
is in fact, the being in the center, but attacking him directly causes it to
suffer minimal damage. The trick is to attack the flames that encompass it in
order for it to be hurt sufficiently. However, the hard part is to guess
which one of the flames has the telepathy to transfer the damage to the
actual boss. Have each of your characters attack the flames in a clockwise
fashion individually. If you strike the wrong flame, it will counter with a
devastating flame attack.

Once you find the weak point, assault it violently. Techs, physical and magic
attacks inflict the same amount of damage, so just use physical attacks to
conserve MP. After a while, it will perform a Roulette Shuffle, which causes
the flames to be re-arranged, forcing you to hunt down the right flame again.
It doesn't sound too frighteningly difficult, does it? The only thing you
should be worried about is its constant use of Flare, Laser and the flame
counterattacks, but if you have Ruby Armor or the Red Mail equipped, Laser is
the only threat. Note for the wise: Do not ever use a group attack, or you'll
be condemned to death.

Helpful Tip:

Equip your characters with armor that absorbs or lowers fire damage. Have
Magus in your party, and make sure he knows Black Hole. Why? When you start
the fight, have Magus cast Black Hole. It will swallow up two of Sun of Son's
flames, so instead of five flames to guess with, you only have three! This
makes the battle a lot quicker, and less painful too.

Thanks to Bahamut43 for the great tip.

After the long and grueling battle, walk up to the altar and take the Moon
Stone. Take it to 65,000,000 BC and head to the secluded island in the north-
east. That is the Sun Keep. Place the Moon Stone in its rightful place and
leave. Return to 2300 AD and go to the same place, the Sun Keep. Only this
time, the Moon Stone has been stolen! The lead character deduces that the
stone has been gone for some time now. So travel to 1000 AD. Alas, the Moon
Stone isn't safely tucked in this earth bed either.

Fly to the Mayor's Manor in Porre to find a strange luster shimmering in the
sky above his house. Inside, the Mayor claims he's never heard of a Moon
Stone. Leave and stop by the Snail Stop across from manor and buy a Jerky
from the clerk for 9,900G. Now travel back to 600 AD and drop by the Elder's
House and give the woman the Jerky for FREE. They will be grateful for this
and promise to expound the importance of generosity to their children.

Back at the Mayor's residence in 1000 AD, he turns out to be an altruist this
time around. He freely gives the Moon Stone back. Go to the Sun Keep and
place it in its proper place. It is truly amazing how a piece of jerky can
amend several generations of greed!

For the last time, travel to 2300 AD and with Lucca in your party, pick it up
at the Sun Keep. You'll be taken to Lucca's House, where she will whip up a
neat gun for herself. Her father collaborates as well with an invention of
his own, the [SUN SHADES]. That's it! The end of this easy side quest. If you
have the Rainbow Shell in your hands, you can make more powerful weapons,
using the mingled power of the Sun Stone and the Rainbow Shell!

| Cyrus' Restless Ghost |
| |
| This is another easy sidequest that isn't too terribly time-consuming. It |
| seems Cyrus' spirit still roams and haunts the land of Choras in 1000 AD. |
| It's a mistake to challenge him as ghost. He'll whip your butt. However, |
| if you visit his grave in the Middle Ages (600 AD), he doesn't seem too |
| vindictive. Ease his stress and finally, let the lofty hero rest in his |
| final peace, knowing that the kingdom's safety is in good hands. |

| |
| During this side quest, you will find a Power Tab, Magic Tab, 2 |
| Elixirs, Moon Armor, Nova Armor, Shiva Edge, Valkerye, Kali |
| Blade, Siren and 2 HyperEthers. |

Start off by visiting Choras, an island of its own off the southeastern coast
of the main continent. Go to the Café and speak with soda-guzzling man. He
mentions that his tools have been stolen and that he won't be able to work
without them. Toma's also here. After a small conversation, he gives you
[TOMA'S POP], which will be used for another side quest. Return to 1000 AD.
Stop by Choras Inn and speak to the same soda-guzzling man. His name is in
the family tree somewhere. He claims to have the Tools you are looking for,
except he's too lazy to get 'em. Tells you to ask his wife instead. Visit the
last residence at the bottom. Speak to his wife and she'll turn in the

Take the Tools to 600 AD and find the carpenter again at the Café. He thanks
you and leaves to return to work. You can find him at his residence in the
south. Speak to him and he'll call his team to work on the ruins. Follow them
to the ruins.

Upon entering, they tell that they've repaired what they could. It seems they
are bothered by the ghosts hanging around. If you promise to clean out the
infestation of the apparitions, they'll agree to come back. Clear out Reapers
and Defuncts in the right area and Sentries in the left.

| Leave all the chests you find as they are. You should pick them up in the|
| year 1000 AD and come back to get doubles! Like with the Mails and Vests,|
| examine the sealed chests, but don't take what's inside. They'll upgrade |
| to even nicer items in 1000 AD. Then, you could come back to pick up the |
| as-good prizes. |

Once you've dispatched every batch of the enemies, return to the carpenter in
his house. This time, he charges 2000G to repair the damages. Pay up and
return to the ruins. The repair team have patched up some of the holes, but
still have not finished them entirely due to the ghosts lurking about. Head
to the left room and go through the door that had been previously
inaccessible. Place Frog as the leader of the party. Inside is the momentous
grave of Cyrus. Examine it to see its eulogy and for his ghost to appear.
Frog and Cyrus will be indulged by a sentimental reunion. After the sequence,
Frog's Masamune will be upgraded.

You have to again return to the carpenter and pay up another 2000G for final
renovations to the Northern Ruins. Once they're done, explore the rooms in
the back and examine the sealed chests, but do _not_ take the prize inside.
On the way, you will meet some loose encounters with Base, a stronger form of

Finally, travel to 1000 AD and visit the then-Northern Ruins, now called the
Hero's Grave. It will be free of monsters. Collect the treasures: [MOON
ARMOR], [SHIVA EDGE], and the [VALKERYE] from the sealed chests. There is a
[MAGIC TAB] near Cyrus' grave and a [POWER TAB] in the bottom left corner of
the first room on the right. Finally, take the [HYPER ETHER] and [ELIXIR]
from the remaining chests and head back to 600 AD. Back at the Northern
Ruins, pick up the treasures you've tried so hard to avoid opening. Not bad
at all!

| Geno Dome |
| |
| The journey to Geno Dome is by no means difficult. As with the previous 2 |
| side quests listed above, the longevity of this side quest is equivalent |
| to that of the Cyrus' Grave side quest. You can count on a boss fight in |
| the end, as well as acquiring Robo's ultimate weapons. |

| |
| During this side quest, you will find 2 Full Tonics, a Speed Tab,|
| 65,000G, Power Tab, 2 Lapis, Elixir, 2 Full Ethers, |
| a HyperEther, Magic Tab, MegaElixir, a Vigil Hat, Terra Arm |
| and the Crisis Arm. |

On the overworld in 2300 AD, fly to the southeastern continent to arrive at
what looks to be a construction site, but it is labeled Geno Dome. Place the
humanoid robot, Robo, as the lead character and enter. Once inside, activate
the computer for a voice to welcome Prometheus home. The computerized voice
prods the party to step inside. The party hops onto a conveyor belt that
teems with battles against the tough DeBuggest and Proto 4's. There are five
battles in total, and each growing in numbers and difficulty. Take note that
you can return here to level up your characters through the Dust Chute. The
enemies will re-spawn and you can go through the nightmarish trip once again
at your leisure.

When you reach the end, the computer applauds your victory over its pawns. On
the other side of the door, find the only functional computer in the area and
defeat the Proto 4's. Switch the computer on to learn more about the secrets
of Geno Dome. Go down and left to the room ahead. Defeat the Laser Guards and
head to the back panels. Leave the center switch green and the other two red.
This unlocks the safety latch on the energy pod. Return to the energizing pod
near the information computer and charge Robo. The pod channels strange
electricity to Robo, allowing him to force certain doors to open. Immediately
after being channeled with powerful jolts of energy, dash back to the pod to
open the door on the left. The sudden charge does wear off after about 5-6
seconds so don't linger behind.

Pick up the Poyozo Doll and search the orb for a [SPEED TAB]. Afterward, head
back to the south hall and press the switch next to the pod to open the
safety lock on the other pod. Then charge Robo and open the door. Claim the
[FULL TONIC] and [50,000G] from the chests in the room. On the far left, a
Proto doll stands in your way and deflects Robo from going any further. Head
to the opposite side and you may notice a shining dot in the chasm. That's
the Dust Chute, which leads right back to the entrance. Ignore that if you
don't want to re-live that hellish ride. Head to the steel door at the top,
next to the conveyor belt, to pick up a [LAPIS] and [ELIXIR].

Find the elevator and take it to the next floor. Ignore the door on the left
for now and head south. Have Robo face the control panel for the lasers and
he'll jump up to de-activate them. You can pick up a [MEGA ELIXIR] and a
[MAGIC TAB] on the lower right. Back on the path, drop down the ladder and
take the [15,000G]. Continue north to learn a terrifying scheme. To the right
is a [FULL ETHER]. Backtrack to the save point and go through the steel door
on the left this time.

There is a [POWER TAB] on the right. Take the elevator at the end elsewhere.
Now de-activate the laser via the red switch. Move across the conveyor belt
and open the safety lock on the pod. Go back to the elevator entrance and
take a left. Flip the switch on the bottom to reverse the belt's movements.
The hard part now is to run from the charging pod to the pod on the other
side of the conveyor belt. The trick is to immediately step out and run like
a nut once you see an iota of light. Inside the now-unlocked door, a Proto
doll starts to follow you. Slowly lead it back (it gets "stuck" sometimes) to
the Proto doll that had been blocking your way at the entrance.

When you reach the active Proto doll, the two lock-on. Now, you could freely
take the [VIGIL HAT] from the chest and the last Poyozo Doll from the orb.
Make your way back to the save point and SAVE. As you try to ingress deeper
into the factory, a pink robot appears. This gives obvious indications that
the robot is female. Robo recognizes her as Atropos, but she doesn't seem too
fond of the party. Robo volunteers to fight Atropos alone.

Attacks: Cure Beam, Prism Beam Gained: 0 EXP
Atropos Tackle, Hammer 0 TP
Punch, Area Bomb 0 G

Basically, she has all of Robo's tech skills. Fighting against yourself isn't
appealing, but fair enough, she is easy to do away with. Simply use Robo
Tackle throughout the fight and use Cure Beam when necessary. For the first
half of the fight, she mimics Robo's moves and uses them against him. But for
the second half?-she uses Area Bomb for the remainder of the battle. Just
keep Robo's HP above 150.

Atropos' memory bank restores itself upon that awful whiplash and returns to
her once kind self. As a memento, Atropos presents Robo her favorite
[RIBBON], which automatically augments Robo's stats accordingly. Continue to
the back and place the Poyozo Dolls on the two green orbs on either side to
open the double doors. Prepare to meet the creator of your dear friend...His
real purpose is about to unveil itself.

Attacks: Reprogramming, Laser, Gained: 3000 EXP
Prism Beam, 40 TP
Power Wall, Lock tech skills 3000 G

The three Displays accompanying her wake are major disadvantages to the group
and yourself. But luckily, they are easily taken care of. Destroy only TWO of
the three Displays. Force yourself to put aside the thought that it can still
heal the Mother Brain for 1000HP, but your group should be doing over 2500HP
worth of damage to the boss, practically counterbalancing the HP restoration.
Have two characters perform their most devastating Dual tech, while one
character pulls off his most powerful single tech. Each round should net over
2500HP total. Don't let up and she'll go down eventually. If you do happen to
destroy all 3 Displays, the Mother Brain tends to get nastier and retaliates
with Reprogramming and a fatal, unnamed group attack that increases in damage
each round.

Need more help?

I found an easier way to beat the Mother Brain in the robot Factory in
2300AD. How I did it was to destroy two monitors and have Ayla and Robo use
Boogie to halt the remaining monitor. Then just wail away on the Mother

Thanks to Shaun Austin

First have Lucca, Marle, and Robo on your team. I found the easiest way to
defeat the Mother Brain is to use Lucca's Hypnowave. It'll put all the
Displays to sleep (works 99% of the time) and will last the entire fight
(unlike Robo's and Ayla's Boogie). Just to be on the safe side, destroy 2 of
the Displays and leave the other one snoozing. Then have Lucca and Marle
constantly use Antipode 2 on the Mother Brain and she'll be down in a couple
of minutes. In addition, have Robo use Robo Tackle on the Mother Brain).

Thanks to Skyline R33

Upon being defeated, it drops the [TERRA ARM] and [CRISIS ARM] for Robo. The
game takes the party back to the world map, where they will take on their
next side quest, I hope?

| Ozzie's Fort |
| |
| This is probably the shortest side quest of them all, but the boss fight |
| at the end may add to the duration of this quest. It's time to settle |
| things between the underprivileged Mystics and the humans once and for all|
| (very original, eh?). |

| |
| During this side quest, you will find a Magic Tab, Full Ether, |
| DoomSickle, GloomHelm, Gloom Cape, Dash Ring and a |
| Sight Cap. |

Ozzie's Fort is situated just east of Magus' Lair in 600 AD. You'll find it a
little smaller in size. Enter to find the ferocious big green guy waiting for
you. You might want to place Magus in the party for a slight change in the
dialogue. Ozzie no longer reveres the once wicked Magus. Now, he views him as
his arch enemy, a traitor. Follow him to the next room and he calls on his
underling, the she-he--Flea! She acts in her (?) usual swanky manner, and as
always, battles the party.

It isn't a real fight, so it's not necessary to make a strategy for it. Just
stick to physical attacks and she should die in 3 to 4 rounds. Occasionally,
she'll try to underpower your party with her now-pathetic magic attacks. Upon
her defeat, she turn tails and flees, throwing a hateful remark at the party
for defeating her.

Follow in pursuit and you will come to a room where Ozzie is at the end along
with...a switch. Looks like he still has some dirty tricks in the bag. He
attempts to sic 2 baddies on you, but they fall off and the music dies. It's
comic relief, I say. Having made him look like an idiot, he retreats to the
next room. There he calls on Slash to take care of you. Deal with him the
same way you dealt with Flea. He's a piece of pie and it shouldn't be able to
sap the vigor out of you. Follow Slash' trail to the back room.

Don't try to duck past the moving switch blade; it'll leave your party with 1
HP if you get caught under it. Instead, make like you don't see it and leave.
An imp will come and screw it up. You can now get the [FULL ETHER] from the
chest unscathed. Before leaving, there is a very well-hidden room just below
the doorway. You can find Magus' [DOOM SICKLE], [GLOOM CAPE] and [GLOOM HELM]
there, all of which are valuable equipment. In the next room, the terrible,
tone-deaf evil threesome appears to match wits with the party. This time,
it's no push-over. As they announce their Charm items, prepare for a serious

Attacks: Delta Force, Bad Impulse, Gained: 7500 EXP
Fire Sword, Prism Beam 80 TP
4000 G

The points gained after the fight is a bit misleading, as Flea can sometimes
vanish from the fight, deducting exp, tp and gold values. The notorious trio
can perform capricious triple techs, namely Delta Force and Bad Impulse, on
the party. Start off the fight by charming the Flea Vest from Flea if Ayla is
participating in the fight. The Ozziepants are not worthy of the 4 MP needed
to cast Charm. If you're collecting weapons, charm the Slasher 2 from Slash.
Then focus all your energy on Ozzie and take him out of the ring first to
prevent any more triple techs. Next, concentrate on Flea and finish her off
quickly. She and Slash can do the Fire Sword dual tech. Finally, sweep Slash
off the screen with powerful single and dual techs. Don't use triple techs as
they dissipate necessary MP.

Ozzie's two cronies die off, but he still manages to survive your onslaught
and dashes off into the room in the back. A similar fight to the one in Magus
Lair commences, where he summons a ice barrier to encompass him. Hit the
switches behind him, but no matter which you choose, you still get dumped
into the previous room. Trail back to Ozzie and watch a common house pet
barge in and lend a helping hand. That's the end of that. If you check back
at Medina Village in 1000 AD, you'll find that the long-time grudge against
humans has disappeared and they no longer segregate themselves from the
outside world.


You know Ozzie, Slash, and Flea? Why do you think they're described as "tone-
deaf" fiends (tone-deaf being a musical term)? Reading your FAQ, an idea just
popped in my head. I believe the names of these villains is based on actual
musicians! Hear me out: Ozzie, of course, refers to Ozzie Ozbourne, the
infamous frontman of Black Sabbath and the guy who bites the heads off of
live bats. Slash is the inimitable guitarist for Guns N Roses. You know, the
bad mofo with the dark hair who always wears a big hat and sun-glasses. And
Flea, obviously, is the wacky funk-bassist of the ever-popular Red Hot Chili
Peppers. A stretch maybe? I'm not sure. As you may know, Square has a habit
of naming villains and other video game characters using real-life
references. For example, with Final Fantasy IV (II in the U.S.) the Four
Elemental Fiends are named after characters from Dante's Inferno trilogy
(very old and popular books written in Rennaissance Italy) according to the
designers. And of course, all the summons throughout the FF series (Ifrit,
Shiva, Leviathan) are named after characters from various real-life religions
and myths. And there are other examples which I can't quite remember. But
anywho, just thought I would sure it with you.

Thanks to John M.

| The Quest for the Rainbow Shell |
| |
| This is a rather long side quest, but it's very much worth the effort and |
| time investment. Not only do you get to forge incredibly powerful weapons,|
| but you also get a self-feeling of satisfaction, or something. You can get|
| Crono's ultimate weapon with the mingled power of the Sun Stone. |

| |
| During this side quest, you will find 3 Power Tabs, Blue Rock, |
| Sight Cap, Zodiac Cape, 3 Lapis, a Frenzy Band, 2 HyperEthers, |
| 2 Elixirs, a Prism Shard, Prism Dress/3 Prism Helms, |
| Prism Specs and the Rainbow. |

The key item you need to initiate this side quest is Toma's Pop, which can be
gotten from him at the Café in 600 AD. Speak with him in the Choras Café, and
after the greeting exchange, he gives you Toma's Pop to hold onto, as well as
some instructions on how and when to use it. Travel to 1000 AD and you will
notice the West Cape to the western tip of the Choras continent.

| You don't necessarily need Toma's Pop to do this side quest. The only |
| thing you'll miss out on is the name "Giant's Claw" on the overworld. |

Toma's grave is there. Apparently, he had gambled his life away in his search
of the Rainbow Shell. Inspect the gravestone, and the lead character
automatically uses the Toma's Pop on the grave. A silhouette of the great
explorer appears and converses with the party. It discloses the location of
the Rainbow Shell. After the brief sequence, look behind the gravestone for a
[SPEED TAB]. Use the Epoch to return to 600 AD and fly a little northwest to
come to the island Toma had directed you to that is called the Giant's Claw.

Find Toma's Note on the ground. Head south to the exit. You arrive at a very
familiar place. It's Tyrano Lair, except it's a wee bit different. Instead of
working your way from the bottom to the throne room, you have to move from
the throne room to the entrance at the bottom. Pretty scandalous. You can get
the lead character to sit on the regal chair for fun.

In the next area, the left chest contains a [SIGHT CAP], but when approached,
it silently calls forth monsters-?tough monsters. Be sure to charm a Ruby
Armor from the Gigasaur if you don't already have one. Use Lightning2 on the
Gigasaur and Leapers. The Gigasaurs execute a one-time counterblow that can
damage the party for 100+. After claiming your prize, head to the cave
entrance on the right. You arrive in a familiar room which is comprised of a
fossilized skull head and three floor switches. Step on the top, then left.
Laugh as the kitty drops below. Follow it and jump in the hole.

Step on the left switch to open the skull head. Then go through it and take
the [POWER TAB]. Head all the way down and out. Search for the [POWER TAB] in
the left corner and drop down the ladder to the [FULL ETHER] on the left.
Climb back up the ladder and curve around the pass. Fossil Apes will leap out
from the abyss and attack. Before leaving to the next area, there is a hidden
chest in the back that contains a pretty [BLUE ROCK].

Ignore the top ladder and work your way south. There is a powerful [ZODIAC
CAPE] in the chest on the left and a [LAPIS] on the bottom right. Go through
the left skull and send the Fossil Apes to their hellish graves using the
floor switch. Take the [FRENZY BAND] from the left passage. Then go around
the other way and do the same to the other Fossil Ape. There are 2 Rubbles
here, who offer an insane amount of Tech Points, and they are incredibly easy
to beat. Examine the right chest in the next room and your party will get
dumped to the depths below.

Leave your confinements and head left, all the way to the entrance and pick
up the [POWER TAB] you may have seen earlier. Backtrack and go to where
Kino's cell had been--actually it's still there, but only Kino-less--and
enter the huge hole in the wall. Just ahead is a descendent of Black Tyrano
with a hint of fury in its eyes.

Attacks: Roar, Flamethrower (2) Gained: 3800 EXP
Devour 40 TP
2000 G

Tyrano is back and has embedded a grudge against your party. He's exactly the
same as last time except his flame thrower attack is a bit amplified. If you
are well prepared for his flame attacks, then you should be worried about his
"devour" attack. Well equipped meaning, you've got the Red Mail, Ruby Armor,
and the Red Vest on your characters. Each time he performs his flamethrower
attack, it boosts its power the next round. So, each time he uses it on your
party, it will be more damaging than the last assault. You should only need
to nurse the wounds of those wearing the Ruby Armor and those that have been
eaten up by him a couple of times. Other than caring for your injuries, don't
let up on launching an all-out massacre of powerful single and dual techs to
make him extinct for good.

Behind Tyrano is the iridescent Rainbow Shell. As the party marvels at its
beauty, they discover that it's too heavy to be lifted by themselves. Run
south and the game will fade automatically, taking you back to Guardia
Castle. There, the king agrees to unearth the Rainbow Shell and store it in
the castle as a national treasure and family keepsake. Now you know that the
shell is in good hands, it's time to go back to 1000 AD to lay claim to the
real prize.

Back at 1000 AD, place Marle in your party and enter the castle. You find the
Castle tightly guarded, and it seems you can't go to and from rooms at your
will. Speak with the guards to learn about the trial placed against the king.
It seems that the king had sold the national treasure for some dirty money!
The hearing is now currently in session. Find the trial room and use Marle to
"talk" your way in. Inside, the king is completely abased and claims that the
Chancellor is trying to frame him! There's nothing you can do to lift the
tension off at this time but to find tangible proof that will open the eyes
of the jury members.

Head to the treasury in the basement to find the guard knocked unconscious on
the floor. Accost the two Gnashers and they will reveal the true scheme.
After you've put them out of their misery, continue all the way north while
claiming the treasures in the chests and clearing out the enemies that get in
your way. You'll eventually reach the Rainbow Shell. It is exactly the same
as it was 400 years ago. Marle finds and reads a letter from Queen Leene, who
teaches her the moralities of respect. Afterwards, chip off a piece of the
Rainbow Shell to receive a [PRISM SHARD]. Bring it back to the trial room.

The guards still won't let you or the princess in, but Marle comes up with an
alternate method, although she insinuates that it's a little dangerous. Marle
jumps through the mosaic glass painting in the back and disbands the hearing.
She shows the Prism Shard to the court and the Chancellor no longer throws
any more accusations. Instead he becomes a little annoyed and reveals himself
to be a descendent of Yakra under the guise of the Chancellor! He desires
payback more than anything else...

Attacks: Blizzard, Gained: 3500 EXP
Drrrooo... 40 TP
NeedleSpin: Version 13 2000 G

He's not at all any difficult if you've equipped yourself with protect status
armors and accessories. He tends to afflict Chaos status on your party often.
Other than that, he is a harmless puppy, with the exception of his Drrrooo...
attack. It hurts...a lot. He delivers capricious attacks that should be
countered with deadly single and dual techs from your characters. If possible
maybe even a triple tech. Remember to keep your HP high; don't let it dwindle
below 200, or you'll be busy casting Revive the whole fight.

Yakra XIII is defeated and drops a remnant of his rampage. You are not able
to get it now, so you need to come back later. Witness the cheesy sequence
between the king and Marle. When you've regained control of the lead
character again, return to the sparkling dot Yakra left behind to receive the
[YAKRA KEY]. This key unlocks the locked chests in one of the room in the
right tower I believe. Inside contains the real Chancellor.

At this point, Melchior is waiting for you in the treasury with the Rainbow
Shell; go to him if you want good items. Speak to him and he gives you a
choice between a Prism Dress or 3 Prism Helms. Speak to him a second time and
he'll uncover more of his abilities and forge the [PRISM SPECS] and Crono's
ultimate weapon, the [RAINBOW]. This is only if you have the Sun Stone,

| Sunken Desert |
| |
| This is a fairly short and easy side quest, but rather difficult if you're|
| at low levels. Not only do you have to help Fiona's thriving forest, but |
| you need to help Lucca reclaim her past and change her mother's ability to|
| um, do stuff. |

| |
| During this side quest, you will find a Lapis, 2 Full Ethers, |
| Aeon Suit, Aeon Helm, Elixir, Full Tonic, a Power Tab, |
| Memory Cap, 5000G, HyperEther, and MuscleRing. |

First of all, bring along Marle, Frog or Magus. The enemies in the Sunken
Desert are impervious to any type of attack unless you cast a water-based
spell first. Now, go to the sand pit in 600 AD near Fiona's Villa and enter.
You arrive in an underground sand cavern. Attempting to collect the treasures
scattered around the room result in enemy attacks. Remember to cast Ice2 or
Water2 at the beginning of each battle. Lay claim to the various prizes in
the room and exit south. The north exit leads back to the entrance.

This is the boss' chamber. The party feels a sudden tremor and catches a
glimpse of Retinite. Retinite makes periodic appearances. At this time, if
you are ready, run into him as he emerges from the ground to engage in combat
with the incarnation of Zombor.

BOSS: RETINITE HP: 5000 (Top), 1000 (Core), 4800 (Bottom)
Attacks: Sand Cyclone, Gained: 2600 EXP
Absorb Energy from Core, 100 TP
Devour 2000 G

Retinite's attack pattern is very loosely based on Zombors. Don't attempt to
use any Shadow-based attacks, as it will heal it. To kick the fight off with
an advantage, cast Water2 or Ice2 to lower its defense. Each time you attack
it, its defense slowly increases again, similar to Nizbel II. You may have to
re-cast Ice/Water every other round. Focus on the upper abdomen first and
ignore the core. Crono's Confuse works wonders against it, as does Frog's
Leap Slash.

Once the upper body disintegrates, keep up with Crono's Confuse on the lower
pelvic bone now. The pelvic bone is known to eat up a character, consuming at
least 300HP each time. That is a major threat so don't let up your attacks.
Sounds inane, doesn't it? It's Square logic. Once the pelvic bone is gone,
the core will die with it.

With the aftershocks gone, the party can pick up the great items in the room.
When you're done, head back to the previous room and pick up the [POWER TAB]
on your way out.

Go to Fiona's Villa with Robo in the party. Fiona is happy that she can work
on her flourishing, ideal forest, but she laments that it will take a long
time. She may not live long enough to see it. Robo volunteers to stay to help
out. Allow him to stay behind. On the world map, you see Robo working to make
the desert soil fertile.

Travel forward to 1000 AD to find that the desert region surrounding Fiona's
Villa in 600 AD is now replaced by a green forest. In the center is Fiona's
Shrine. Inside the shrine are nuns who worship the great Fiona and Robo for
their hard work in making this land rich with life. One of the nuns is
selling helms and hats for a great sum of money. Continue to the back of the
shrine to find a pooped Robo. The lead character drags him down and takes him
to Lucca to get him fixed.

At the bonfire, they discuss the true purpose of the Gates and if there had
been, perhaps, an unknown entity who had wanted them to see all that was
going on in the world: past, present and future. Marle asks Lucca if she had
a particular time period in mind she wanted to return to. Lucca seems a bit
hesitant to answer, but Marle takes the hint and shuts up. The group
continues to discuss the endless possibilities into the wee hours of the

During the night, while everyone is asleep, take Lucca to the exit at the
lower right and open the unusual red gate. Lucca arrives at her house ten
years before--to the time of that incident which changed her life forever.
Don't exit to the balcony in the south or you'll witness her mother's morbid
accident with an inability to help. Instead, head down the right stairs and
into the kitchen. Read Taban's note on the table to learn the password.

Next, leave through the door leading to the south. Re-live the moment with
Lucca as she sees her mother become crippled. When you regain control of
Lucca, inspect the glowing dot on the machine and enter the buttons in this
order: L1, Circle, R1, Circle. The machine should stop dragging Lara in--you
just saved her mother!

Afterwards, return to the campsite via the Gate in Lucca's room. Robo's there
when you arrive. Whether or not you saved Lara, he will still sweet talk you
and give you the [GREEN DREAM] he had made while plowing Fiona's fields. All
is happy now.

| The Black Omen |
| |
| You should go here if you are ready to take on Lavos. Why? It is because |
| you'll be taken to him immediately after the downfall of the ultimate form|
| of Zeal. This is a pretty hard and annoying dungeon. Think Magus' Lair. |
| The enemy encounters are countless, but it helps bring your characters up |
| about 8 levels. You can also pick up 6 MegaElixirs here and charm them |
| from certain monsters infinitely. |

| |
| During this side quest, you will find a Power Seal, White Rock, |
| Zodiac Cape, Nova Armor, Haste Helm, Magic Seal, 30000G, 6 |
| MegaElixirs, 2 Elixirs, Vigil Hat, and 3 Speed Tabs. |

The skyborne fortress of Zeal, formerly the Ocean Palace, can be found from
12,000 BC to 2300 AD, although the fortress in 2300 AD is locked. To enter
the floating fortress, fly under it until the text "Black Omen" appears, then
press action to enter it.

| As mentioned above, there are numerous enemy encounters ahead. Be sure |
| to bring along any characters that still need to unlock their techs. The |
| monsters excrete lots of tech points. I learned Crono's Luminaire and |
| almost all of my character's skills in one trip through the Black Omen. |

When you arrive at the entrance, the doors are guarded by Laser Guards, which
can easily be vanquished with Lightning2. Bring Magus along if you know
what's good for you. The dot at the tip prompts an option to return to the
Epoch or not. If you don't think you're ready, then leave now. Otherwise, go
in. The moment you step in, Queen Zeal is there and brusquely greets you.
Without further ado, she summons the Mega Mutant to finish the deed. Good

BOSS: MEGA MUTANT HP: 4600 (Top), 3850 (Bottom)
Attacks: Chaotic Zone, Gained: 900 EXP
Mutant Gas, Blacken, 50 TP
Steel Steam 1500 G

Concentrate your attacks on the upper part first. He's an annoyance since his
attacks all afflict random status on the party. Other than that, he's easy.
Magus' Dark Matter will make short work of him.

Continue forward to meet some resistance by Peeping Dooms. Don't attack while
their shields are up. Keep heading north until you encounter a Boss Orb and
two Side Kicks. Don't attack the Side Kicks while the Boss Orb is around or
you'll experience serious whiplash. If you have Crono and his Rainbow, it can
put the Boss Orb in his place with one hit since it does critical 97% of the
time. The Side Kicks are a bit tough since you are bound to miss a lot. They
are harmless but let up a lot of tech points if you kill them before they run

Head all the way north while battling enemy mutants and robbing chests until
you come to an orange telepod. Hop on to get transported to another part of
the massive fortress. Take the familiar elevator ride down. When you come to
a stop, step off the elevator and exit north. Weave around the semi-maze and
get the [MEGA ELIXIR] from the chest and the [30,000G] on the platform. At
the fork, take the right path to collect a [MAGIC SEAL] and continue moving
north. You arrive in a room with a save point and Nus. Take the contents from
the chests and if you want, buy some items from the left Nu. To continue on,
search the north wall to reveal a hidden door.

In the next area, you meet a Tubster. Use Ice Sword2 if possible to eliminate
it quickly. Continue onward until you come to a point where a line of fast-
moving Ruminators keep you from getting the [ZODIAC CAPE] in the chest. Bump
into them and kill them off quickly before they zap every trickle of your HP.
Then follow their trail to the room at the right. Continue going left and
down to the statues. Grab the [POWER SEAL] from the left chest and move


Once in the Black Omen, you can get all the Power Tabs you ever need. When
you encounter a Tubster, charm it and get the tab. Exit the room and start
over again. That will give you an extra boost of power just before getting to
Zeal and Lavos. Need Magic Tabs? Charm the Aliens to get 4 more tabs.
Characters too slow? Charm the Panels for Speed Tabs, you can get near 15
tabs in all before the end.

Want lots of MegaElixirs? Charm the Ruminators, you know those monster who
eat each other.

Thanks to Maverick Hunter

woweecool also suggests charming a few Gold Studs from the Flyclops.

After the battle with the Cybot and Martello, look in the lower right corner
for a partially hidden chest containing a [SPEED TAB]. Then head to the next
room and slog through battling tough Aliens and Blobs. Keep moving and work
your way around the confusing and overlapping paths. You'll eventually reach
a save point, where you SHOULD save. Just ahead is the Giga Mutant.

BOSS: GIGA MUTANT HP: 5800 (Top), 4950 (Bottom)
Attacks: Chaotic Zone, Gained: 1500 EXP
Mutant Gas 80 TP
2000 G

Throughout the battle, watch for his habit of stealing MP from each character
and inflicting various status effects upon the party. He's not very different
from Mega Mutant; just a remake of him, except only stronger. Dark Matter and
Crono's Luminaire are good bets to winning this battle cleanly and quickly.

Use the telepod ahead and take another elevator up. This time it's a peaceful
ride up. Battle through the endless fights until you reach four Panels. From
this point on, you will have to survive five boss battles, each more
difficult than the last. Equip your characters with the best equipment and
weapons. When/If you're ready, save and continue forward.

BOSS: TERRA MUTANT HP: 7800 (Top), 20000 (Bottom)
Attacks: Chaotic Zone, Gained: 2000 EXP
Mutant Gas, 100 TP
Life Shaver 3800 G

His third and final mutation is a bit tough. Its Life Shaver attack brings
its victim's HP to 1. Use Dark Matter and/or Luminaire or Ice Sword2. Once
you eliminate the top part, the bottom part, which has tons more HP, will go
with it.

Snatch the [WHITE ROCK] and another [MEGA ELIXIR] from the two chests. Then
continue north.

Attacks: Lavos Spawn Needle: Disorder, Gained: 2450 EXP
Blizzard 120 TP
2500 G

Apply the same method you used when you fought this guy at Death Peak. It
isn't any harder than the last encounter.

Exit north and you'll be attacked by five Panels. Kill them for a save point
in return for services rendered. In the next room, you find clones of all the
characters in the party. At the end is Queen Zeal who doesn't seem too
impressed by the fact you've dug your way this far through her impenetrable
defense. After much talk about Lavos and your doom, she finally shuts up and
attacks the party.

Recommended Party: Crono, Marle and Magus

BOSS: ZEAL HP: 12,000
Attacks: Hallation Gained: 0 EXP
0 TP
0 G

Before any of your party members reach the active point, Zeal casts Hallation
upon them, which drops all HP to 1. Take this time to redeem yourself and
heal until you are at full strength again. She will continue to use Hallation
periodically. The combined damage of Ice Sword2 and Dark Matter can put her
at bay within a few rounds. If all goes well, you won't need to use any Mega
Elixirs in this fight.

Immediately after her defeat, she sics the Mammon Machine on you without a
chance to heal or save.

Attacks: Point Flare Gained: 0 EXP
0 TP
0 G

Using magical attacks against it will raise its attack power. Using physical
attacks raises its defense. Either way, you're giving him an advantage. While
it "modifies" energy, don't do a thing and spend a couple of rounds restoring
the party's vitality back to full strength from the last battle. Wait until
it releases its stored energy. When the text reads "Mammon Machine stands
still...", it's time to unleash a wave of magic attacks and powerful techs.
Attacking it at this time will neither raise his defense nor attack. Perform
the usual Dark Matter, Luminaire, Ice Sword2, Spire, etc. Repeat this method
and you shouldn't need to cure one too many times, unless it uses Point Flare
on a character. This is just a shadow of the upcoming boss...

Helpful tip:

If you have Frog equipped with the Masamune (normal or powered up preferably)
he can attack it at will and get healed by it (since the Masamune absorbs its

Thanks to DivineTuna

BOSS: ZEAL HP: 20,000 (Mask), 28,000 (Left/Right)
Attacks: Hallation, SkyGate Gained: 0 EXP
Hexagon Mist, 0 TP
Dark Gear, MP Buster 0 G

The Mammon Machine disintegrates, and out pops Queen Zeal. She uses the last
trickle of her power to transform herself into a more powerful being.

First of all, abstain from using any group attacks. Don't ever attack the
hands, unless you have more than an ample supply of MegaElixirs. You may have
to use about 4 MegaElixirs at the most if you follow my method. Her Hexagon
Mist is the most damaging of her attacks. You're going to need to heal
everyone right away after that attack. Designate Magus as the item user. He
should be feeding MegaElixirs and Ethers if needed. Then have Crono and Marle
perform their Ice Sword2 on the head _only_. Repeat this until she is
eliminated. It works because the hands should remain inactive for the entire
fight if you don't provoke them.


This is one rare thing you can actually get 3 MegaElixirs from Zeal. Charm
her TWICE and you'll get a MegaElixir each time, and another one for
defeating her. You get another one for charming the M.Machine. And you can
get yet another one if you charm Zeal's Head. Plus an extra bonus, you can
get a Prism Dress and a Prism Helm if you charm both of her hands, but be
sure to have Charm Top equipped on Ayla, so you don't get wasted by the hands

Thanks to Maverick Hunter

Following the battle, Queen Zeal finally reclaims her sanity and the fortress
of Black Omen crumbles. Lavos awakens at this point and you'll automatically
be taken to fight his first form. See "Past, Present, Future and Beyond" for
details on how to beat him.

- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -
| V. New Game+ Engine |

This section is littered with spoilers. Don't read anymore than you have to
if you don't want your game ruined by me. I can do a damn good job too. You
have been warned for like the 4th time.

The first time you beat Chrono Trigger, meaning you've resurrected Crono and
defeated the final boss at the last stage, you will attain the "Beyond Time"
ending. As you finish the game, stats, weapons and other accoutrements will
be carried over to a system called New Game+, where you will be able to begin
a new game with all the same stats and equipment as the previous game. New
Game+ gives you the opportunity to discover new secrets and further enjoy
Chrono Trigger to the fullest extent. New Game+ powers the replay value and
gives you an incentive to play it over and over again. With this, you'll see
why Chrono Trigger is heralded by many as the best RPG ever.

The purpose of New Game+? New Game+ is an unique system that you need to be
able to acquire all other 12 endings of Chrono Trigger. That's right. This is
no joke. Twelve new whole endings for the taking. However, to trigger the
right one is the tricky part. I say this again and again?-That's what I am
here for! And since you're at such a powerhouse state, you should be able to
breeze through your second, third, fourth, fifth and so on, playthrough. Does
this mean you have to start from point A to point Z? No, remember that bucket
at the End of Time? Well, that is a teleportation device that takes you
straight to the Day of Lavos any time you wish once you've visited the End of
Time for the first time. Or you could use Lucca's ground-breaking invention
at Leene's Square.

On the title screen, you'll notice an option known as Extra Mode. That is the
newest feature on the revamped Playstation version of Chrono Trigger. I'll
delve into that in the "Omake" section ahead. It contains clips and all the
anime sequences you've witnessed during the game. And you can watch them over
again in Extras Mode! Cool!

Before you go ending hunting, let me clear a few things up for you. Although
equipment, stats, items, etc. have been carried over to the New Game+, your
characters, key items, Epoch, and other stuff you've obtained during your
quest have not. Why? It'll be major chaos for the game. Therefore, you must
play it again entirely to retrieve items and recruit members again. Yeah! Who
said it was _that_ easy?

How do I access New Game+? It's giving you a heart attack isn't it. On the
title screen, log into whatever slot your memory card is inserted into, and
move the cursor to the very top to reveal the hidden New Game+! That was evil
of Square to hide it there. (Thanks to Brian Croyle for reminding me about

_ _ _ _ _ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Extra |_|_|_|_|_|_|
|/_/_/_/_/_/ Endings /_/_/_/_/_/_/

"Bad Ending"*

This is easily the easiest ending to perceive. While fighting Lavos, let him
kick your ass. Upon your death, you get to witness Lavos' rage on the earth
and with that, the text "The Future Remained Unchanged" appears at the end.

"Beyond Time"
Extras Mode: New Game+, Endings

This is the "main" ending everyone should get if they've followed everything
there is in the walkthrough. The King calls off the execution with the help
of Doan and King Guardia from 600 AD. A moonlight parade is played in Crono's
honor. Regain control of Marle and head towards Lucca at the top where it all
started. It's time for everyone to go back. Crono, Marle and Lucca see them
off and exchange goodbyes. Afterward, Crono's mom waltz into the scene with
the house cat, and she hops into the Gate as it closes. Looks like another
misadventure with Crono and co. King Guardia presents Nadia's Bell, but gets
a little...preoccupied. The credits roll. Watch until the Playstation credits
to see the real bonus ending.

Extras Mode: New Game+, Art Gallery, Monster Data: Present

Skip Crono's resurrection at Death Peak and go straight to battle with Lavos.
Crono must be dead in order to get this ending. Otherwise, you're back to
square one getting the "Beyond Time" ending. It's a pretty morbid ending, but
hey, if you like it. Have Lucca and Marle talk to everyone, but they all
refuse to help you revive Crono. But Marle won't give up until she finds him.

"The Dream Project"
Extras Mode: Triple Tech Showcase, Monster Data: Future

During New Game+, hop on the right pod of Lucca's invention to be transported
straight to Lavos. Defeat him on the spot to achieve this ending. Or...You
destroy Lavos at the Ocean Palace before Crono's mortifying death. The second
option is easier, but if you like a challenge, it doesn't hurt to square off
with Lavos with Crono by himself. :) This is the illustrious developer's
ending! It's pretty weird because you get to meet and talk with the Chrono
Trigger staff, disguised as the characters from the game.

"The Successor of Guardia"
Extras Mode: Single Tech Showcase, Monster Data: Future

After defeating Yakra, but before the trial of Crono's inane royal abduction,
use the right pod of Lucca's invention at Leene's Square. Defeat Lavos on the
spot to achieve this yummy ending. At Leene's Square, Marle will be treated
differently, but in a weird way.

"Good Night"
Extras Mode: Music Box (11-20), Treasure Map: Dark Ages, End of Time

On your first visit to the End of Time, use the bucket before Gaspar has the
chance to tell you how to use it. Or...before the needed assistance at the
Zenan Bridge, use the right pod of Lucca's invention at Leene's Square. Beat
Lavos from there to achieve this ending. Crazy monsters, crazy things.

"Legendary Hero"
Extras Mode: Music Box (21-30), Monster Data: Dark Ages

Before obtaining the Hero Medal from Tata, use the bucket at the End of Time.
Tata apparently has stolen the limelight of society from the real hero. For
those who have encountered the bug mentioned at the beginning of the FAQ,
here is a remedy for it. Major thanks to Mike Weaver for this. According to
him, you should try using Lucca's transportation device to get to Lavos in
lieu of the bucket at the End of Time.

"The Unknown Past"
Extras Mode: Music Box (31-40), Treasure Map: Present

After you've taken back the Hero Medal from the wannabe hero, Tata, travel to
the End of Time and use the bucket to get transported to Lavos. From there,
kick his ass to achieve this unusual ending. It features the party stepping
out of the Gate in Medina Village and canceling all the future plans to save
the world, skipping 2 periods in the process.

"People of the Times"
Extra Mode: Music Box (41-50), Treasure Map: Middle Ages

To achieve this ending, you must trash Lavos after retrieving the Gate Key
the malevolent Azala had stolen from you. It features all the townspeople and
non-playable characters you've encountered throughout the game, like Melchior
and some soldier guy.

"The Oath"
Extras Mode: Music Box (51-60)

After Frog joins the party with the Masamune in hand, reach Lavos through the
bucket at the End of Time and defeat him. The endings shows Lucca repairing
the only humanoid robot that needs repairing, Robo, while Crono and Frog are
dozing off. Sometime later, Frog goes off to Magus' lair by himself and tries
to single-handedly subdue him.

"Dino Age"
Extras Mode: Monster Data: Prehistoric Age, Treasure Map: Future

Immediately after you've defeated Magus the first time, return to the End of
Time and defeat Lavos via the bucket. This ending features the entire human
race having been decimated by the Reptites. Everyone is a Reptite--and they
dominate all! Pretty hilarious...

"What the Prophet Seeks..."
Extras Mode: Dual Tech Showcase, Treasure Map: Prehistoric Age

Before Schala enters the Ocean Palace for the first time, teleport your party
to Lavos using the bucket. Defeat Lavos. Magus disguised himself as the
prophet back in 12000 BC if you didn't know already. Since the kingdom of
Zeal never fell. Everyone is still there! There are many cut-scenes featuring
Magus and Schala.

"A Slide Show?"
Extras Mode: Music Box (61-69), Boss Data

Watch Schala break the seal on the door to the Ocean Palace and leave to the
End of Time without using the Mammon Machine to amplify your pendant's power.
This is an ending where Crono actually talks, which we are not very used to.
Lucca and Marle start to talk trash about all the guys. Their lines are very
amusing, and the ending is just funny to watch.

* Not considered one of the twelve endings, but it's an ending nonetheless.

_ _ _ _ _ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Extras |_|_|_|_|_|_|
|/_/_/_/_/_/ Mode /_/_/_/_/_/_/

The first time you pop open the Extras Mode menu on the title screen, you can
choose to view the default easter eggs the game has already provided for your
young eyes; or unlock them individually to evoke the best of this new added
feature. When you enter Extra Modes, you are given the following options:

> SLOT 1 - Loads a completed game file from Slot 1
SLOT 2 - Loads a completed game file from Slot 2
VIEW DEFAULT EXTRAS - Available in-game music clips and movies
WHAT'S A SYSTEM FILE? - A cute tutorial about acquiring extras

Once you've finished the game at least once, you can load it to open neat new
movies and music clips, as well as unlock new features. To unlock these
features, simply complete the game and watch a certain ending no. to unlock
certain things. That's why it's important to finish the game with all 12 fun-
filled endings to get your money's worth. As you complete the game with a new
ending, new themes and fun stuff will become available. That is what will be
covered here.

Menu options:

Theater - Allows you to replay anime sequences you've experienced during the
game playthrough. This option is unlocked by default. There are 13 movies in
all to gather and watch.

Music Box - Allows you to replay themes from the game you've heard through-
out the entire game. There are 69 song clips in all to gather and listen to.
The Music Box is pretty much an in-game original soundtrack in itself, so I
listed the songs from the soundtrack to save me time.

Endings ? Allows you to view all the endings you have just achieved. There
are 12 endings in all.

Art Gallery ? Allows you to view portraits of the Chrono Trigger cast.

Tech Showcase ? Allows you to look at an overview of all the possible techs
in the game.

Monsters ? An overview of all the encountered monsters from the Present, Dark
Ages, Past, Future, and Prehistoric Age. Contains their weaknesses, HP info,
and other neat things.

Treasure Map ? Offers a detailed map of each of the worlds in different time

Boss Data ? Self explanatory, don't you think?

--- Default ---
Menus unlocked: Theater, Music Box

Our Planet's Dream
Music Box
1. A Premonition
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Morning Glow
4. Peaceful Days
5. Green Memories
6. Guardia's Millennial Fair
7. Gato's Song
8. Strange Occurences
9. Yearnings of the Wind

--- Ending No. 1: Beyond Time ----
Menus unlocked: Theater, Music Box, Endings

2. The Grand Flow of Time With credits
4. Robo in a Fix There's no 3
5. Ayla Strong, Grrr!
6. The Masamune
7. Meet Magus
8. Dactyl Air
9. Epoch Launch
10. A Prophecy Fulfilled
11. The Grand Flow of Time (NC) Without Credits
Music Box
10. Good Night
1. Beyond Time

--- Ending No. 2: Reunion ---
Menus unlocked: New Game+, Art Gallery, Monsters Data: Present

3. Life Skips a Beat Can be unlocked with any ending
12. Life Skips a Beat (NC) Can be unlocked with any ending
2. Reunion

--- Ending No. 3: The Dream Project ---
Menus locked: Monster Data: Middle Ages, Triple Tech Showcase

3. Life Skips a Beat Can be unlocked with any ending
12. Life Skips a Beat (NC) Can be unlocked with any ending
3. The Dream Project

--- Ending No. 4: The Successor of Guardia ---
Menus locked: Single Tech Showcase, Monster Data: Future

3. Life Skips a Beat Can be unlocked with any ending
12. Life Skips a Beat (NC) Can be unlocked with any ending
4. The Successor of Guardia

--- Ending No. 5: Good Night ---
Menus unlocked: Music Box (11-20), Treasure Maps: Dark Ages, End of Time

3. Life Skips a Beat Can be unlocked with any ending
12. Life Skips a Beat (NC) Can be unlocked with any ending
Music Box
11. Secret of the Forest
12. Battle
13. Guardia Castle: Pride and Courage
14. Huh?!
15. Manoria Cathedral
16. A Prayer to the Road That Leads
17. Silent Night
18. Boss Battle 1
19. Frog's Theme
20. Fanfare 1

--- Ending No. 6: Legendary Hero ---
Menus unlocked: Music Box (21-30), Monster Data: Dark Ages

3. Life Skips a Beat Can be unlocked with any ending
12. Life Skips a Beat (NC) Can be unlocked with any ending
Music Box
21. The Trial
22. The Hidden Truth
23. A Shot of Crisis
24. Ruined World
25. Mystery of the Past
26. Lab 16's Ruins
27. People Without a Hope
28. Lavos' Theme
29. The Day the World Revived
30. Robo Gang Johnny

--- Ending No. 7: The Unknown Past ---
Menus unlocked: Music Box (31-40), Treasure Map: Present

3. Life Skips a Beat Can be unlocked with any ending
12. Life Skips a Beat (NC) Can be unlocked with any ending
Music Box
31. Bike Chase
32. Robo's Theme
33. Remains of Factory
34. Battle 2
35. FanFare 2
36. The Brink of Time
37. Delightful Spekkio
38. Fanfare 3
39. Underground Sewer
40. Boss Battle 2

--- Ending No. 8: People of the Times ---
Menus unlocked: Music Box (41-50), Treasure Map: Middle Ages

3. Life Skips a Beat Can be unlocked with any ending
12. Life Skips a Beat (NC) Can be unlocked with any ending
Music Box
41. Primitive Mountain
42. Ayla's Theme
43. Rhythm of Wind, Sky and Earth
44. Burn! Bobonga!
45. Magus' Castle
46. Confusing Melody
47. Battle with Magus
48. Singing Mountain
49. Tyrano Lair
50. At the Bottom of Night

--- Ending No. 9: The Oath ---
Menus unlocked: Music Box (51-60)

3. Life Skips a Beat Can be unlocked with any ending
12. Life Skips a Beat (NC) Can be unlocked with any ending
Music Box
51. Time Circuits
52. Zeal Palace
53. Schala's Theme
54. Sealed Door
55. Undersea Palace
56. Chrono and Marle
57. Epoch
58. Black Omen
59. Determination
60. World Revolution

--- Ending No. 10: Dino Age ---
Menus unlocked: Treasure Map: Future, Monster Data: Prehistoric

3. Life Skips a Beat Can be unlocked with any ending
12. Life Skips a Beat (NC) Can be unlocked with any ending

--- Ending No. 11: What the Prophet Seeks... ---
Menus unlocked: Dual Tech Showcase, Treasure Map: Prehistoric

3. Life Skips a Beat Can be unlocked with any ending
12. Life Skips a Beat (NC) Can be unlocked with any ending

--- Ending No. 12: A Slide Show? ---
Menus unlocked: Music Box (61-69), Boss Data

3. Life Skips a Beat Can be unlocked with any ending
12. Life Skips a Beat (NC) Can be unlocked with any ending
Music Box
61. Last Battle
62. Festival of Stars
63. Epilogue ~To Good Friends~
64. To Far Away Times
65. Mitsuda
66. A Day in the Mountains
67. Twinkling
68. Funky Beat
69. Peaceful End of Battles

- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -
| VI. Bestiary |

* There are some cases when one particular monster appears in more than one
area. The location of these enemies are not definite. I've only listed their
locations according to their first debut appearance...if that made any sense.

_ _ _ _ _ __________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Normal |_|_|_|_|_|_|
|/_/_/_/_/_/ Enemies /_/_/_/_/_/_/

10 HP 1 TP Charm: Barrier
33 Exp. 20 G
Location: Factory Ruins (2300 AD)
Weakness: Lightning

1350 HP 8 TP Charm: Magic Tab
804 Exp. 1100 G
Location: The Black Omen

9 HP 1 TP Charm: None
45 Exp. 40 G
Location: Factory Ruins (2300 AD)
Weakness: Lightning

100 HP 0 TP Charm: Horns x2
66 Exp. 0 G
Location: Hunting Range (65,000,000 BC)

152 HP 0 TP Charm: None
72 Exp. 0 G
Location: Hunting Range (65,000,000 BC)
Special Item: Feather x2

Avian Chaos
45 HP 1 TP Charm: None
4 Exp. 18 G
Location: Guardia Forest (1000 AD)

Avian Rex
327 HP 3 TP Charm: None
129 Exp. 0 G
Location: Dactyl's Nest (65,000,000 BC)
Special Item: Feather

Bantam Imp
250 HP 6 TP Charm: Alloy Blade
222 Exp. 550 G
Location: Mt. Woe (12,000 BC)

450 HP 8 TP Charm: Shield
376 Exp. 400 G
Location: Ocean Palace (12,000 BC)

88 HP 8 TP Charm: None
377 Exp. 650 G
Location: Northern Ruins (600 AD)

150 HP 8 TP Charm: None
377 Exp. 0 G
Location: BlackBird

830 HP 5 TP Charm: Rainbow Helm
204 Exp. 450 G
Location: Terra Cave (12,000 BC)

12 HP 1 TP Charm: None
3 Exp. 15 G
Location: Guardia Forest (1000 AD)

94 HP 2 TP Charm: None
27 Exp. 100 G
Location: Denadoro Mountains (600 AD)
Special Item: Heal

1050 HP 0 TP Charm: Magic Ring
753 Exp. 1250 G
Location: Black Omen
Special Item: Barrier

Blue Eaglet
16 HP 1 TP Charm: None
3 Exp. 32 G
Location: Guardia Forest (600 AD)
Special Item: Heal

Blue Imp
13 HP 1 TP Charm: None
2 Exp. 12 G
Location: Truce Canyon (600 AD)

Blue Scout
300 HP 8 TP Charm: Shield
234 Exp. 250 G
Location: Ocean Palace (12,000 BC)
Weakness: Ice/Water

Blue Shield
24 HP 1 TP Charm: None
11 Exp. 45 G
Location: Guardia Castle (1000 AD)
Special Item: Tonic
Weakness: "shield off"

Boss Orb
850 HP 0 TP Charm: None
0 Exp. 750 G
Location: Black Omen

89 HP 1 TP Charm: None
26 Exp. 0 G
Location: Factory Ruins (2300 AD)
Special Item: Heal

100 HP 1 TP Charm: None
18 Exp. 45 G
Location: Arris Dome (2300 AD)
Weakness: Lightning

192 HP 8 TP Charm: None
378 Exp. 0 G
Location: Black Bird

Cave Ape
436 HP 3 TP Charm: None
123 Exp. 0 G
Location: Dactyl's Nest (65,000,000 BC)
Special Item: Fang

Cave Bat
108 HP 1 TP Charm: Revive
28 Exp. 40 G
Location: Heckran Cave (1000 AD)
Weakness: Elemental Magic

80 HP 1 TP Charm: None
15 Exp. 35 G
Location: Lab 16 (2300 AD)

100 HP 0 TP Charm: Fangs x2
66 Exp. 0 G
Location: Hunting Range (65,000,000 BC)

1800 HP 16 TP Charm: Power Meal
728 Exp. 750 G
Location: Black Omen
Special Item: HyperEther

120 HP 1 TP Charm: None
24 Exp. 600 G
Location: Factory Ruins (2300 AD)

1024 HP 8 TP Charm: Elixir
452 Exp. 450 G
Location: Geno Dome (2300 AD)

110 HP 2 TP Charm: None
38 Exp. 20 G
Location: Zenan Bridge (600 AD)

67 HP 1 TP Charm: None
12 Exp. 90 G
Location: Guardia Castle (1000 AD)

1450 HP 18 TP Charm: Elixir
518 Exp. 500 G
Location: Northern Ruins (600 AD)
Special Item: Lapis

1650 HP 18 TP Charm: Elixir
555 Exp. 500 G
Location: Northern Ruins (2300 AD)
Special Item: Lapis

50 HP 1 TP Charm: None
10 Exp. 60 G
Location: Cathedral (600 AD)

160 HP 1 TP Charm: None
18 Exp. 0 G
Location: Sewer Access (2300 AD)
Weakness: Lightning

158 HP 2 TP Charm: Dream Gun
81 Exp. 0 G
Location: Reptite Lair (65,000,000 BC)
Special Item: Feather
Weakness: Fire/Elemental Magic

Fat Hench
180 HP 2 TP Charm: None
93 Exp. 200 G
Location: Magus' Lair (600 AD)
Weakness: Fire

390 HP 1 TP Charm: None
127 Exp. 90 G
Location: Magus' Lair (600 AD)

900 HP 10 TP Charm: Gold Stud
575 Exp. 575 G
Location: Black Omen

Fly Trap
316 HP 2 TP Charm: Dream Bow
86 Exp. 0 G
Location: Reptite Lair (65,000,000 BC)
Special Item: Petal

Fossil Ape
1800 HP 15 TP Charm: MegaElixir
533 Exp. 450 G
Location: Giant's Claw (600 AD)

110 HP 2 TP Charm: Barrier
39 Exp. 125 G
Location: Denadoro Mountains (600 AD)

260 HP 6 TP Charm: Big Hand
216 Exp. 0 G
Location: Mt. Woe (12,000 BC)

76 HP 1 TP Charm: Power Meal
10 Exp. 0 G
Location: Leene's Square (1000 AD)

2250 HP 15 TP Charm: Ruby Armor
584 Exp. 450 G
Location: Giant's Claw (600 AD)
Special Item: Barrier

90 HP 1 TP Charm: Revive
8 Exp. 70 G
Location: Cathedral (600 AD)
Weakness: Fire
Special Item: Revive

210 HP 2 TP Charm: None
26 Exp. 300 G
Location: Cursed Woods (600 AD)

146 HP 2 TP Charm: None
39 Exp. 80 G
Location: Denadoro Mountains (600 AD)

Gold Eaglet
400 HP 2 TP Charm: Ether
32 Exp. 80 G
Location: Forest Maze (65,000,000 BC)
Special Item: Feather

2800 HP 15 TP Charm: Nova Armor
850 Exp. 800 G
Location: Black Omen
Special Item: Elixir

Green Imp
32 HP 1 TP Charm: None
4 Exp. 24 G
Location: Truce Canyon (600 AD)
Special Item: Tonic

110 HP 2 TP Charm: None
51 Exp. 70 G
Location: Magic Cave (600 AD)

120 HP 3 TP Charm: None
127 Exp. 180 G
Location: Magus' Lair (600 AD)

390 HP 2 TP Charm: None
113 Exp. 113 G
Location: Magus' Lair (600 AD)

60 HP 1 TP Charm: None
10 Exp. 70 G
Location: Guardia Castle (1000 AD)

49 HP 1 TP Charm: None
11 Exp. 135 G
Location: Cathedral (600 AD)

14 HP 1 TP Charm: None
3 Exp. 16 G
Location: Guardia Forest (1000 AD)
Special Item: Tonic

1000 HP 15 TP Charm: Barrier
408 Exp. 600 G
Location: Sunken Desert (600 AD)
Special Item: Lapis

Imp Ace
54 HP 1 TP Charm: None
11 Exp. 45 G
Location: Truce Canyon (600 AD)

110 HP 10 TP Charm: Muscle Ring
378 Exp. 2000 G
Location: Black Omen

152 HP 1 TP Charm: Feathers x2
72 Exp. 0 G
Location: Hunting Range (65,000,000 BC)
Special Item: Feather x2

450 HP 8 TP Charm: None
303 Exp. 400 G
Location: Ocean Palace (12,000 BC)
Special Item: Lapis

Jinn Bottle
97 HP 2 TP Charm: Shield
34 Exp. 50 G
Location: Heckran Cave (1000 AD)
Weakness: Elemental Magic

450 HP 3 TP Charm: None
128 Exp. 220 G
Location: Magus' Lair (600 AD)
Weakness: Defense system counter

160 HP 2 TP Charm: None
42 Exp. 42 G
Location: Mystic Mountain (65,000,000 BC)
Special Item: Petal

500 HP 8 TP Charm: None
378 Exp. 300 G
Location: Death Peak (2300 AD)

Laser Guard
400 HP 8 TP Charm: Full Tonic
346 Exp. 120 G
Location: Geno Dome (2300 AD)

666 HP 8 TP Charm: None
365 Exp. 850 G
Location: Ocean Palace (12,000 BC)

800 HP 10 TP Charm: Elixir
412 Exp. 360 G
Location: Giant's Claw (600 AD)
Special Item: Shield

950 HP 8 TP Charm: HyperEther
444 Exp. 0 G
Location: Giant's Claw (600 AD)

582 HP 6 TP Charm: Full Ether
427 Exp. 500 G
Location: Death Peak (2300 AD)
Special Item: Ether

Mad Bat
18 HP 1 TP Charm: None
6 Exp. 75 G
Location: Cathedral (600 AD)

480 HP 8 TP Charm: Barrier
300 Exp. 550 G
Location: Ocean Palace (12,000 BC)
Special Item: Lapis

Man Eater
250 HP 6 TP Charm: Pearl Edge
253 Exp. 750 G
Location: Mt. Woe (12,000 BC)

1245 HP 10 TP Charm: HyperEther
554 Exp. 400 G
Location: Black Omen

Meat Eater
75 HP 1 TP Charm: None
19 Exp. 60 G
Location: Lab 16 (2300 AD)
Special Item: Ether

830 HP 2 TP Charm: Aeon Blade
147 Exp. 0 G
Location: Reptite Lair (65,000,000 BC)
Special Item: Fang
Weakness: Lightning

Metal Mute
1980 HP 16 TP Charm: None
685 Exp. 1100 G
Location: Black Omen

400 HP 15 TP Charm: Shield
348 Exp. 550 G
Location: Sunken Desert (600 AD)
Weakness: Water

300 HP 1 TP Charm: Full Tonic
22 Exp. 30 G
Location: Lab 16 (2300 AD)

Mutant Shadow
300 HP 1 TP Charm: Full Tonic
22 Exp. 50 G
Location: Lab 32 (2300 AD)

60 HP 1 TP Charm: None
8 Exp. 80 G
Location: Cathedral (600 AD)
Weakness: Fire

138 HP 1 TP Charm: Ether
22 Exp. 100 G
Location: Sewer Access (2300 AD)
Weakness: Lightning

1234 HP 30 TP Charm: Mop
248 Exp. 0 G
Location: Hunting Range (65,000,000 BC)
Special Items: Petal x3, Fang x3, Horn x3; Magic Tab, Speed Tab

130 HP 1 TP Charm: Mid Ether
12 Exp. 10 G
Location: Lab 16 (2300 AD)

80 HP 1 TP Charm: None
28 Exp. 35 G
Location: Heckran Cave (1000 AD)

146 HP 2 TP Charm: Shield
32 Exp. 80 G
Location: Denadoro Mountains (600 AD)

218 HP 1 TP Charm: None
22 Exp. 55 G
Location: Guardia Castle (1000 AD)
Special Item: Ether

182 HP 3 TP Charm: None
104 Exp. 90 G
Location: Magus' Lair (600 AD)

1875 HP 12 TP Charm: Speed Tab
800 Exp. 550 G
Location: Black Omen

Peeping Doom
1 HP 10 TP Charm: None
378 Exp. 450 G
Location: Black Omen

99 HP 2 TP Charm: None
7 Exp. 35 G
Location: Truce Canyon (600 AD)
Special Item: Ether

Proto 2
128 HP 1 TP Charm: None
22 Exp. 50 G
Location: Arris Dome (2300 AD)
Special Item: Tonic
Weakness: Shadow

Proto 3
256 HP 1 TP Charm: Full Tonic
33 Exp. 50 G
Location: Factory Ruins (2300 AD)

Proto 4
1024 HP 8 TP Charm: Elixir
477 Exp. 800 G
Location: Geno Dome (2300 AD)
Weakness: Lightning

Rain Frog
100 HP 0 TP Charm: None
66 Exp. 0 G
Location: Hunting Range (65,000,000 BC)
Special Item: Fang x2

45 HP 1 TP Charm: None
18 Exp. 0 G
Location: Arris Dome (2300 AD)

1450 HP 18 TP Charm: Elixir
474 Exp. 700 G
Location: Northern Ruins (600 AD)
Weakness: Fire

Red Eaglet
400 HP 2 TP Charm: None
69 Exp. 0 G
Location: Forest Maze (65,000,000)
Special Item: Feather

Red Scout
300 HP 8 TP Charm: Barrier
234 Exp. 250 G
Location: Ocean Palace (12,000 BC)
Weakness: Fire

92 HP 2 TP Charm: Magma Hand
72 Exp. 0 G
Location: Mystic Mountain (65,000,000 BC)
Special Item: Petal

24 HP 1 TP Charm: None
3 Exp. 25 G
Location: Truce Canyon (600 AD)
Special Item: Tonic

99 HP 3 TP Charm: None
72 Exp. 100 G
Location: Magus' Lair (600 AD)

50 HP 1 TP Charm: None
31 Exp. 50 G
Location: Heckran Cave (1000 AD)
Special Item: Heal

30 HP 2 TP Charm: None
5 Exp. 40 G
Location: Truce Canyon (600 AD)

515 HP 100 TP Charm: Mid Ether
1000 Exp. 0 G
Location: Mt. Woe (12,000 BC)
Special Item: Mid Ether

1500 HP 18 TP Charm: MegaElixir
422 Exp. 400 G
Location: Black Omen

196 HP 2 TP Charm: None
72 Exp. 0 G
Location: Mystic Mountain (65,000,000 BC)

Save Point
10 HP 2 TP Charm: None
144 Exp. 100 G
Location: Magus' Lair (600 AD)

300 HP 8 TP Charm: Lapis
234 Exp. 250 G
Location: Ocean Palace (12000 BC)

1450 HP 18 TP Charm: HyperEther
518 Exp. 500 G
Location: Northern Ruins (600 AD)

1 HP 1 TP Charm: None
12 Exp. 50 G
Location: Lab 32 (2300 AD)
Weakness: Elemental Magic

158 HP 2 TP Charm: Petal
111 Exp. 0 G
Location: Reptite Lair (65,000,000 BC)

250 HP 3 TP Charm: None
94 Exp. 0 G
Location: Dactyl's Nest (65,000,000 BC)
Special Item: Petal

220 HP 3 TP Charm: None
111 Exp. 220 G
Location: Magus' Lair (600 AD)
Special Item: Mid Ether

Stone Imp
300 HP 6 TP Charm: Mid Ether
126 Exp. 300 G
Location: Mt. Woe (12000 BC)

2250 HP 12 TP Charm: GoldErng
755 Exp. 900 G
Location: Black Omen

88 HP 2 TP Charm: None
32 Exp. 45 G
Location: Heckran Cave (1000 AD)

1090 HP 4 TP Charm: Lapis
252 Exp. 0 G
Location: Tyrano's Lair (65,000,000 BC)

666 HP 8 TP Charm: None
318 Exp. 250 G
Location: Ocean Palace (12000 BC)

150 HP 1 TP Charm: Mid Tonic
26 Exp. 30 G
Location: Cursed Woods (600 AD)

2150 HP 20 TP Charm: Power Tab
850 Exp. 800 G
Location: Black Omen
Special Item: Elixir

700 HP 50 TP Charm: Mid Ether
1500 Exp. 0 G
Location: BlackBird
Special Item: Mid Ether

120 HP 2 TP Charm: None
65 Exp. 70 G
Location: Magic Cave (600 AD)

257 HP 7 TP Charm: Lapis
222 Exp. 0 G
Location: Tyrano's Lair (65,000,000 BC)

Winged Ape
450 HP 2 TP Charm: Ruby Vest
123 Exp. 0 G
Location: Forest Maze (65,000,000 BC)
Special Item: Fang

_ _ _ _ _ __________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Bosses |_|_|_|_|_|_|

Atropos XR
6000 HP 0 TP Charm: None
0 Exp. 0 G
Location: Geno Dome (2300 AD)

2700 HP 25 TP Charm: Magic Tab
1800 Exp. 0 G
Location: Tyrano Lair (65,000,000 BC)
Special Att.: Telepathy, PsychoKenesis, Teleportation, Azala Break

200 HP 5 TP Charm: None
300 Exp. 1000 G
Location: Arris Dome (2300 AD)
Special Att.: Delta Attack

Black Tyrano
10,500 HP 25 TP Charm: Power Tab
1800 Exp. 0 G
Location: Tyrano Lair (65,000,000 BC)

Blue Beast
5000 HP 22 TP Charm: Mermaid Cap
954 Exp. 2600 G
Location: Terra Cave (12000 BC)

3500 HP 30 TP Charm: Power Meal
1000 Exp. 2500 G
Location: Zeal Palace (12000 BC)
Special Att.: Blurp, Iron Orb

Dalton Plus
3500 HP 40 TP Charm: Power Meal
2500 Exp. 2000 G
Location: Blackbird
Special Att.: Iron Orb

1 HP 40 TP Charm: Elixir
3000 Exp. 3000 G
Location: Geno Dome (2300 AD)

Dragon Tank
Body 600 HP
Head 266 HP
Grinder 208 HP
1700 HP 5 TP Charm: None
40 Exp. 500 G
Location: Guardia Castle (1000 AD)

4120 HP 10 TP Charm: None
500 Exp. 1000 G
Location: Magus' Lair (600 AD)
Special Att.: Prism Beam, Rainbow Storm, Waltz of the Wind, The Stare

Flea Plus
4000 HP 80 TP Charm: Flea Vest
7500 Exp. 4000 G
Location: Ozzie's Fort (600 AD)
Special Att.: Prism Beam

Giga Gaia
9500 HP 30 TP Charm: Speed Tab
3000 Exp. 3000 G
Location: Mt. Woe (12000 BC)
Special Att.: Dark Plasma, Double Hand Blaster

Giga Mutant
Upper Body 5800 HP
Lower Body 4950 HP
11000 HP 80 TP Charm: Wall Ring, Hit Ring
1500 Exp. 2000 G
Location: Black Omen
Special Att.: Chaotic Zone, Mutant Gas

7000 HP 35 TP Charm: Magic Tab
1000 Exp. 2000 G
Location: Zeal Palace (12000 BC)
Special Att.: Iron Orb, CopyCat

Golem Boss
15,000 HP 40 TP Charm: None
2500 Exp. 2000 G
Location: Blackbird

Golem Twins
7000 HP 70 TP Charm: Magic Tab (each)
2000 Exp. 4000 G
Location: Ocean Palace (12000 BC)
Special Att.: Iron Orb, CopyCat, Blurp

Great Ozzie
6000 HP 80 TP Charm: Ozzie Pants
7500 Exp. 4000 G
Location: Ozzie's Fort (600 AD)

1200 HP 5 TP Charm: None
300 Exp. 1000 G
Location: Arris Dome (2300 AD)
Special Att.: Delta Attack

2100 HP 10 TP Charm: None
250 Exp. 1500 G
Location: Heckran Cave (1000 AD)
Special Att.: Water Wave (party), Cyclone

Body 20000 HP
Left Arm 8000 HP
Right Arm 12000 HP
40000 HP 0 TP Charm: None
0 Exp. 0 G
Location: Unknown
Special Att.: Shadow Doom Blaze

Lavos Core
Lavos Core 30000 HP
Left Bit 2000 HP
Central Bit 10000 HP
42000 HP 0 TP Charm: None
0 Exp. 0 G
Location: Unknown
Special Att.: Crying Heavens, Dreamless, etc.

Lavos Shell
10000 HP 0 TP Charm: None
0 Exp. 0 G
Location: Unknown

Lavos Spawn
4000 HP 120 TP Charm: Elixir
747 Exp. 500 G
Location: Death Peak (2300 AD)

Lavos Spawn
10000 HP 120 TP Charm: Safe Helm, Haste Helm
2450 Exp. 2500 G
Location: Black Omen

6666 HP 15 TP Charm: MegaElixir
1500 Exp. 3000 G
Location: Magus' Lair (600 AD), North Cape (12000 BC)
Special Att.: Dark Matter

Mammon Machine
18000 HP 0 TP Charm: MegaElixir
0 Exp. 0 G
Location: Black Omen
Special Att.: Point Flare

Masa 1000 HP
Mune 1000 HP
2000 HP 4 TP Charm: None
400 Exp. 600 G
Location: Denadoro Mountains (600 AD)

3600 HP 10 TP Charm: None
500 Exp. 1500 G
Location: Denadoro Mountains (600 AD)
Special Att.: Pain (party)

Mega Mutant
Upper Body 4600 HP
Lower Body 3850 HP
8000 HP 50 TP Charm: Elixir, Vigil Hat
900 Exp. 1500 G
Location: Black Omen
Special Att.: Chaotic Zone, Blacken, Mutant Gas, Steel Steam

Mother Brain
5000 HP 40 TP Charm: Blue Mail
3000 Exp. 3000 G
Location: Tyrano Lair (65,000,000 BC)

Mud Imp
1200 HP 22 TP Charm: Speed Tab
954 Exp. 2600 G
Location: Terra Cave (12000 BC)

4200 HP 10 TP Charm: Third Eye
500 Exp. 0 G
Location: Reptite Lair (65,000,000 BC)
Special Att.: Electrocution Energy (party)

Nizbel II
4200 HP 15 TP Charm: Third Eye
880 Exp. 0 G
Location: Tyrano Lair (65,000,000 BC)

30000 HP 40 TP Charm: Elixir
3800 Exp. 2000 G
Location: Sun Palace (2300 AD)

Queen Zeal
12000 HP 0 TP Charm: MegaElixir
0 Exp. 0 G
Location: Black Omen
Special Att.: Hallation

Red Beast
5000 HP 22 TP Charm: Elixir
954 Exp. 2600 G
Location: Terra Cave (12000 BC)

Core 1000 HP
Upper Body 5000 HP
Lower Body 4800 HP
11000 HP 100 TP Charm: Speed Tab
2600 Exp. 2000 G
Location: Sunken Desert (600 AD)
Special Att.: Sand Cyclone

180 HP 6 TP Charm: None
480 Exp. 600 G
Location: Factory (2300 AD)

Rust Tyrano
25000 HP 40 TP Charm: Red Mail
3800 Exp. 2000 G
Location: Giant's Claw (600 AD)

Sir Krawlie
500 HP 5 TP Charm: None
100 Exp. 500 G
Location: Sewer Access (2300 AD)
Special Item: Mid Ether

5200 HP 10 TP Charm: None
500 Exp. 1500 G
Location: Magus' Lair (600 AD)
Special Att.: Attack, attack, attack

Son of Sun
2100 HP 40 TP Charm: Black Mail
3500 Exp. 2000 G
Location: Sun Palace (2300 AD)
Special Att.: Flare

Super Slash
4000 HP 80 TP Charm: Slasher 2
7500 Exp. 4000 G
Location: Ozzie's Fort (600 AD)

Terra Mutant
Upper Body 7800 HP
Lower Body 20000 HP
28000 HP 100 TP Charm: Muscle Ring, Power Seal
2000 Exp. 3800 G
Location: Black Omen
Special Att.: Chaotic Zone, Mutant Gas, Life Shaver

920 HP 5 TP Charm: None
50 Exp. 600 G
Location: Cathedral (600 AD)

Yakra XIII
18000 HP 40 TP Charm: White Mail
3500 Exp. 2000 G
Location: Guardia Castle (1000 AD)

Face 20000 HP
Left Arm 28000 HP
Right Arm 28000 HP
76000 HP 0 TP Charm: Prism Dress (Left), Prism Helm (Right),
0 Exp. 0 G MegaElixir (Head)
Location: Black Omen
Special Att.: Hallation, SkyGate, Hexagon Mist, Dark Gear, MP Buster

Top half 960 HP
Bottom Half 800 HP
2100 HP 10 TP Charm: None
350 Exp. 1500 G
Location: Zenan Bridge (600 AD)
Special Att.: Doom, doom, doom

- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -
| VII. Weapon/Armor/Accessory List |

_ _ _ _ _ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Weapons |_|_|_|_|_|_|


Aeon Blade Ioka Trading Hut (after Att +70
Magus' defeat)
Alloy Blade 21000G Buy at Kajar, Charmed Att +110
from Bantam Imps
Bolt Sword Factory (2300 AD), Sewer Att +25
Brave Sword Death Peak Att +135, 2x
eff. to Mg
Bronze Edge Default Weapon Att +6
Demon Edge 17000G Buy at Terra Cave Att +90, 1.5x
eff. to Mg
Demon Hilt Ocean Palace Att +120, 2x
eff. to Mg
Flash Blade 18000G Buy at Terra Cave Att +90
Flint Edge Ioka Trading Hut (before Att +40
Magus' defeat)
Iron Blade 350G Varied places: Leene's Att +7
Square, Truce Village,
Medina Village
Iron Sword Cathedral (600 AD) Att +10
Kali Blade Northern Ruins Att +150
Lode Sword 5000G Leene's Square, Guardia
Castle (1000 AD) Att +20
Masamune Reforged by Melchior with Att +75
the DreamStone
Masamune (2) Northern Ruins Att +200
Mop Charmed from Nu Att +1
Pearl Edge 22000G Buy at Kajar Att +105,1.5x
eff. to Mg
Rainbow Rainbow Shell and Sun Stone Att +220, 70%
after Yakra XIII's defeat Critical Ht
(Melchior's Hut) Rate
Red Katana 4500G Melchoir's Shop (1000 AD) Att +30, Mag
Rune Blade 24000G Buy at Last Village Att +120
Shiva Edge Found at Hero's Grave Att +170, 4x
eff. crit.
Slasher Slash spoils (Magus' Lair) Att +43, Spd
Slasher 2 Charmed from Super Slash Att +155
Star Sword 25000G Buy at Last Village Att +125
Steel Saber 800G Cathedral (600 AD), Truce Att +15
Village Market
Swallow Forest Ruins (1000 AD) Att +145, Spd
Vedic Blade Death Peak Att +135
Wood Sword Default weapon Att +3


Air Gun Default Weapon Att +5
Auto Gun 1200G Trann Dome Att +15
Dart Gun 800G Truce Market (600 AD) Att +7
Dream Gun Ioka Trading Hut (after Att +60
Magus' defeat)
MegaBlast 9800G Buy in Terra Cave Att +80
Plasma Gun 3200G Factory Ruins (2300 AD), Att +25,
Fritz Shop (1000 AD) Stop eff.
Ruby Gun Ioka Trading Hut (before Att +40
Magus' defeat)
Shock Wave 11000G Buy from Nu at Last Village Att +110,
Chaos eff.
WonderShot Lucca's House after getting Att +250


Bronze Bow Default Weapon Att +3
Comet Arrow 7800G Buy at Terra Cave Att +80
Dream Bow Ioka Trading Hut (after Att +60
Magus' defeat)
Iron Bow 850G Truce Village Market Att +15
Lode Bow Lab 16 Att +20
Robin Bow 2850G Factory Ruins (2300 AD), Att +25
Melchior's Hut, Fritz' Shop
Sage Bow Ioka Trading Hut (before Att +40
Magus' defeat)
Siren Northern Ruins Att +140,
Stop eff.
Sonic Arrow 10000G Buy from Nu at Last Village Att +100,
Slow eff.
Valkerye Hero's Grave Att +180


Big Hand 18000G Buy at Kajar Att +105
Bronze Fist Gained at Lv. 96
Crisis Arm Geno Dome Att +1
Doom Finger Magus' Lair Att +50
Fist Default Weapon
Giga Arm Death Peak Att +135
Hammer Arm 3500G Factory Ruins (2300 AD), Att +25
Fritz' Shop (1000 AD)
Iron Fist Gained at Lv. 72
Kaiser Arm 21000G Ocean Palace, Last Village, Att +120
Magma Hand Ioka Trading Hut (after Att +70
Magus' defeat)
Megaton Arm 15000G Buy at Terra Cave Att +90
Mirage Hand Denadoro Mountains Att +30
Stone Arm Ioka Trading Hut (before Att +40
Magus' defeat)
Terra Arm Geno Dome Att +150
Tin Arm Default Weapon Att +20


Dark Scythe Default Weapon Att +120
Doom Sickle Ozzie's Fort Att +160, Att
up when all
allies fall
Hurricane 35000G Buy from Nu at Last Village Att +135
Star Scythe Death Peak Att +150

_ _ _ _ _ ________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Armors |_|_|_|_|_|_|
|/_/_/_/_/_/_______ /_/_/_/_/_/_/

Aeon Suit 9000G Ocean Palace, Last Village, Def +75
Sunken Desert
Black Mail Porre Village, Mayor's Manor Def +70,
Shadow Res.
Black Vest Porre Village, Elder's House Def +45, 50%
Blue Mail Truce Inn (1000 AD) Def +70,
Water Res.
Blue Vest Truce Inn (1000 AD) Def +45, 50%
Bronze Mail 520G Market (1000 AD) Def +16
Dark Mail Magus' Lair Def +45, Mg
Def +5
Flash Mail 8500G Medina Market (1000 AD), Def +64
Terra Cave
Gloom Cape Ozzie's Fort Def +84
Gold Suit 1300G Denadoro Mountains, Porre Def +39
Hide Tunic Default Armor Def +5
Iron Suit 800G Trann Dome Def +25
Karate Gi 300G Leene's Square, Market Def +10
(600 AD)
Lode Vest 8500G Buy at Kajar, Mt. Woe Def +71
Lumin Robe 6500G Terra Cave, Arris Dome Def +63, Mg
Def +5
Maiden Suit 560G Market (1000 AD), Cathedral Def +18
Meso Mail Tyrano's Lair Def +52
Mist Robe Magus' Lair Def +54
Moon Armor Northern Ruins Def +85, Mg
Def +10
Nova Armor Black Omen, Northern Ruins Def +82,
Prism Dress Fortified with Rainbow Shell Def +99, 1/3
by Melchior Mg res.
Raven Armor Default Armor Def +76
Red Mail Guardia Castle (1000 AD) Def +70, Fire
Red Vest Guardia Castle (1000 AD) Def +45, 50%
Ruby Armor Ioka Trading Hut (after Def +78
Ocean Palace)
Ruby Vest Ioka Trading Hut (before Def +45, Fire
Magus' defeat), Reptite Lair Resistant
Taban Suit Given by Taban after Fiona's Def +79, Spd
Side quest +3
Taban Vest Given by Taban after Heckran Def +33, Spd
Cave +2, Fire
Titan Vest 1200G Fritz' Shop (1000 AD) Def +32
White Mail Mayor's Manor (1000 AD) Def +70,
White Vest Elder's House Def +45, 50%
Zodiac Cape Giant's Claw, Black Omen Def +80, Mg
Def +10

_ _ _ _ _ __________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| HeadGear |_|_|_|_|_|_|
|/_/_/_/_/_/_________ /_/_/_/_/_/_/

Aeon Helm 7800G Ocean Palace, Last Village, Def +33
Sunken Desert
Beret 700G Porre Market (600 AD) Def +17
Bronze Helm 200G Leene's Square, Truce Market Def +8
(1000 AD)
CeraTopper Tyrano's Lair Def +23
Dark Helm Death Peak Def +35
Doom Helm Default Helm Def +29
Gloom Helm Ozzie's Fort Def +42,
Glow Helm 2300G Terra Cave, Medina Market Def +25
Gold Helm Given by Knight's Captain, Def +18
Denadoro Mountains
Haste Helm Black Omen Def +35, Spd
In. by 50%
Hide Cap Default HeadGear Def +3
Iron Helm 500G Trann Dome, Arris Dome Def +14
Lode Helm 6500G Buy at Kajar, Mt. Woe Def +29
Memory Cap Death Peak, Sunken Desert Def +30, lock
Mermaid Cap Charmed from Blue Beast Def +35, 50%
Water res.
Ozzie Pants Charmed from Great Ozzie Def +45
Prism Helm Guardia Castle (after Def +40, Def
Rainbow Shell quest) +9, Lock
Rainbow Helm Charmed from a Beast Def +35, 50%
Rock Helm Ioka Trading Hut, Reptite Def +20
Safe Helm Forest Ruins (1000 AD) Def +38, 1/3
attack res.
Sight Cap Ozzie's Fort, Giant's Claw Def +30,
Chaos res.
Taban Helm Given by Taban (after side Def +24, Mg
Quest) def +10
Time Hat Mt. Woe Def +30, stop
Slow resis.
Vigil Hat Geno Dome, Black Omen, Buy Def +36,
at Fiona's Shrine Protect

_ _ _ _ _ _____________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Accessories |_|_|_|_|_|_|
|/_/_/_/_/_/____________ /_/_/_/_/_/_/

Amulet Magus' Default Accessory Protects
Bandana Crono's Default Accessory +1 to Spd
Berserker Lab 16 (2300 AD), Mystic Auto Att. Hit
Mountain (65,000,000 BC) Rate up
Black Rock Kajar (12000 BC) Invokes "Dark
Blue Rock Giant's Claw Invoke "Omega
Charm Top Bangor Dome (sealed door) Incre. Ayla's
Charm rate
Dash Ring Ozzie's Fort (600 AD) Spd +3
Defender Cathedral (600 AD) Vigor +2
Flea Vest Charmed from Flea Plus Mg Def. +12
Frenzy Band Giant's Claw 80% counter
Att. rate
GoldErng Arris Dome (sealed door) Max HP up by
Gold Rock Denadoro Mountains Invoke "Grand
GoldStud Trann Dome (sealed door) MP usage cut
by 75%
Green Dream Given by Robo (after side One-time auto
Quest) revive
Hero's Medal Given by Tata (after Masa- Incre. Crit.
Mune obtained) rate
Hit Ring Arris Dome (sealed door) Strike +10
Magic Ring Death Peak, Magic Cave Magic +6
MagicScarf Heckran Cave, Frog's place, Magic +2
Magus' Lair
Magic Seal Black Omen Mg and Mg Def
Muscle Ring Sunken Desert Vigor +6
Power Glove Truce Canyon (600 AD) Power +2
Power Ring Guardia Forest (1000 AD) Power +6
Power Scarf Ayla's Default Accessory Power +4
Power Seal Black Omen Pow and Sta
Prism Specs Forged by Melchior (with Sun Att. and Mag.
Stone) 150% damage
Rage Band Sewer Access (2300 AD) 50% counter
Att Rate
Ribbon Marle's Default Accessory Strike +2
Sight Scope Lucca's Default Accessory Show Enemy HP
SilverErng Denadoro Mountains Max HP up 25%
Silver Rock Laruba Ruins (65,000,000 BC) Invokes "Spin
Silver Stud Denadoro Mountains MP usage cut
by 50%
Speed Belt Cathedral (600 AD), Magus' Speed +2
Sun Shades Receive from Taban after Incre. Att
Acquiring Sun Stone power
Third Eye Charmed from Nizbel II Evade x2
Wallet Bangor Dome (sealed door) Converts EXP
To G
Wall Ring Death Peak Mg Def +10
White Rock Black Omen Tech "Poyozo

- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -
| VIII. Item List |

_ _ _ _ _ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Helpful |_|_|_|_|_|_|
|/_/_/_/_/_/ Items /_/_/_/_/_/_/

Barrier Cuts magical hits by 1/3.
Elixir Restores HP/MP for one character.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.
Full Ether 6000G Restores 60 MP.
Full Tonic 700G Restores 500 HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Hyper Ether 10000G Restores all MP.
Magic Tab Increases MAG power by 1.
MegaElixir Restores all HP/MP for all allies.
Mid Ether 2000G Restores 30 MP.
Mid Tonic 100G Restores 200 HP.
Lapis Restores 200 HP for all allies.
Power Meal Recovers from "?" Lock Status
Power Tab Increases ATT power by 1.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Shield Cuts physical hits by 1/3.
Speed Tab Increases SPD by 1.
Tonic 10G Restores 50 HP.

_ _ _ _ _ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Key |_|_|_|_|_|_|
|/_/_/_/_/_/ Items /_/_/_/_/_/_/

Bent Sword Part of the Masamune found at Denadoro Mountains.
Bent Hilt Remaining part of Masamune found at Frog's place.
Bike Key A key for the Jet Bike in Lab 32.
Chrono Trigger A very important item needed to revive Crono that is
used with the Crono Clone.
Crono Clone An essential element in the revival of Crono.
Dream Stone An essential material to making the Masamune.
Gate Key Used to open the Time Gates.
Jerky A delicious wholesome meat wanted by everyone.
Masamune The legendary sword that has the ability to vanquish
Moon Stone The stone that takes eons to recharge. Turns into Sun
Pendant Marle's Pendant. With enough power, it can open the
sealed doors.
Poyozo Doll Needed to gain access to the Mother Ship in Geno
Dome side quest.
Prism Shard A fragment of the Rainbow Shell used to prove the
king's innocence.
Race Log Keeps track of your top scores with Johnny.
Ruby Knife A archetype of the Masamune used to destroy the
Mammon Machine.
Seed Found in the fridge. Helped renew hope in the lives
of the floundering population in 2300 AD.
Sun Stone Filled with a heavy amount of energy. Extracted from
remains of a fully charged Moon Stone.
Toma's Pop Used on Toma's grave.
Tools Essential instruments for the renovations of Northern
Ruins used by the repairman.
Yakra Key Used to release the real Chancellor from the locked
chest in Guardia Castle.

_ _ _ _ _ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Tab |_|_|_|_|_|_|

Any errors can be corrected if need be. Additions are welcome and whatnot...

Speed Tabs: Increases Speed by 1 point.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: You can charm these from a Panel.

Location Period Comments
Medina Village 1000AD Search kitchen in the Elder's House.
Denadoro Mountains 600AD Find it sitting on a shaded ledge.
Kajar 12,000BC Lower right corner of Test Lab room.
Enhasa 12,000BC Defeat the Nu's in the secret room.
Guardia Forest 600AD In the sealed chest at the dead end.
Geno Dome 2300AD Search the Poyozo green pod.
West Cape 1000AD Located behind Toma's grave.
Black Omen ???? Contents of a chest after fighting a
Cybot and Martello.
Black Omen ???? Next room after first Speed Tab.

Power Tabs: Increases Attack Power by 1 point.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: You can charm these from a Tubster.

Location Period Comments
Guardia Forest 1000AD Inspect dot on the far right.
Guardia Forest 600AD Inspect lower right dot.
Cathedral 600AD Examine the bucket in holding room.
Death Peak 2300AD Search along the right wall in the
first area before getting blown off.
Guardia Castle 600AD Given to you by the chef.
Porre Village 1000AD Find it inside the Porre Market place.
Arris Dome 2300AD On the ground in the sealed room.
Terra Cave 12,000BC Southeastern part of the Beast Nest.
Hero's Grave 1000AD Search the lower left corner of first
Geno Dome 2300AD Lower right corner before elevator.
Giant's Claw 600AD On the ground in skull room.
Giant's Claw 600AD At the bottom of ladder; lying on the
Giant's Claw 600AD In a bypassing room you reach by
returning later.
Sunken Desert 600AD In the first chamber as you leave.

Magic Tabs: Increases Magic Power by 1 point.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: You can charm these from an Alien. Thanks to Istanbul
for this info.

Location Period Comments
Medina Village 1000AD Search 2nd floor in Elder's House.
Dorino Village 600AD Trade the Naga-ette Bromide for it.
Denadoro Mountains 600AD Talk to the Kilwala 5 times.
Magus' Lair 600AD Flea drops this as a departing gift.
Magus' Lair 600AD Search bottom right corner in trap room.
Enhasa 12,000BC Defeat the Nu's in the secret room.
Zeal Palace 12,000BC Scratch the Nu rubbing on the overpass.
Trann Dome 2300AD On the ground in the sealed room.
Keeper's Dome 2300AD On the ground near a sleeping Belthasar.
Mt. Woe 12,000BC Bottom right corner before Giga Gaia.
Ocean Palace 12,000BC Take two trips on the elevator.
Last Village 12,000BC Behind the Nu in the item/shop hut.
Black Bird 12,000BC In the shady areas of the ship's ducts.
Hero's Grave 1000AD Search near the Cyrus' Grave.
Ozzie's Fort 600AD Go into the hidden room below doorway.
Geno Dome 2300AD Contents of a chest inside laser room.

_ _ _ _ _ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _
/|_|_|_|_|_| Sealed |_|_|_|_|_|_|
|/_/_/_/_/_/ Chests /_/_/_/_/_/_/

Guardia Forest 1000 AD Power Ring
600 AD Speed Tab
Guardia Castle 1000 AD Red Mail
600 AD Red Vest
Truce Inn 1000 AD Blue Mail
Truce Inn 600 AD Blue Vest
Bangor Dome 2300 AD Charm Top, Wallet,
Full Ether
Trann Dome 2300 AD Full Ether, Gold Stud,
Magic Tab
Arris Dome 2300 AD Lumin Robe, GoldErng,
Hit Ring, Power Tab,
Porre Mayor's House 1000 AD Black Mail, White Mail
Porre Elder's House 600 AD Black Vest, White Vest
Heckran Cave 1000 AD Wall Ring, Dash Ring
Forest Ruins 1000 AD Swallow, Safe Helm
Magic Cave 600 AD Magic Ring
Northern Ruins 600 AD Kali Blade, Nova Armor,
Northern Ruins 1000 AD Shiva Edge, Valkerye,
Moon Armor

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| IX. Shop List |

You're wondering why I have a shop list when they are listed at the end of
certain chapters in the walkthrough, I know. Well, that's true, but the only
difference is that this is the _full_ list. Many were left out of the
walkthrough because they weren't fit to be in their corresponding "chapters".
So there.

Leene's Square Shops:

Iron Blade 350G Raises attack by 7.
Lode Sword 4000G Raises attack by 20.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Karate Gi 300G Raises defense by 10.
Bronze Helmet 200G Raises defense by 8.

Truce Market (600 AD):

Iron Blade 350G Raises attack by 7.
Dart Gun 800G Raises attack by 7.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Karate Gi 300G Raises defense by 10.
Bronze Helmet 200G Raises defense by 8.

Market (1000 AD):

Steel Saber 800G Raises strength by 15.
Iron Bow 850G Raises strength by 15.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
BronzeMail 520G Raises defense by 16.
Maiden Suit 560G Raises defense by 18.
Bronze Helmet 200G Raises defense by 8.

Trann Dome (2300 AD):

AutoGun 1200G Raises strength by 15.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
IronSuit 800G Raises defense by 25.
IronHelm 500G Raises defense by 14.

Arris Dome (2300 AD):

AutoGun 1200G Raises strength by 15.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
IronSuit 800G Raises defense by 25.
IronHelm 500G Raises defense by 14.

Medina Village's Market (1000 AD):

Iron Blade 65000G Raises strength by 7.
SteelSaber 65000G Raises strength by 15.
Demon Edge 65000G Raises strength by 90.
Tonic 2280G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 22500G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 65000G Heals a large amount of lost HP.
Heal 2250G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 45000G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 33750G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 65000G Restores a small amount of lost MP.
Lumin Robe 65000G Raises defense by 63.
Flash Mail 65000G Raises defense by 64.
Glow Helm 65000G Raises defense by 25.

Medina Village's Market (After Magus' defeat):

Iron Blade 262G Raises strength by 7.
SteelSaber 597G Raises strength by 15.
Demon Edge 12684G Raises strength by 90.
Tonic 8G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 75G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 523G Heals a large amount of lost HP.
Heal 8G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 150G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 112G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 597G Restores a small amount of lost MP.
Lumin Robe 4850G Raises defense by 63.
Flash Mail 6342G Raises defense by 64.
Glow Helm 1717G Raises defense by 25.

Melchior's Hut (1000 AD):

Red Katana 4800G Raises strength by 30.
Robin Bow 2880G Raises strength by 25.
Plasma Gun 3200G Raises strength by 25.
Hammer Arm 3800G Raises strength by 25.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Titan Vest 1200G Raises defense by 32.

Fritz' Shop (1000 AD):

Red Katana 4800G Raises strength by 30.
Robin Bow 2880G Raises strength by 25.
Plasma Gun 3200G Raises strength by 25.
Hammer Arm 3800G Raises strength by 25.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Titan Vest 1200G Raises defense by 32.

Dorino Market (600 AD):

Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.

Porre Market (600 AD):

Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.

Porre Market (1000 AD):

Steel Saber 800G Raises strength by 15.
Iron Bow 850G Raises strength by 15.
Dart Gun 800G Raises attack by 7.
Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Karate Gi 300G Raises defense by 10.
Bronze Mail 520G Raises defense by 16.
Bronze Helm 200G Raises defense by 8.

Ioka Trading Hut Merchant (65,000,000 BC):

Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.

Fiona's Shrine:

Sight Cap 20000G Raises defense by 30.
Memory Cap 20000G Raises defense by 30.
Time Hat 30000G Raises defense by 30.
Vigil Hat 50000G Raises defense by 36.

Enhasa (12000 BC):

Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.

Kajar (12000 BC):

Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.

Kajar (after Mt. Woe):

Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.
Alloy Blade 21000G Raises strength by 110.
Big Hand 18000G Raises strength by 105.
Pearl Edge 22000G Raises strength by 105.
Lode Vest 8500G Raises defense by 71.
Lode Helm 6500G Raises defense by 29.

Terra Cave (12000 BC):

Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.
Demon Edge 17000G Raises strength by 90.
Comet Arrow 7800G Raises strength by 80.
MegaBlast 9800G Raises strength by 80.
Megaton Arm 15000G Raises strength by 90.
Flash Blade 18000G Raises strength by 90.
Lumin Robe 6500G Raises defense by 63.
Flash Mail 8500G Raises defense by 64.
Glow Helm 2300G Raises defense by 25.

Choras (600 AD):

Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.
Mid Ether 2000G Restores 30 MP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.

Choras (1000 AD):

Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.
Mid Ether 2000G Restores 30 MP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.

Black Omen:

Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Mid Ether 2000G Restores 30 MP.
Full Ether 6000G Restores 60 MP.
HyperEther 10000G Restores all MP.

Last Village (12000 BC):

Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.
Mid Ether 2000G Restores 30 MP.

Last Village (random):

Tonic 10G Heals a small amount of lost HP.
Mid Tonic 100G Heals a moderate amount of lost HP.
Full Tonic 700G Heals almost all lost HP.
Heal 10G Counteracts status ailments.
Revive 200G Revives a fallen character.
Shelter 150G Fully restores HP/MP at Save points.
Ether 800G Restores 10 MP.
Mid Ether 2000G Restores 30 MP.
Star Sword 25000G Raises strength by 125.
Sonic Arrow 10000G Raises strength by 100.
Shock Wave 11000G Raises strength by 110.
Kaiser Arm 21000G Raises strength by 120.
Rune Blade 24000G Raises strength by 120.
Hurricane 35000G Raises strength by 135.
Aeon Suit 9000G Raises defense by 75.
Aeon Helm 7800G Raises defense by 33.

- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -
| X. Soundtrack Lists |

Chrono Trigger Original Soundtrack (1995)
Composed by Yasunori Mitsuda
Arranged by Yasunori Mitsuda and Tsuyoshi Sekito

-¤- DISC ONE -¤-
1. A Premonition
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Morning Sunlight
4. Peaceful Days
5. Memories of Green
6. Guardia Millennial Fair
7. Gato's Song
8. A Strange Happening
9. Wind Scene
10. Good Night
11. Secret of the Forest
12. Battle
13. Guardia Castle: Pride and Courage
14. Huh?!
15. Manoria Cathedral
16. A Prayer to the Road That Leads
17. Silent Light
18. Boss Battle 1
19. Kaeru's (Frog) Theme
20. Fanfare 1
21. The Trial
22. The Hidden Truth
23. A Shot of Crisis

-¤- DISC TWO -¤-
1. Ruined World
2. Mystery of the Past
3. Dome 16's Ruins
4. People Without a Hope
5. Lavos' Theme
6. The Day the World Revived
7. Robo Gang Johnny
8. Bike Chase
9. Robo's Theme
10. Remains of Factory
11. Battle 2 (Unreleased)
12. Fanfare 2
13. The Brink of Time
14. Delightful Spekkio
15. Fanfare 3
16. Underground Sewer
17. Boss Battle 2
18. Primitive Mountain
19. Ayla's Theme
20. Rhythm of Wind, Sky and Earth
21. Burn! Bobonga!
22. Magus' Castle
23. Confusing Melody
24. Battle with Magus

-¤- DISC THREE -¤-
1. Singing Mountain
2. Tyrano Lair
3. At the Bottom of Night
4. Time Cicuits
5. Zeal Palace
6. Schala's Theme
7. Sealed Door
8. Undersea Palace
9. Chrono and Marle ~Far Off Promise~
10. Epoch ~Wings That Cross~
11. Black Omen
12. Determination
13. World Revolution
14. Last Battle
15. First Festival of Stars
16. Epilogue ~To Good Friends~
17. To FarAway Times

Chrono Trigger Original Soundtrack (1999)
Composed by Yasunori Mitsuda and Nobuo Uematsu
Arranged by Yasunori Mitsuda and Tsuyoshi Sekito

1. A Premonition
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Peaceful Days
4. Guardia Millennial Fair
5. Wind Scene
6. Secret of the Forest
7. Frog's Theme
8. The Trial
9. Lavos' Theme
10. Robo Gang Johnny
11. Robo's Theme
12. The Brink of Time
13. Delightful Spekkio
14. Battle with Magus
15. Time Circuits
16. Zeal Palace
17. Schala's Theme
18. Undersea Palace
19. World Revolution
20. Crono and Marle
21. To Far Away Times
22. Chrono Trigger (Arranged)
23. Crono and Marle (Arranged)
24. Ayla's Theme (Arranged)
25. Frog's Theme (Arranged)
26. Chrono Trigger (Arranged 2)
27. Determination (Arranged)
28. Schala's Theme (Arranged)
29. Burn Bobonga!
30. Crono and Marle (Arranged 2)

Where can I get these amazing soundtracks?! Up your arse. Hahaha...You could
get them either online or at your nearest import store. They sell for 2039¥,
which is roughly 43 dollars if my unreliable memory serves me well, which it
doesn't. Animenation.net, Gamemusic.com, ebay.com, soundtrackcentral.com,
etc. are all good bets, although I don't know how comfortable you are with
ordering stuff online. Also, I don't know about the original OST from 1995,
but the 1999 rendition is available at most import/online stores.

- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -
| XI. FAQ |

Q: Do you update often?

A: Whenever there is a need to update, I update. The latest updates can be
found at GameFAQs.com. Please go there.

Q: How do I get Magus on my side? I'm near the end of the game and I want
to know if I can still recruit him...

A: At the North Cape, when he challenges you to a fight, refuse his offer
and start to leave. He'll join you then. If you missed this opportunity
or if you've killed him, then uh, I guess you'll be Magus-less for the
rest of the game.

Q: I don't understand how to get the Gold Rock at the Denadoro Mountains.
I've searched high and low, but to no avail. Where the #@!% is it?!

A: Place Frog as your lead character, and with the Masamune upgraded from
the Cyrus sidequest, travel deep into the Denadoro Mountains until you
come across the FreeLancer pelting rocks at you. Frog should catch one.
Voila, the Gold Rock!

Q: I can't seem to get to the first Poyozo Doll on Death Peak. Whenever I
try, I keep getting blown off.

A: This is a common problem, I suppose. First of all, you need to have
visited Belthasar one last time at the Keeper's Dome before heading to
Death Peak. There, he will summon three Poyozo Dolls to assist you in
Death Peak. They will meet you there, so head off. The first area is the
most troublesome, as it has heavy winds that can blow you off the
mountain. Wait until the furious winds have subsided and trudge as
quickly as possible to the patient Poyozo Doll waiting ahead. It'll turn
into a tree after you talk to it. Keep walking into the tree. That may
sound kind of funny, but that helps keep you behind it. Use it as a
barrier to protect you from the harsh winds. Then move on to the next
tree after it abates. You should have enough time to reach each Poyozo

Q: The Playstation ending sequence is kinda confusing? Mind explaining it?

A: Yes, I do mind, but if this is what will stop you from e-mailing me, then
it has to be done. The Playstation ending shows the marriage of Crono and
Marle. Then it switches over to Frog, as a human, and his subsequent
knighting. It never shows his face. To further prove that this Glenn is
not Glenn from CC, Frog has green hair, Glenn from CC has golden blonde
hair. If Magus was in your party, you'll see a brief sequence of him. It
seems it's the last sequence with Lucca that's the most confusing. That
baby she found is supposedly Kid, or a reincarnation of Schala. These new
events lead to Chrono Cross. That's why they were added in the first
place, duh!

Q: I can't find the sand pit to start the Sunken Desert sidequest. What did
I do wrong?

A: In order to partake in this sidequest, you must have told the girl in
Zeal Palace to "secretly plant the sapling". If you missed that part, you
can do that again in the Commons village after the fall of Zeal Palace.

Q: Gaspar at the End of Time tells me that I have a person who needs my
help and that I have to find her fast. Who is he referring to?

A: From what I know, he is referring to Schala's mother at the end of the
Black Omen sidequest. Her mother is being brainwashed by her own
selfishness and lust for power. Therefore, when you defeat her, you'll
set her soul free, or something.

Q: Where is the best place for me to level up and get ready for Lavos?

A: In the Black Omen, of course. Visit the Black Omen in each of the time
periods before 1999 AD and you will be beefed up tremendously. Not only
that, but I'll guarantee that you'll also have a surplus amount of the
mighty MegaElixirs.

Q: So like, can you clear up the deal about Spekkio's forms at the End of

A: Sure thing, Timmy. You see, the earth-shattering thing about Spekkio is
that he (Spekkio is the guy who endowed your characters with great magic
powers in the beginning) undergoes metamorphosis (as in changing forms)
as your party levels up. Any long-time reader knows that I've accepted a
slew of various contributions regarding his forms. That was a little
confusing, as one contribution countered the other (sort of). So what I'm
gonna do for you here is list all his forms and the levels you need to be
at to see them. Of course, I couldn't have been able to compile this
information myself without the help of the numerous contributors who had
started it all. You can find their names at the bottom of this document,
under "Contributor Credits".

Levels 1-9: Green Croaker
Levels 10-19: Kilwala
Levels 20-29: Blue Goblin
Levels 30-39: Omnichrone
Levels 40-98: Masamune
Level 99: Red Nu

The current level of the character at the lead of the party determines
Spekkio's form. Strategies will not be provided for each form, so ha! If
you really need them, you can find them in Phoenix 1911's EXCELLENT FAQ:


- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -
| XII. Legal Stuff |

The unofficial Chrono Trigger strategy guide created June 27, 2001 is © 2001-
2003 AdrenalineSL. All rights reserved.

All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole and in part
in any form. Playstation and Playstation logos are registered trademarks of
Sony Entertainment of America, Inc. Chrono Trigger and the Final Fantasy
Chronicles collection are registered trademarks of Squaresoft, Inc. The
author of this document is in no way affiliated with Sony Entertainment of
America. You may not place this document on your website or reproduce it in
any way without the author's consent.

This Chrono Trigger FAQ/Walkthrough was written by AdrenalineSL, who holds
all copyright for this document, in whole and in part. This guide may be used
for private and personal use only. You may not permit anyone under any
patents to reproduce it, in part or in whole, or use it for profitable
purposes. All content within this file is owned and created by Stephanie Lee.
Should you attempt any infringement of these terms under the false belief
that you are safe from international copyright law, it must be said that you
are a moron.

You may download the file through a web browser onto a single computer for
your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not permit anyone else to
modify the file or use it for any commercial purpose, display, performance,
sale or rental. It absolutely cannot be decompiled, disassembled, modified,
or create derivative works based on the documentation in whole or in part. Do
not remove any copyrights.

DISCLAIMER: Chrono Trigger, the Chrono Trigger logo and all related
characters are copyright and property of Squaresoft, Inc.


Webmasters- If you want to use this guide, just ask for permission. To make
this known, here is a list of the official or authorized carriers of this

Happy Puppy
Game Winners

All other sites are FAQ stealers that do not respect copyrighted works! And
if I do grant permission, I reserve the right to ask that it be removed for
any reason! I also sincerely urge you to keep ALL my FAQs UPDATED! UPDATED!
UPDATED! Outdated versions of FAQs are the devil! Are we clear on both terms
here? Great.

- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -=- / -
| XIII. Outro |

Credits, Plugs and Extra Junk

- Heads up to Psycho Penguin for helping me out with the guide--ya know, help
exchange and stuff. Plus he's one of the coolest people you could ever meet
- JT Kaufmann and Ben Judd's Grandia II guide for the list format. Simple and
easy to make and use.
- ATadeo for helping me with my FAQs at one point. Can't thank him enough for
helping me a bit with getting to where I am today.
- Neill Morgan for pointing out numerous errors and other stuff.
- CJayC for posting this FAQ and putting up with all my crappy work for as
long as you have.
- All my friends back at home. *sniff* I miss you guys.
- Carolyn for listening to me talk about FAQs, even though she doesn't give
a rat's hiney about them.
- SegaShiro for being so sweet and funny! Although he always seems to be busy
with his other hoes, he's still my bitch.
- Squaresoft for finally localizing the PSX Chrono Trigger.

Contributor Credits

Thanks to the readers of this FAQ who have taken some time to e-mail me with
corrections, tips, hints and suggestions; the guide is immensely improved by
their efforts. The people that are listed here are not particularly more
special than the other contributors listed throughout the FAQ, but they have
sent me small tidbits of information that I've incorporated into my own info.
Credit due to them is found here.

- Akash Mody for a Star Scythe and DoomSickle mix-up.
- Nick Lang and OOolitoDragonoO for the Power Scarf information.
- Jessica Fan for helping me get most of the endings and extra stuff in the
game. Thanks so much!
- John M. for Magus' exact HP amount and for numerous other contributions to
this guide.
- David Xu for helping me get (both) soundtrack lists for the game. They are
- WLGades for several corrections.
- Ian Adams for various great contributions, including an important note on
forcing Spekkio's shape-shifting.
- John M., Joel Michalek, Simon Oh and pHOENIX for sending me details regard-
ing Spekkio and his crazy forms. I compacted all their information into one
section under Frequently Asked Questions. :)


*********** CLOSING STATEMENTS ***********

I am more than exultant to have finally finished this guide. It turned out to
be much better than I had expected. Please respect this FAQ and treat as you
would with your most prized possession. I've put all my heart, long hours of
my life, and much more into this, so it'd better make you happy. I'm always
available for chat and stuff. If you choose to criticize this guide, please
do it wisely. I will be more than happy to respond to valid criticism. As for
the less intelligent ones (e.g. uR FAQ suX! U sucK! UR a *****!), those will
be laughed at and ignored. Honestly, you must have better things to do than
send me that utter crap.

To those people who have sent me endless e-mails about other things and I've
never replied, please don't think I'm ignoring you. I highly appreciate your
input and praise, but I just don't have the time to reply to every single
e-mail. Although, you may not hear from me know that I'm greatly appreciative
of your comments that help motivate me to do better.

Ok, I have run out of things to say, honestly. I won't keep you here anymore.
This concludes my great to superific Chrono Trigger FAQ. OK, get out. This is
the end. La Terminal or something in French. La Fin. ~fin~. The End. How many
times do I have to say this? Leave!


Shameless plug--Other FAQs by me:

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_Adrenaline_ Deftones 1995
The Unofficial Chrono Trigger Strategy Guide
Copyright © 2001-2003 Stephanie Lee
July 2001


Submitted by toiletrabbit - Created 9/9/02 (Last Modified 1/13/03)
See All Chrono Trigger Walkthroughs and FAQs

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